Letter to The village Board of Trustees: A technology Update Relevant to The Verizon Discussion (Posted 3/4/25)
Dear Mayor Citrin and members of the Board of Trustees,
I would like to update you on a technological breakthrough that is rendering the proposed Verizon cell tower obsolete.
At the January 15 Board of Trustees meeting, I called your attention to T-Mobile’s plan to offer in partnership with Starlink a satellite-based wireless service. On February 9 at the Super Bowl, the two companies announced the nationwide launch of of their “Direct-to-Cell” service. This service is currently being beta-tested, with full launch expected around July 2025.
This new cellular offering, starting with texts (including emergency texts) will be followed by voice and data capabilities. It will run on iPhone 14 and up and Samsung Galaxy S21 and above models. Satellite-based connections will automatically kick in where there is no cell tower coverage, and when the phone is held under a view of the sky. No other equipment is required besides a T-Mobile plan.
It seems possible therefore that better cellular coverage can be achieved simply by switching carrier.
Indeed, satellites are said to be the future of wireless communications. The technology media is calling satellites "the new cell towers in space”. The speed of deployment has been remarkable: In 2019 Starlink launched its first 60 communications satellites. By 2025, it has 7,000 satellites in orbit, including some 460 satellites specially configured with direct-to-cell capabilities. Even Verizon has announced its own direct-to-cell satellite project with AST SpaceMobile. https://www.verizon.com/about/news/verizon-conquers-remaining-dead-zones-test-man-buzz-aldrin
In comparison, a monopole cell tower requires 2-3 years for permitting and installation. How pervasive will direct-to-cell service be in 3 year’s time?
All evidence suggests that we are at the cusp of a major technology shift, with satellites offering a viable alternative in enhancing coverage without all the negatives of destroying our Village’s visual aesthetics, scarring our historical character, risking our health and environment, and degrading property values of our neighbors.
Isn’t it incumbent on the Board of Trustees to suspend discussions with Verizon’s cell tower team and seek independent expert verification of the technology landscape in order to make an informed decision? To the best of my knowledge, we don’t have cellular expertise within the community and a vendor’s testimony is by definition self-interested.
212 residents have signed the Petition and many have attended past Board meetings to voice serious concerns. This is an overwhelming expression of public opinion that I trust the Board will not ignore.
Tuxedo School District Shares Results of Assessment From a Foil Request (Posted 11/6/24)
Each year, grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Tests and Grades 5 & 8 Science Tests are administered in the spring to students across New York State. These annual tests for students in grades 3-8 are required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015.
Since the District has not supplied test results to the public, TPFYI requested the results. After some prodding, raw data was provided by the district. Based on the results it is no wonder that the district may have been hesitant to provide the information publicly.
Here are some benefits of assessments:
Test results indicate academic progress and can help students and parents set goals.
Student performance data helps teachers and administrators identify instructional strengths and weaknesses.
Teachers and administrators can adjust and improve the curriculum to better meet students' needs.
Standardized tests provide a consistent measure across classrooms and schools for comparing teachers.
State assessments can prepare students for college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT.
Understand school performance
In New York State assessments, proficient means a student met or exceeded the grade-level expectations for a subject area and demonstrated a solid understanding of the content. Proficient students can apply their knowledge in a variety of contexts.
Here is a summary of the assessment data provided to TPFYI for the Tuxedo School District for the years 2023 and 2024:
Year 2023 Math
The total of those taking the test
% Proficient
# of Refusals to take the test
% Proficient including refusals
Grades 3 thru 8
Year 2024 Math results
The total of those taking the test
% Proficient
# of Refusals to take the test
% Proficient including refusals
Grades 3 thru 8
Year 2023 English Language Arts (ELA) results
The total of those taking the test
% Proficient
# of Refusals to take the test
% Proficient including refusals
Grades 3 thru 8
Year 2024 English Language Arts (ELA) results
The total of those taking the test
% Proficient
# of Refusals to take the test
% Proficient including refusals
Grades 3 thru 8
Key Takeaways:
The number of parents who have refused to have their children take the tests in elementary school for Math and ELA has been substantially reduced from 2023 to 2024.
The upper school parents continue to have a high refusal rate for ELA.
Some classes are struggling in both Math and ELA.
The school district has made significant investments in teachers, training, and resources over the past three years to improve instruction and assessments. The District may have lost momentum this year due to the absence of Superintendent Jeffrey White, who was in a serious traffic accident. Although it was initially announced that Mr. White was expected to return by the end of October, this has not yet occurred and there has been no official update from the Board of Education as to when he will be back.
We encourage the Board of Education to focus and be transparent by regularly sharing the academic and financial results of district performance with the taxpayers.
Click here and here to see the raw data as released by the District.
Leaf Peeping Season Has Arrived! (Posted 10/13/24)
Tuxedo is truly a stunning place to be during leaf peaking season each fall! Send us your pictures and we will add them to our annual community album, to be displayed both here on the website and over on our Facebook page!
Submit photos to tpfyi@optonline.net between now and November 1.
Verizon Proposes Two New Cell Towers in Tuxedo (Posted 9/22/24)
Verizon wireless began actively pursuing two new cell tower sites in Tuxedo during the month of September, with public meetings before both the Town Planning Board and the Village of Tuxedo Park.
The first proposed tower is located at 961 Route 17S in Southfields. (Across from the old Tuxedo AutoBody). The project was presented and discussed in some detail at the September 3 meeting of the Town Planning Board, after which that Board entered into an Executive Session for the purposing of meeting with/interviewing a wireless communications consultant to assist and advise them with the project.
Click here to read our full meeting coverage and/or watch a video of the presentation.
The second proposed tower located at the site of the Village of Tuxedo Park water towers on Ridge Road. A public meeting with Verizon has been scheduled for September 30, at which time representatives for the carrier are expected to present their project and answer questions from the Board and the Public. Several concerned residents came forward this past week during the September 18 Board of the Trustees meeting to voice their concerns with the proposed Tower and to urge the Board to thoughtfully formulate and adopt regulations for wireless communications before moving forward. Click here to read our full meeting coverage and/or watch a video of the meeting. Additionally, an anonymous mailing urging residents to come together to “stop the cell tower” was circulated throughout the Village earlier in the month. Click here to view that mailing.
If approved these would mark the second and third towers for Verizon, with one already in operation in Sterling Forest near the old Ski Center.
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Additionally, the site boasts a fully comprehensive community calendar (updated on a daily basis), a robust directory of local contractors and professional services compiled by residents and a consistent stream of relevant, community-based feature content. With an archive of extensive municipal reporting that dates back to 2006, the site is a tremendous local resource.
Expenses to maintain TPFYI run approximately $15,000 per year, with the majority used to pay our free-lance reporters to attend all municipal meetings, write articles and featured reports as well as our Web Master, who keeps the site and social media accounts updated on a daily basis.
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Tuxedo Park, Ny 10987
Meet The Candidates for Board of Education (Posted 5/10/24)
The 2024 School Board election and budget vote will take place on Tuesday, May 21. This year, six candidates are vying for three open spots on the Board of Education: incumbents and William (Bill) Givens, former BOE member and President Joe Rickard and newcomers Kelly Spranger, Chris Scanlon and Bonny Takeuchi. Current Board member Alyssa Horneff will be retiring after having served one term.
The make-up of the school board is extremely important as it has a direct impact on the future of the School District as well as every one’s taxes. In addition to the annual budget, the Board of education is responisble for developing and adopting the policies that drive the District, providing oversight of any facility-based issues and supporting the Administration as they work to develop and implement strong programs. Therefore, understanding these candidates, their areas of expertise and their levels of experience is crucial in making an informed decision.
In an effort to inform the community, TPFYI presented each candidate with a basic questionnaire, designed to focus on their biographical information as well as their levels of experience and reasons for running. What follows are their responses, unedited and in the order they were recevied.
B.A. in Communication Arts from Marymount Manhattan College in NYC
Freelance PADI Scuba Instructor for Blue Water Divers NJ
Years of residency in Tuxedo:
Kelly Spranger has been a resident of Tuxedo for 16 years this June 2024
Volunteer Work in the Town of Tuxedo:
Kelly Spranger has spent the last 4 years volunteering for the Pollination Meadow in Tuxedo creating a community garden. Kelly was the President of PTO and a PTO member and helped the Town of Tuxedo’s Recreation Dept with many events such as Family Fun Day, Halloween and various town wide events. Briefly, why are you running for The Board of Education?
I am running for the BOE to help support a strong vision for our school, be a ‘consensus builder’ to maintain a good balance, and team building for our Board of Education to make decisions for a healthy school system. What are the most important issues currently facing the School District and if elected how would you propose to address them?
With a small school, it is always important to be a cheerleader for our school district to continually increase enrollment. If elected, I would continue to be that cheerleader and help with community outreach, helping with events to spread the word how terrific our school is and how much we have to offer to students in Tuxedo. Maintaining current students is equally important and I would work with parents, teachers and administrators to promote our school so we keep the students we have through graduation.
Academics are key to that enrollment. Staying on top of the most competitive academic programs and after school clubs would be my top focus so that we can improve and enhance our school district. Keeping our students, increasing enrollment and getting our school to the top 100 are my key goals if elected.
Joe Rickard 2024
BA, History, Queens College
MA, Education, St John’s University
MBA, Marketing, Hofstra University
I started my career as a NY State certified teacher, and have taught and coached at the HS level.
My current company is Intellective Solutions, I have extensive educational and management experience.
Before starting Intellective Solutions, I have had senior management experience in two global 500 companies,
Years of residency in Tuxedo:
My wife Maureen and I have lived in Tuxedo for 23 years. We have two grown daughters and five grandchildren.
Volunteer Work in the Town of Tuxedo:
Current member of the Tuxedo School District finance and audit committee
Social Member of the Tuxedo Ambulance Corps
Former Board President of the Tuxedo School District
Former Member of the Town of Tuxedo Recreation Board
Former COVID-19 Community Liaison for Food Supplies
Briefly, why are you running for The Board of Education?
I am running for the Board because I strongly support the Tuxedo District and our Town. I have actively advocated for the school district. I believe the future of the school requires responsible financial management and a stronger emphasis on academic excellence.
I have the professional and nonprofit experience to add value to the Board and District.
As a grandparent, I have a front-row seat as my daughters navigate the pressures of managing busy lives I also understand the unique challenges and tough road ahead for teachers, parents, and students in a post-COVID 19 world. I want to be part of the solution. I sincerely believe the District could be well-positioned for the future. I will provide the hard work and expertise to make that possible.
What are the most important issues currently facing the School District and if elected how would you propose to address them?
The top issues facing the district include:
Drive toward Academic Excellent
We are a small district with a low enrollment level. This has been the history of the district. In the current environment, parents are more involved and savvier about what constitutes a great school. We continue to lose students to neighboring schools and districts.
We must improve the perception of the district’s academic performance to ensure new parents will buy residences in the Tuxedo Reserve and send their children to our district. This is a district and town imperative. The old ways are not good enough. I will strongly advocate that every program and work process in the district is evaluated and tested.
Additionally, we must do a better job with community outreach to tell our story. We have a great many positives to share while we improve the academic and perception of the district.
Management of New Assessments from Tuxedo Reserve
The recent history of poor audits and financial management is behind us. The current administration has put us on the right path. We have a high level of accountability and transparency. I have worked hard over the last four years to help with that recovery process while keeping tax rate increases low.
The challenge is to ensure we have a qualified Board of Education who can provide the oversight and strategy to manage new assessments and payments from the Tuxedo Reserve. This is a challenging proposition because we must ensure adequate reserves are in place while we absorb new students into the system. I will make sure this will be done professionally and transparently.
William (Bill) Givens
Bachelor of Science (Major: Economics / Dual Minor: Computer Science & Political Science)
28 Years in Finance / Managing Director at Morgan Stanley
Years of residency in Tuxedo:
15 Years
Volunteer Work in the Town of Tuxedo:
Current TUFSD Board of Education member
Current chair of the TUFSD Finance & Audit Committee
Coached many years of T-Ball in the Tuxedo Little League
Tuxedo Trail Angels
Volunteered at the Tuxedo Park Library’s Memorial Day Community Picnic
Chaperoned multiple TUFSD School field trips
Worked volunteer events for the Tuxedo PTO
Hoboken Community Center (food bank) – Hoboken, NJ
Community Foodbank of New Jersey – Hillside, NJ
Briefly, why are you running for The Board of Education?
It has been an honor to serve on the Board of Education for the last 3 years. Tuxedo is special for many reasons, but above all are the incredible teachers, staff, and administration that are helping to form the future of our community. I am running for re-election because I care deeply about our school and the need to improve education, while responsibly managing the district’s finances. As a current board member, I have been a strong advocate for academic excellence, improved governance and oversight, and the wise use of taxpayer resources. My wife and I currently have 2 children who are thriving at TUFSD, thanks to its many devoted teachers. Our oldest, a proud Tuxedo graduate, just finished up his first year at Purdue University with a 4.0, where he is an aerospace engineering student, which is a testament to TUFSD’s STEM foundation.
As an independent candidate with current board experience, finance background, and my only allegiances being to taxpayers and students, I am uniquely qualified to tackle the many challenges that face the district. If reelected, I will continue to advocate for our children, hold the school’s administrators and board accountable for academic excellence, and demand that our tax dollars are spent wisely. I have strong analytical, finance, and communication skills and am not afraid to ask the tough questions that should be asked, which I think are essential tools for effective board service.
What are the most important issues currently facing the School District and if elected how would you propose to address them?
While the below answer is expansive, so are the issues facing the district:
Budget: With a tiny tax base, we need to be disciplined in both our budgeting and spending and it is critical that the board exercises its budgetary oversight role. As the current chair of the district’s Audit & Finance Committee, I have been deeply involved in the creation of and adherence to the last 3 budgets. While our taxes are high, we do have the lowest school tax rate in Orange County. The Audit & Finance Committee worked closely with the Superintendent to build the proposed 2024-2025 budget, which supports critical programs, but keeps the tax rate increase to a minimum (1.88%), despite the inflationary backdrop. During my tenure on the board, we have also improved fiscal reporting, oversight capabilities, and public transparency, and I am committed to ensuring that the district is prudently using taxpayer resources.
Curriculum: One of the advantages of a small school is the ability to lean in on more personalized student instruction. During my tenure on the board, the district added resources for literacy and mathematics at the elementary level to ensure that our students have a solid foundation from which to build on, and we are beginning to see positive results. In addition, the district has put new school principals in place, who are focused on curriculum and instruction. Even with these improvements, more is required. To get to the next level, additional collaboration is required between the administration, teachers, parents, and the board.
Growth: The debate over Tuxedo Farms is over and there is no question that TUFSD enrollment needs to increase to garner some of the fiscal and academic advantages that a scale educational institution can offer. When ground is broken on this project, the district will receive an infusion of capital from the developer. However, this money is a meagre down payment compared to the increased enrollment numbers the district will face in the coming years. Will we be positioned to handle these students in a responsible way, that prioritizes educational outcomes, and ensures tax dollars are being spent intelligently? The strategic decisions that will be made by the next board will determine how the district reacts to this growth, whether educational outcomes are improved or degraded, and whether the taxpayers can reap the benefits of a broader tax base.
Stability: The consistent turn-over in the district’s superintendents created a historical lack of fiscal discipline and strategic vision/execution. The board should play a more active role in promoting and supporting stability and avoid many of the destabilizing actions of the past. A common vision and teamwork will help enable the district to obtain top 100 school status.
Conflicts of Interest: While not uncommon in small towns, close familial ties between employees and board members gives rise to natural conflicts of interest. While manageable, these conflicts can create a misalignment of interest, undermine a superintendent’s ability to manage the district effectively, and call into question a board’s ability to provide objective oversight, including in the negotiation of union contracts. Voter involvement and turnout are key to ensuring proper alignment of interests on the board.
Strategic Vision: In order to obtain our strategic goals, the district needs to continue to look forward, not back, strive for excellence, provide for stability, and enable student success. We need to bring the district together, working toward the common goal of executing on the board’s vision of achieving top 100 school status so that our children have a foundation to succeed in life. As a current board member, I have been holding the district accountable for executing on this strategic goal and commit to pushing them forward if re-elected.
While the issues are plentiful, they are entirely solvable, and I commit to partnering with the board and the superintendent to work through each. I am also proud to endorse Joe Rickard and Kelly Spranger, both of whom are extremely well qualified, independent minded, and will objectively push for improved educational outcomes and accountability for taxpayers.
BONNY TAKEUCHI Name: Bonita “Bonny” Takeuchi
Graduate Tuxedo High School, 1969 (Salutatorian)
BA English/Education, College of New Rochelle, 1973
Master of Arts in the Teaching of English, Grades 7-12, Columbia University, 1974
Town of Tuxedo Summer Recreation Program: Starting as a camp counselor, I spent the next 30 years in the program, eventually becoming its director. I played an integral role in writing the camp’s state-mandated safety plan. As a certified Water Safety Instructor and Lifeguard Trainer, I taught classes in Advanced Lifeguarding as well as instituting the camp’s first pre-school swim program.
Sacred Heart Middle School, Bronx, NY 1974-1980: Fifth grade teacher
Tuxedo Union Free School District, 1987-present: multiple capacities
Substitute teacher, grades K-12 for 20 years, including two long-term leave replacements in the English Dept.
ISS (In-school suspension) monitor for 17 years
District teacher for at-home instruction
Cheerleading coach
Student Council Co-Advisor (volunteer) for 6 years
Yearbook proofreader (volunteer) for 20 years
Chaperone, athletic events for 22 years
Years of residency in Tuxedo: 67 years
Volunteer Work in the Town of Tuxedo:
Tuxedo Park Library Board of Trustees (26 years): Duties included budget preparation and vote, participation in focus groups and strategic planning for two major renovations, and fundraising
Wee Wah Beach Club (35 years including 34 years as President): Duties included staffing, supervision, scheduling, safety plan training, and ensuring compliance with all Orange County Dept. of Health regulations, New York State Sanitary Code, and insurance requirements.
Tuxedo PTA Executive Committee (10 years, including 2 years as President and 2 years as Vice-President)
Cub Scout den leader (5 years; instituted Tiger Scouts to Tuxedo Scouting Program)
Library Memorial Day Picnic Committee (19 years): Duties included planning, appealing for donations, and all activities from set-up to clean-up on the day of the picnic.
Senior Citizen Advisory Committee: Duties include developing and distributing survey, presentation of results, and working on implementing recommendations.
Tuxedo Annual Memorial Day Parade Committee (6 years): Duties include: arranging police coverage, notifying town organizations, engaging a speaker, and coordinating the ceremony at St. Mary’s Church.
Briefly, why are you running for The Board of Education?
I have been a part of the District’s past. I am part of its present. And now, I hope to be part of its future. As an active community volunteer, former full-time school employee and alumnus, I have a deep-rooted knowledge of the District. I feel that this long-time and ongoing relationship gives me a unique perspective to bring to the Board.
What are the most important issues currently facing the School District and if elected how would you propose to address them?
I feel that there are three issues that need to be addressed in order for our District to be able to move forward in providing educational excellence.
First and foremost, the educational opportunities and extra-curricular activities for our current students, along with their safety, need to be the focus of the School Board and administration. I would pursue methods for realigning the budget to provide our students with more opportunities and activities without raising taxes.
The safety of our students and buildings must also be a priority for the Board of Education. Sometimes budgetarily, that means hard decisions have to be made. We need to look at our needs and assign priorities based on what is the safest and most feasible. I would support an initiative to study building usage and improvements.
Planning for future growth is of utmost importance for our District. With the development of Tuxedo Reserve, we need to be prepared for the eventual influx of more students. This will be a new challenge for us, and we should strive to find ways to make this change successful. I would like to see focus groups of parents, teachers, administrators, and community members formed to study the many issues that need to be addressed. Their input would be invaluable. By keeping our district vibrant and strong, we will be prepared to meet this challenge. We must focus on the now and prepare for the future.
GARY HEAVNER Name: Gary Lee Heavner
Ramapo High School - 1983 (Class President)
Vassar College B.A. – Political Science 1987
Minor in Secondary Education
Licensed in NY & NJ in Secondary School Education – Social Studies
Pace Law School - Juris Doctorate 1994
During high school and college, I had the typical range of jobs, including some interesting ones as an Army & Navy store clerk/tailor, landscape designer, construction worker, Assistant Boy Scout Camp Director, bowling alley pin setter, forklift driver and Deejay. After college I was a high school history teacher and taught the Gifted & Talented classes. I also enjoyed coaching varsity soccer, basketball, and bowling teams.
For many years I also helped run a family restaurant.
After Law School, I was a career criminal prosecutor for almost three decades. Most of my years were spent as a Bureau Chief and Executive Assistant District Attorney in Orange, Rockland, and the Bronx. For several years, the Governor hired me to lead the investigation into 'waste, fraud and abuse' on the largest design-build transportation project in the country.
I am now partially retired, working part-time as a partner in a small boutique law firm here in Tuxedo. I am also a part-time Rockland County Senior Assistant Public Defender in charge of Grand Jury and a P.B.A. Attorney for over 100 NY police departments focusing on union contracts and discipline.
Years of residency in Tuxedo:
My son started attending Baker in 2016
Volunteer Work in the Town of Tuxedo:
Tuxedo PTO Member
Tornado Athletic Booster
Baker High School Musical Parent Booster
Tuxedo Memorial Day Parade Float
Eagle Valley Christmas Parade
Eagle Valley Holiday Decorations
Tuxedo Trail Angel
NY-NJ Trail Conference – Head Trail Maintainer of Long Swamp Trail
Sterling Forest Fire Tower Volunteer
Friends of Sterling Forest
Boy Scouts of America - Council Vice-President - 20+ years
Boy Scouts of America - Eagle Board of Review Member - 20+ years
Boy Scouts of America - Order of the Arrow - Lodge Advisor
Eastern NY Youth Soccer Association State Board Member
Tuxedo Police Reform Committee
Briefly, why are you running for The Board of Education?
Nine years ago, we were looking at private middle schools for my son Ted to attend. One day while driving down Rt. 17 together, we passed Baker and saw a large sign touting its STEM program and inviting out of district students to attend.
A little research and a phone call later, Ted spent a ‘Day as a Tornado’. The students, teachers and staff were wonderful! We were hooked. Needless to say, Ted spent the next three years as an out-of-district student. We lived too far away in Pomona to get busing, but the eight or so hours of weekly driving back and forth was worth it.
Eventually, as Ted was more involved in after school activities and needed to be at the school more often, we decided to leave the house my father built with his own hands in the 1950’s and move to the Tuxedo School District.
Due to the local school district boundaries, it was a bit confusing at first, but eventually our realtor knew to ONLY show us houses in the TUXEDO school district. We landed in Maple Brook, and Ted was finally able to take the school bus to Baker (until COVID remote learning was soon thereafter instituted).
My family quickly became even more active in many activities and groups here in Tuxedo. Individuals from those school and community groups, including the PTO and several others, urged me to run for the board.
I had already long been interested in service to local schools, their students, and the local community. In 1981, I was elected to be the student representative to sit as an ex-officio member of my local school board. I have never stopped attending school board meetings since.
Professionally, as a prosecutor, over several decades, I have investigated and prosecuted illegal and improper conduct and actions by dozens of school boards, school districts, administrators, teachers, and staff. I understand how successful Districts are run.
Based upon my love for the district and my experiences, I agreed and won my seat three years ago.
WE can do better
What are the most important issues currently facing the School District and if elected how would you propose to address them?
I am running for re-election because the work is not yet done. Sadly, the current and recent Board leadership and majority have made certain decisions and made many compromises that are not in the best interest of the students, teachers, staff, and taxpayers.
WE can do better to address the issues facing the District by changing priorities.
Everyone wants a lean and mean budget. So why can’t we move more of our tax dollars already in the budget to areas that will DIRECTLY affect our students in a positive way. We can, but a top-heavy administration will need to be downsized by a strong Board majority.
As a member of the Safety Committee, it is woefully clear that we need to improve several aspects of the buildings and campus. Again, this can be accomplished only with a Board majority that makes it a priority, instead of acquiescing to feeble compromises.
Finally, the future of the School MUST be safeguarded with stronger Board members. We have a large imminent influx of students enrolling soon; we are not ready. A strong board majority cannot include those who have called to close our school. A strong board majority cannot include those who have caved in to heinous HR decisions on the eve of Graduation. A strong board majority cannot include those who have trusted the developers to the monetary detriment of our District.
The solution to all the most important issues currently facing the School District begins with stronger, independent Board members who are not afraid to do the right thing.
WE can do better
Christopher M. Scanlon
I attended SUNY Geneseo and earned a Bachelor of Science in Management.
Early in my career, I worked for Republic National Bank and Strang Hayes Consulting.
For the last 27 years, I have worked for Alliance Bernstein as the Head of Global FIX Connectivity and US Trading Technology.
My strengths include knowledge of financial services, equities and derivatives trading technology, crisis management, disaster recovery planning, vendor contract negotiations, vendor relationship management, cost control, financial planning, and budgeting. I currently manage an annual $25 million equities and derivatives trading technology budget. I believe my skill set would be beneficial on the Board of Education.
Years of residency in Tuxedo:
I have lived in Tuxedo for a total of 14 years and have paid property taxes in Tuxedo on various properties for a total of 30 years.
Volunteer Work in the Town of Tuxedo:
I created a non-profit volleyball feeder program called the Tuxedo Volleyball Club, which, prior to Covid-19, used the John P. Mottola Gymnasium for games, practices and tournaments. With the money earned from tournament fundraisers, the club was able to donate brand new uniforms for the George F. Baker High School JV and Varsity Volleyball teams, a new referee stand, volleyballs, volleyball carts and other equipment.
When my wife was an officer of the PTO, I assisted with events like the PTO fundraiser for recreation equipment and did IT related tasks.
I helped coach my girls’ teams in Tuxedo Little League.
I have chaperoned a George F. Baker trip to Spain, senior proms, and other high school events since 1993.
I assisted with Girl Scouts events when my children were members.
I have chaperoned GGM field trips including annual hikes through Harriman State Park
Outside of Tuxedo, I coached soccer and assisted with volleyball as a volunteer. Yearly, through my company, I volunteer at food pantries, animal shelters, cleaning up Central Park and raising money for Ronald McDonald House.
Briefly, why are you running for The Board of Education?
My three daughters received a top-notch education at Tuxedo. Two of my three daughters now have a Master of Arts in Teaching. The foundation of their education and their love of learning started in GGM and continued at GFB. I know and appreciate the value of a Tuxedo education. I am running because I want to give back to the school and community which has given so much to my family. I want to build programs and policies that support our current students and their families while being fiscally responsible to the community.
What are the most important issues currently facing the School District and if elected how would you propose to address them?
We need to ensure that our town has a thriving school and do whatever it takes to guarantee the future of the district. While planning for future development, we need to focus on the needs of the current students and their families. The school should offer enriched educational programs to retain our current student body and attract families to our town and school. As a Board member, I would support programs to increase student performance and add extracurriculars.
I believe the district must focus on making students prepared for a digital world, while making them good citizens and financial stewards. I envision rigorous programs in financial literacy, civic readiness and more in-depth digital literacy classes.
I would also support more robust job readiness and business programs.
Our district must continue to be responsible to its taxpayers. I would propose having a rebalancing of the budget to allocate funds for student programs rather than adding more administrative and consultant costs. This would enrich the school, while being fiscally savvy with taxpayer money.
School safety is a paramount concern. Safety includes security and quality buildings. GFB and GGM need system and structural updates. I would advocate for the use of the reserve funds to improve our buildings for our current students.
The Tuxedo Reserve will bring increased students into our district. We must start now with the planning to increase space and look at budgeting scenarios to prepare for the near future. I would advocate for feedback from stakeholders in the town and community to weigh in at special meetings or via electronic communication.
Town of Tuxedo Set to Become "The Gem of New York" (Posted 5/1/24)
Town Supervisor Dave McMillen and Council member Deirdre Murphy have worked together to bring Britalians TV to the Town of Tuxedo in an effort to enlighten the world and garner interest in our local community. This partnership aims to showcase the unique aspects of Tuxedo, from its scenic landscapes and historical sites to its emerging vibrant local economy and community events and partnerships.
By collaborating with Britalians TV, a platform known for highlighting cultural and tourist attractions, they hope to attract more visitors, boost the local economy, and share the rich heritage of Tuxedo with a broader audience. Their efforts include organizing special events, featuring local businesses, and promoting Tuxedo as a desirable destination for both tourists and potential residents.
Britalians TV will be coming to Tuxedo the first week of June to begin filming the first of two 65-minute documentaries about the town, the village, the people and the rich history. This show is called "Humans of the World".
As a result of the Gem of New York designation, Tuxedo NY will receive a targeted 12 month international media and creative marketing plan made of 3 pillars commissioned, managed and delivered by Britalians TV to promote the town of Tuxedo as the Gem of New York and increase tourism as well as individuals looking to invest and do business in the town of Tuxedo. The Gem of NY is an exclusive designation within the State of New York to grow Tourism and Business opportunities Internationally and Nationally.
Britalians TV is on Amazon Prime, ROKU, Vidaa, Google TV, Android TV, Apple TV, and Samsung TV Plus.
Britalians TV reaches 275M Households, 206M Monthly users and 177 countries worldwide.
Marco Biagioli and Erica Melargo from London are the Ambassadors for Tuxedo NY worldwide. They are the founders, CEOs, and producers of Britalians TV, the world’s first interview-centric television channel.
They are passionate about connecting with people and believe that diplomacy and positive mental health are essential to creating a better future, and that these are assets for any town that wants to be a force for good in the world.
Active Shooter Seminar To Take Place April 18 (Posted 4/5/24)
On April 18, the Tuxedo Police Dept. will present an “Active Shooter Seminar” hosted by the Town of Tuxedo.
This is your chance to ask the professionals about best strategies for mitigating these challenges.
Location: Town Hall, 1 Temple Drive
Time: 7:00- 9:00 PM
No Reservations Required
From Chief Trazino:
Prior to being appointed as the Chief of Police in Tuxedo in 2022, I was the Team Leader of the Special Operations Group (the county SWAT Team) in the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
At that time, we had a very robust Active Shooter Program that we provided to the county and a good portion of my time and effort was dedicated in support of that program.
Our focus was to provide training and education to Police, Institutions (schools, hospitals, houses of worship, businesses, etc.) and the Public
Upon coming to Tuxedo, I continued these efforts on both the local and regional levels both through the Tuxedo Police Department when applicable or through my business, Archangel Operations, when providing services for individual entities outside of the purview of public service.
I firmly believe that the best approach to counter the threat of violent criminality (including Active Shooters) is education and preparedness.
We do this through the "3 Partner Rule".
For example, when focusing on Public Safety, the "3 Partners" are:
First Responders
your Municipality
the Public
Due to the fact that in the real world these events are sudden and unannounced, each one of these "Partners" must be educated, informed and prepared within applcable levels to recognize and respond to these crises.
If each "Partner" does their part, the mitigation and response is much more effective and more likely to result in a better outcome.
The good news here is that your [1.] First Responders (Police/ Fire/ EMS) have trained and contiue to train in this topic and your
[2.] Municipality (the Town of Tuxedo Representatives & employees) fully support, engage and cooperate in these efforts.
The last Public Safety "Partner" is [3.] the Public: the more people that attend, then the more informed/prepared members we have in the citizenry should they find themselves involved in an emergency.
All 3 Partners must work together to stop, mitigate and recover from any incident.
Once a baseline of education and preparedness is set, then it is just a matter of maintenance; providing occasional updates and further seminars for new questions or developments.
This is the second Active Shooter Response for Civilians seminar that I am happy to provide to the community since coming to Tuxedo and I truly hope that everyone that can attend chooses to come.
It is the Public's chance to ask direct questions about topics that almost everyone has questions about.
As the winter fades, you should know that we at the Tuxedo Police are busy planning the nest round of training for your First Responders as well.
I also use the "3 Partner Rule" for First Responder training, as we must work together at emergencies:
[1.] Police [2.] Fire [3.] EMS.
The public seminar on April 18th is a part of those ongoing efforts.