TPFYI Mission Statement
TPFYI’s mission is to be a trusted independent and nonpartisan source of news and information on topics of importance to our Village of Tuxedo Park and Town of Tuxedo communities. We seek to provide a vital forum for unbiased, fact-based reporting and analysis in the public interest and a platform for the exchange of views to reflect the unique history of our communities and the diverse interests, concerns and experiences of our readers.

THANK YOU to all those who have donated to TPFYIs 2024 fundraising campaign! Thanks to your generosity we 3/4 of the way to meeting our goal!!
TPFYI Friends ( $50-$499)
Claudia Bakhtiary, Kimberly Brieland & Adam Patrick, Joe Capella, Christopher Carnegie, Charlen Cathcart, Chele Farley, Noreen Finell, Neil & Jane Garofano, Michael Habercorn, Carolyn Kelly, Jake & Michele Lindsay, Stuart McGreggor, Rob McQuilken & Will Russel, Deirdre Murphy, Joe & Maureen Rickard, Josh Scherer, Kelly Spranger, Bob Simon, Sally Sonne, Phil & Denise Tavani,
TPFYI Supporters ($500-$999)
Chris Cernich, Archie & Annie Gwathmey, Chiu yin Hempel, Matthew Tinari, Dena Steele
TPFYI Patrons ($1000+)
Inger Rein Gruiterich, James & Nancy Hays, Kent Kroeber, Sean & Ann Madden
We rely on donations from our readers to cover the costs aaociated with maintainng the site. If you would like to contribute, please send checks made to Tuxedo Park Communications LLC to:
PO Box 681
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987

Founding Sponsors
Mary Graetzer
Inger Rein Gruiterich
James Hays
Nancy Hays
Sue Heywood
Kent Kroeber
Jake Lindsay
Michele Lindsay
Barbara Regna
Peter Regna
Meg Vaught

TPFYI’s reporting of various municipal meetings is written by Village residents who actually attended these functions, supported by their audio recordings of such events and various public documents. TPFYI’s report of any municipal event is not to be considered an official legal record or document. TPFYI’s reporting is an independent public service providing the community with timely and accurate local municipal news.
Staff Reporters: Meg Vaught & Mary Graetzer
We pledge to continue bringing you the best in timely, accurate and important news about the place in which you live.
Thanks for visiting TPFYI.com
Editorial Independence and Donor Transparency Policy
Correction Policy
Letter to The Editor Policy
Help Support TPFYI

Mission: TPFYI is intent on presenting polite public discourse and opinion regarding issues of relevance to the affairs of the town of Tuxedo and the village of Tuxedo Park. However, TPFYI reserves the right to publish in full, edit, abbreviate or dismiss any submissions at its sole discretion, without specifying its reason for so doing.
Qualification: The underlying issue must be relevant and / or important to the town and village and beyond that, the wider community. It must be factual to present and future circumstances and meet the tests of substantiation & verification. Factual correctness is paramount and any submission must add to the knowledge base of the issue under consideration. Individual “opinions” and “attitudes” will be excluded unless they meet the stated criteria.
Editorial Right: Any script submitted for publication must not be inflammatory, abusive, defamatory, libelous or otherwise derogatory of any person or entity. It may be contentious but must be respectful to all and any of the involved parties.
Geography: TPFYI is willing to receive comments, letters and / or editorials from residents of the Tuxedo community and from residents in areas contiguous to the town and village. It will also consider scripts from others who can offer value to the relevant issue.