With longer days and warmer weather upon us, you know where to find me--in the garden! Right now at the rectory, we have a profusion of snowdrops and crocuses blooming, with the charming scillas not far behind. I just love the way that the topography of the rectory grounds makes for such interesting angles from which to admire the beauty of nature.
Speaking of gardening, I wonder if there is any interest in forming a gardening group at the church? We could call it the Guild of St. Fiacre, after the 7th century Irish monk who is the patron saint of gardeners. A number of people are already active in looking after the grounds, but it might be fun to get together a couple times a year to prune and plant. Let me know if you are interested.
In Lenten news, our book group continues to meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the rectory. We are reading and discussing Bishop Mariann Budde's book, "How We Learn to Be Brave." So far, it has been very well-received by those who are reading it, and you are most welcome to join us at the halfway point, as we have two more sessions to go.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo February 26, 2025
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
After a beautiful and very busy holiday season, holding the annual meeting in January, and getting the parochial report assembled and approved, I'm ready for a break! On Thursday February 20th, Pete and I are flying to San Juan, Puerto Rico, where the temperatures will range from a low in the mid 70s to a high in the mid 80s. We will spend a few nights in old town, then board a ship for our first-ever Caribbean cruise. We will be stopping in places like Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Martin, among others. It looks like a lot of fun and I am really looking forward to it. The girls, fresh from the Bark Club, will be staying with their favorite Aunt Lauren in the city.
Jennifer will be in the office during regular hours, and Fr. Ed will be available for any pastoral needs. We will be home on Saturday, March 1st.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo February 20, 2025
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
After a beautiful and very busy holiday season, holding the annual meeting in January, and getting the parochial report assembled and approved, I'm ready for a break! On Thursday morning, Pete and I are flying to San Juan, Puerto Rico, where the temperatures will range from a low in the mid 70s to a high in the mid 80s. We will spend a few nights in old town, then board a ship for our first-ever Caribbean cruise. We will be stopping in places like Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Martin, among others. It looks like a lot of fun and I am really looking forward to it. The girls, fresh from the Bark Club, will be staying with their favorite Aunt Lauren in the city.
While I am away, please welcome Fr. Yesu Duraikannu as our guest celebrant on Sunday. Fr. Yesu has supplied at St. Mary's before, but it has been a very long time. Jennifer will be in the office during regular hours, and Fr. Ed will be available for any pastoral needs. We will be home on Saturday, March 1..
Father Rick
From the Outreach Chair
St. Mary’s Outreach improves the lives of people locally, regionally, nationally, and globally — from feeding, clothing, and housing to mentoring and disaster relief. Since 2001, St. Mary’s and friends have been supporting Carryou in South Africa, which feeds and supports impoverished families and children orphaned due to the HIV AIDS pandemic. I visited and worked with Carryou annually until COVID put an end to that, but the work goes on. The bedrock of Carryou’s activities is the children’s free cooked nutritious lunches provided daily to more than 400 children, which is now in jeopardy because of the elimination of USAID.
My son is a human rights activist in South Africa. Here are his words about the impacts of these cuts on a human level:
“The decision to cut foreign aid, and specifically the AIDS funding program set up 20 years ago by George Bush, is causing suffering, costing lives, and breaking down fragile health systems. In South Africa, 15,000 doctors and nurses who provide care to people with AIDS and TB were told to stop work ten days ago. Their patients, all very poor, have been left stranded. The doctors themselves have not been paid. People will die. The organizations that employed them do not know what to do. The organization I work with, the Treatment Action Campaign, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.
Through our advocacy and monitoring we have helped millions of people to get treatment that has saved their lives. These doctors have expertise and institutional knowledge in a country where we already have a huge shortage of doctors and health workers. They are also the most experienced doctors and researchers dealing with AIDS, including developing a vaccine. But now we are probably going to have to close the organization because 70% of our funding came from the USA. We were told in an official letter on Friday to immediately tell all employees to cease work. This has been done. Foreign aid has won America many friends abroad; it has been its great soft power. Now it is losing that influence. We are one world and we depend on the US and other developed countries for solidarity with previously disadvantaged countries where true and genuine democracy is taking shape.”
While we can’t fill this void alone, we can keep fighting the good fight with the knowledge that we are indeed our brother’s keeper. Please continue to support St. Mary’s Outreach with your prayers and generous donations.
Sloatsburg Food Pantry is currently serving an average of 903 people per week.
They are open by appointment every Tuesday 2 to 5.30 pm and Wednesday 1 to 6.30 pm. In this Winter weather hearty and chunky cans of soup are particularly in need.
St Mary's is making a collection of these over the next few days and will deliver to the pantry next Tuesday. Donations will be gratefully accepted and can be left in St Mary's Chapel, up the steps to the right of the building, at any time online, or on Sunday in the basket at the foot of the main steps to the church.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo February 13, 2025
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
One thing that I love about our tradition is celebrating the communion of Saints. At our Wednesday service, we usually focus on a particular holy man or woman and the witness to Jesus Christ that they gave in their life and times. These range from the early Church to the current day.
Yesterday we focused on one of the early saints, the empress Theodora. She was a strong opponent of the iconoclasts of the ninth century. Although the question was officially settled in 787, strong divisions remained, even in her own household. While Theodora was in favor of the veneration of icons, her husband, Emperor Theophilos, was not.
Despite their theological differences, the couple is said to have had an otherwise happy marriage and bore five daughters and two sons. Tragically, Theophilos died at the young age of 29. The heir was only a toddler, so Theodora became the regent until he came of age. She reigned for 13 years.
One of her first acts was to call a synod of bishops to discuss the issue of icons and iconoclasm. The result was that iconoclasm was finally abandoned, and the holy images were carried in procession back to the Hagia Sophia. Can you even imagine an Orthodox Church without icons?
Perhaps more importantly, Theodora is remembered for showing mercy. She made certain that the Church would not condemn her late husband as a heretic, and though more and more of the clergy came over to the side of venerating icons, some never did. Theodora did nothing to punish them for their strongly-held convictions.
Empress Theodora left a lasting and “iconic” imprint on the Orthodox Church, and though she was endowed with much earthly power, she chose mercy over retribution. May we follow her lead.
Father Rick
From the Outreach Chair
St. Mary’s Outreach improves the lives of people locally, regionally, nationally, and globally — from feeding, clothing, and housing to mentoring and disaster relief. Since 2001, St. Mary’s and friends have been supporting Carryou in South Africa, which feeds and supports impoverished families and children orphaned due to the HIV AIDS pandemic. I visited and worked with Carryou annually until COVID put an end to that, but the work goes on. The bedrock of Carryou’s activities is the children’s free cooked nutritious lunches provided daily to more than 400 children, which is now in jeopardy because of the elimination of USAID.
My son is a human rights activist in South Africa. Here are his words about the impacts of these cuts on a human level:
“The decision to cut foreign aid, and specifically the AIDS funding program set up 20 years ago by George Bush, is causing suffering, costing lives, and breaking down fragile health systems. In South Africa, 15,000 doctors and nurses who provide care to people with AIDS and TB were told to stop work ten days ago. Their patients, all very poor, have been left stranded. The doctors themselves have not been paid. People will die. The organizations that employed them do not know what to do. The organization I work with, the Treatment Action Campaign, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.
Through our advocacy and monitoring we have helped millions of people to get treatment that has saved their lives. These doctors have expertise and institutional knowledge in a country where we already have a huge shortage of doctors and health workers. They are also the most experienced doctors and researchers dealing with AIDS, including developing a vaccine. But now we are probably going to have to close the organization because 70% of our funding came from the USA. We were told in an official letter on Friday to immediately tell all employees to cease work. This has been done. Foreign aid has won America many friends abroad; it has been its great soft power. Now it is losing that influence. We are one world and we depend on the US and other developed countries for solidarity with previously disadvantaged countries where true and genuine democracy is taking shape.”
While we can’t fill this void alone, we can keep fighting the good fight with the knowledge that we are indeed our brother’s keeper. Please continue to support St. Mary’s Outreach with your prayers and generous donations.
Today Bishop Mary Glasspool announced her plans to retire at the end of June. Bishop Mary has been a good friend of St. Mary's throughout my rectorship, having visited us on numerous occasions. Born on Staten Island and raised in the rectory of St. James' Church in Goshen, where her father was a long-serving rector, she was ordained to the priesthood in 1982 and consecrated bishop in 2010. Bishop Glasspool leaves a legacy of nearly 45 years of service to the Church in dioceses across the country, from Los Angeles to New York. Fun fact: Bishop Mary had her initial interview for postulancy right here in Tuxedo Park at the Bishop Donnegan Conference Center, better known to us today as the Poor House.
Last night, members of the governing bodies of the Diocese of New York gathered on a Zoom call, where we got to pray with the Bishop and wish her well. There will be a formal sendoff at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on May 31 (details to follow). I do hope that a few of you who have experienced Bishop Glasspool's graceful leadership will be able to attend. Unfortunately, Pete and I cannot, as we will be on Pilgrimage in Turkey.
Please join me in thanking Bishop Glasspool for her many years of dedication and service, and in wishing her and her wife, Becki, all the best as they begin this new chapter of their lives.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo January 29, 2025
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
At today's weekday service we observed a lesser feast that is new since last year: the feast of Lili?uokalani (1838-1917), the last Queen of Hawaii. The feast is so new that my "new" book of Lesser Feasts and Fasts doesn't contain it, and I had to do some research on my own.
Lili?uokalani led a fascinating life, most famously abdicating her throne and witnessing the annexation of Hawaii by the United States. She represented Hawaii at the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1887, was the composer of "Aloha Oe," as well as the author of an autobiography which she wrote while under house arrest.
A devout Christian, she had a lifelong interest in exploring different expressions of the faith, and beginning in 1895, she became a devoted member of St. Andrew's Cathedral in Honolulu.
Almighty God, who called your daughter Lili‘uokalani to an earthly throne that she might advance your heavenly kingdom, and endowed her with gift of song and love for her people: Grant that we may imitate her perseverance in adversity, her commitment to peace, and her capacity for forgiveness. All this we ask in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, who lives, and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo January 25, 2025
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Last Sunday we held the annual meeting of the corporation of St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo. There is a great deal of work that goes into a successful meeting like this, and I want to thank everyone who made it a success. The vestry provided the food, and Pete put together the many slides for the presentations. We heard and read reports from the Rector, as well as chairs of various ministries.
Another exciting part of the event is the election of a churchwarden and members of the vestry. This year we recognized our three outgoing vestry members: Kimberly Breiland, Elizabeth Ochieng, and Dennis Trotter. Thank you all for your dedication to the vestry and your continued ministry at St. Mary's.
We welcomed back Jane Garofano for her second term as Junior Warden as well as electing three new vestry members: Jill Buell, Spyros Konitsiotis, and Scott Mullins. Thank you for your willingness to serve. I am looking forward to working alongside you in the vineyard.
If you missed the meeting and would like to watch it or read the reports, you can click here.
Father Rick
The formation of children is a critical part of our mission. Service in church helps them learn about responsibility, charity, and self-sacrifice. Children are welcome to participate in our programs and/or attend church services with their parents. Under age 5, there is a a fun childcare program. Children ages 5 to 12 are welcome to attend Sunday School. Those 10 and older are encouraged to participate in the service as acolytes or readers. Please speak with Father Rick or call the church office at 845.351.5122 for more information.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo January 15, 2025
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
When one hears the word "confession," one may immediately imagine courtroom drama or one of the many cinematic scenes that take place in and around confessionals in churches. There is also the term "confessionalism" which refers to religious parties which require full and unambiguous adherence to their group's teachings and beliefs. This dates to the 16th century with examples including the Augsburg confession and the Westminster confession, also the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, which you can find in the prayer book beginning on page 867. The importance of confessionalism has waned in the Episcopal Church, as it has shifted emphasis to creed and covenant in the last 50 years or so.
However, there is yet another confession that the Church will observe this week: the Confession of St. Peter. This is a major prayer book feast since 1979 and has its biblical reference at Matthew 16:16 when Peter says, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." It is the confession above all denominational confessions, as it is shared by all Christians. Indeed, this feast day marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Let us confess with our lips and with our lives that Jesus Christ is Lord, and work and pray that we all may be one, as he and the Father are one.
On Thursday, the eyes of the world will be on the National Cathedral as Americans mourn the passing of our 39th president, Jimmy Carter, who died on December 29 at age 100. He is the first president that I can remember, and a few things stand out. One Christmas (1978 or so), I remember getting a toy marionette in the shape of a large peanut. It had orange hair and a toothy Carter grin. His name was Jimmy P. Nut--ha ha. More importantly, I remember being in the first grade lunchroom when we learned that Iran had freed the American hostages, and we all cheered.
In reading an online history of his tenure, it is clear that the President had quite a full plate during his four years in office. However, it is his post-presidential legacy that is most inspiring to people all over the world. A peacemaker, builder, healer, Sunday school teacher, and a husband; President Carter was a man who lived the values of his faith. From Habitat for Humanity to the Carter Center's near eradication of the guinea worm, his work touched the lives of millions.
As we tune in on Thursday, let us think about our own lives of faith and service and be thankful for the light of Christian love that cannot be extinguished, at work in our community and throughout the world.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo December 19, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Yesterday, while driving home from the gym, I heard an old song on the radio called "Toyland." You may be familiar with it. When I was a child, I had a record called "Happy Tunes" at my grandmother's house, and this song was one of those tunes. It is really the only song from that record that I remember clearly. "Toyland, Toyland, mystic girl and boy-land..." For some reason, one line stuck with me, I think because of its ominous tone: "Once you pass its borders, you may never return again."
I loved my toys, but knew that at some point I would have to leave them all behind. So, at the ripe age of 12, I figured that I was all grown up, and all of my remaining toys went in a yard sale.
All these years later, out of a deep sense of nostalgia, I have begun a small re-collection of some of those old friends. And while I don't "play" with them, they nevertheless bring me joy. Exercise is good for all parts of ourselves, including the imagination, something that is often neglected with the responsibilities of adulthood. When you come to our annual open house, I will be happy to show you the little diorama that I have created.
In the midst of a world that can often be dark and dangerous, I turn to words of the great Greek recording artist, Nana Mouskouri, "In this world that we go around in only once, why not to have a little joy." Amen, sister. May you find joy in this season and in precious moments throughout the new year.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo December 14, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
In this season of peace and good will, our nation's attention has been fixed on the deaths of two very different people here in New York. One was the CEO of the largest health insurance company in the country. The other was a man struggling with mental illness. One was gunned down on the streets of Manhattan, while the other was choked on a subway train. Both deaths are tragic in their own right.
The men who caused the deaths are being hailed, in some quarters, as heroes. I even saw on social media an image of the young man who shot the CEO depicted as a saint in an icon. Our governor has called on New Yorkers to show a little empathy, and I agree with her on that.
Yes, we live in a world of broken systems--healthcare (especially for our veterans), mental health, criminal justice, immigration--the list goes on. We find ourselves pondering the untimely deaths of one man who was at the pinnacle of one of these systems, and another who was at the very bottom. Both were human beings.
As Episcopalian Christians, how do we respond? First, I think we can turn to our baptismal covenant, especially the last two questions, for guidance. "Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?" and "Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?" I will, with God's help.
May God, who has given us the will to do these things, give us the grace and power to perform them.
Father Rick
Christmas Eve Family Service
The Family Service will be held on Christmas Eve at 4pm in the Church. As always, the entire community is welcome, and children of all ages are invited to participate in telling the Christmas Story. A “milk and cookies” reception will follow the service in Bentley Hall.
There are speaking and non-speaking parts available, and lots of costumes. Just tell Jennifer in the church office that your kids are coming and make sure they are in Bentley Hall by 3:45pm. Note: speaking parts will require a rehearsal during the prior week.
Christmas Eve Concert & Midnight Mass
Please join us at 9pm for a concert and 9:30pm for traditional “midnight” mass with strings and choral soloists in the church, followed by a champaign reception in Bentley Hall.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo December 5, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This week (Dec 6) we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra--yes, that St. Nicholas! He lived in the fourth century AD, and was probably present at the council of Nicea in 325. Aside from that, few historical facts are known about his life, though the pious legends abound.
Throughout time, he became revered for his love of children, especially the poor and abused, as well as for "those in peril on the sea." One legend involving children is almost too gruesome to re-tell. Suffice to say it involves pickling. Another more seasonally appropriate story tells us that he would toss socks filled with gold coins into the homes of poor children, thus helping them to escape lives of drudgery and exploitation. He is also rumored to have punched an Arian heretic in the face at the council of Nicea, which is almost certainly false.
The Dutch, being great navigators, revered St. Nicholas in his role as a patron for sailors. They brought this with them to New Amsterdam and gave us the idea of "Santa Claus," whose visual image was later cemented in our American imagination by Clement Clarke Moore, a professor at the General Theological Seminary in New York. In his classic, "A Visit From St. Nicholas," more commonly known as "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," we get a vivid image of this "jolly old elf," and one wonders what the real St. Nicholas would think about that.
Perhaps no other Saint has entered so vividly into the popular imagination in a way that so deviates from his historical life. Whatever the facts in the mists of time, the example of St. Nicholas teaches us the basic truths of our faith: love God, and love one another---especially the most vulnerable.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo November 21, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This Sunday we will be observing the feast of Christ the King. It is one of those things that we think of as having "always been there," but in fact this year will mark the 99th year of this observance, making it relatively new in the grand scheme of things. It originally was placed in October as a counterpoint to "Reformation Sunday" and was moved in 1970 to the last Sunday after Pentecost.
This was one reform that I do think made a lot of sense, as we are contemplating the crowning of the year with God's goodness at this time. We (in this country) are especially attuned to being thankful just about now. This crowning and giving of thanks also happens to coincide and mesh quite well with our own Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday.
Please plan to be in church this coming Sunday as we give thanks for all of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us in this life. One of the things we will do to show our gratitude is to collect the pledge cards for 2025 at this service and bless them. If you are a regular pledger, thank you! If you have never pledged before, please consider doing so as generously as possible. It is because of you that the beauty and charity of this place are possible. May God bless you in your giving, and remember, "All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.".
Father Rick
Outreach Update
Episcopal Charities has granted St Mary’s on behalf of the Sloatsburg Food Pantry a grant of $5,000 to be used with Driscoll Foods by the first week of December. Helping Hands in the same way was granted $2,000. Susan Meyer will be placing the orders so the food can be used for the pantry clients and St Mary’s outreach at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
ShopRite has granted us 20% discount on $4,000 worth of $50 gift cards. We will take the discount as extra cards and will pick them up next Friday....ninety-six $50 gift cards. These will be used in the Thanksgiving Baskets and for the Angel Tree gifts in December.
I think we have in place the basic arrangements for Thanksgiving
Baskets and their delivery. 35 families are on the list which was supplied by GGM and Baker High school of the registered low-income families in Tuxedo. Hispanic and traditional baskets will be provided. We have a list of the ingredients needed for the Hispanic baskets.
SFP will supply 35 turkeys which the school has agreed to pick up on the morning of Monday 25th November. They will use a school bus which will then pick up our baskets from St Mary’s around 12 noon and deliver them to the families homes. SFP will also supply 35 dozen eggs and cheese for all baskets. We will need to collect those the week prior and store them at St Mary’s.
Jane Garofano is organizing the donations of traditional ingredients from parishioners and friends. Packing will take place on the morning of Monday November 25th in the chapel at St Mary’s.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo November 14, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
From the time of St. Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, Christians have been making pilgrimages to holy places. Pilgrimage differs greatly from a vacation or getaway. While one does experience new places and there are elements of fun and discovery, a pilgrimage offers the faithful deep spiritual connection and can be life changing.
Early next summer, May 29 to June 11, there is an opportunity to make a pilgrimage through The Living Church to Turkey. Why Turkey, you might ask? From the pilgrimage brochure: "The significance of ancient Anatolia — now Turkey — in the birth of our faith is hard to overestimate. Over 60 percent of the places mentioned in the Bible are located there, as were the sites of all seven of the Ecumenical Councils. For a thousand years, Constantinople (now Istanbul) was the world’s greatest Christian city, a center of scholarship, devotion, and art. Turkey is also a center of Islamic culture, and a home of grand mosques and Sufi spirituality. A safe and modern country, it hosts millions of tourists from across the world each year."
The pilgrimage will also coincide with the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea--think Nicene Creed. The itinerary includes places like Istanbul, Chalcedon, Pergamom, Ephesus, and Cappadocia, to name just a few. There will be opportunities for learning, cultural exchange, and daily devotion, with communion on the two Sundays of the journey, including at the home of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus.
Pete and I have signed up for this incredible opportunity, and I hope that you will consider joining us and fellow Episcopalians this summer. Space is limited, and the registration deadline is fast approaching. Here is the link for the itinerary and registration. The full trip brochure is available here. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Father Rick
Outreach Update
Episcopal Charities has granted St Mary’s on behalf of the Sloatsburg Food Pantry a grant of $5,000 to be used with Driscoll Foods by the first week of December. Helping Hands in the same way was granted $2,000. Susan Meyer will be placing the orders so the food can be used for the pantry clients and St Mary’s outreach at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
ShopRite has granted us 20% discount on $4,000 worth of $50 gift cards. We will take the discount as extra cards and will pick them up next Friday....ninety-six $50 gift cards. These will be used in the Thanksgiving Baskets and for the Angel Tree gifts in December.
I think we have in place the basic arrangements for Thanksgiving
Baskets and their delivery. 35 families are on the list which was supplied by GGM and Baker High school of the registered low-income families in Tuxedo. Hispanic and traditional baskets will be provided. We have a list of the ingredients needed for the Hispanic baskets.
SFP will supply 35 turkeys which the school has agreed to pick up on the morning of Monday 25th November. They will use a school bus which will then pick up our baskets from St Mary’s around 12 noon and deliver them to the families homes. SFP will also supply 35 dozen eggs and cheese for all baskets. We will need to collect those the week prior and store them at St Mary’s.
Jane Garofano is organizing the donations of traditional ingredients from parishioners and friends. Packing will take place on the morning of Monday November 25th in the chapel at St Mary’s.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo November 7, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Like you, I woke up on Wednesday morning to the results of the general election. I honestly thought that we would not know the outcome so quickly, but the voters have spoken, and we have a clear winner in the Presidential race. A number of people have approached me with anxiety over the election results; I'm sure that others feel a sense of optimism. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, there is no doubt that our country remains deeply divided.
Where does that leave us as Episcopalian Christians? Like our country, our Church is home to people of a wide diversity of viewpoints. However, we all share one common focus, namely Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Like Christians throughout the millennia, we exist in time and space, and are part of the fabric of the politics and governments of our time. Also like Christians throughout the millennia, we are called to make Christ present in a world that has always and will always need him and his message of salvation.
Where do we start? Our Bishop is fond of saying that "the Holy Spirit moves at ground level." That is a great place to start. We are fortunate to live in a tight-knit community in which people look out for one another. Often, though, our relationships don't go much beyond the superficial. As one of my priestly colleagues said recently, "I want to know you on a deeper level than a yard sign." Building deep connections fosters respect and trust, which lead us into deeper communion and communication with one another.
At the end of the day, I am grateful for our democracy; for free and fair elections; and for the peaceful transition of power. None of these things can be taken for granted. So, whether your candidate won or lost, remember that being a part of a democracy, like being a Christian, is a vocation. Neither is mutually exclusive; both intersect throughout our lives. The work of a Christian is also the work of a good citizen. Feed the hungry. Clothe the naked. Visit the sick and imprisoned. Welcome the stranger.
May the peace of the Lord be always with you.
Father Rick
Outreach Update
Episcopal Charities has granted St Mary’s on behalf of the Sloatsburg Food Pantry a grant of $5,000 to be used with Driscoll Foods by the first week of December. Helping Hands in the same way was granted $2,000. Susan Meyer will be placing the orders so the food can be used for the pantry clients and St Mary’s outreach at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
ShopRite has granted us 20% discount on $4,000 worth of $50 gift cards. We will take the discount as extra cards and will pick them up next Friday....ninety-six $50 gift cards. These will be used in the Thanksgiving Baskets and for the Angel Tree gifts in December.
I think we have in place the basic arrangements for Thanksgiving
Baskets and their delivery. 35 families are on the list which was supplied by GGM and Baker High school of the registered low-income families in Tuxedo. Hispanic and traditional baskets will be provided. We have a list of the ingredients needed for the Hispanic baskets.
SFP will supply 35 turkeys which the school has agreed to pick up on the morning of Monday 25th November. They will use a school bus which will then pick up our baskets from St Mary’s around 12 noon and deliver them to the families homes. SFP will also supply 35 dozen eggs and cheese for all baskets. We will need to collect those the week prior and store them at St Mary’s.
Jane Garofano is organizing the donations of traditional ingredients from parishioners and friends. Packing will take place on the morning of Monday November 25th in the chapel at St Mary’s.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo October 26, 2024
From the Stewardship Chair
My Dear Neighbors in Christ,
I am grateful to have been asked to lead our Stewardship Campaign this year. We are looking forward to a season of giving. Our theme this year is Walk in Love, and it calls us to remember that our greatest gift in community is how we come together with a purpose and mission. When we walk in the same direction, we can do so many things.
During this season we will be talking about our budget. Yes, this is important, as we fund St. Mary’s Church, but our real focus is on what our gifts can do for the world. Jesus calls us to heal, visit, feed, accompany, protect, advocate, love our neighbor, and sharing is the way that we make this happen.
Each of us hears this call differently, just as each of us has been blessed by God differently. Our talents and training have been gifts freely given to us in Creation so that we may share them with a world in need. How will you feel God’s call to walk in love this year? How will you determine how you will share your gifts with God’s people in the world?
With this message you are receiving the invitation to make your promise to the Church for the year to come. Before you fill it out, I ask that you pray about it, discuss it with your family, and discern how God is calling you to share your gifts.
Our campaign will end on November 24th, Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday, please reply to us by then, so that we may count your pledge where your gift will be added to many others to be blessed, and shared with the world. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We greatly appreciate your help.
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo October 10, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Generosity is a journey, it’s a practice that we learn and nurture within our hearts. It just isn’t in our nature to give away what we have worked hard to acquire or to donate our precious time without compensation. It takes something as radical as Love to inspire us to share our time, talent, and treasure with others. This is a journey we make together, a Walk in Love.
As we have lived with the Gospel of St. Mark this year we have been brought into a world turned radically upside down. The laws and customs that had been in place for centuries were challenged, power and dominion have been questioned, and a culture hemmed in from all sides by oppression and subjection desperately seeks a way forward.
As it turns out, it is not clever politics or force that cause the change in society, but the simplest concept of Love. Jesus causes a revolution of thought and heart by daring to reach out to the outcast and teach others to do the same. He walks in love with the marginalized, with the poor, with the sick, and brings us along with him on his journey.
The most miraculous gift of Love is that it was there within us all along, all we had to do was find it, tap into it, and begin growing it. And look what happened? We learned to share, to give, to volunteer, to accompany others, to feed, to pray, to visit, to strive for change. This year as our Stewardship Campaign kicks off, we will be intentionally raising up stories of how we Walk in Love with each other in our congregation. I invite you to share your stories of inspiration and connection with our shared ministry in this place and with each other. I invite you to Walk in Love.
Yours in Christ,
Father Rick
Progressive Dinner
It is with gratitude and thanks to one and all for a very successful dinner. We had a terrific evening of fellowship with members of our community and raised $17,150 to support St. Mary’s!
Many thanks to
Our co-chairs Lili Neuhauser & Jane Garofano
Our cocktail hosts Julie & Bob Daum and our dessert hosts Paula & Ernie SInk
Our dinner hosts Victoria Chin, Jane & Neil Garofano, Inger Gruterich, Cole Harrell with Brad Boles & Valerie Evans-Freke, Caty & Scott Mullins, Lili & Charlie Neuhauser, and Jill & Jason Swirlbul
Hurricane Relief
Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) is in contact with faith-based and community-led organizations in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina that have been impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. “Our hearts go out to the people who have been affected by Helene and Milton,” said Katie Mears, Senior Technical Specialist, Disaster Risk and Resilience, Episcopal Relief & Development. “We are continuing to work on responses that were already underway due to Helene, and are adapting and creating new plans in collaboration with dioceses to meet new needs.” The Outreach Committee plans to send $2,000 to ERD and encourages our friends to bundle their gifts with ours. Please make your check payable to St. Mary’s Outreach memo Hurricane Relief and drop by the office or donate online
This Week At St. Mary's in Tuxedo September 28, 2024
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This coming Sunday, we will be observing the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, also known as Michaelmas. This is a shortening of "Michael's Mass," in the same way that Christmas is a shortening of "Christ's Mass." St. Michael is considered the greatest of all the angels, having defeated Satan in the war in heaven--which we will hear about on Sunday.
The celebration of this feast dates back to the fifth century and gained prominence, not surprisingly, in the high middle ages, when it became a holy day of obligation. This was dropped in the eighteenth century. Because the feast falls near the autumnal equinox, it became associated with various seasonal activities involving everything from agriculture, to rents, to academia. Even today, universities and seminaries hold their ceremonies of matriculation on this day. There is personal significance for me, as it was twenty years ago that I "signed the book" and joined the great cloud of witnesses at the General Theological Seminary in New York City at evensong on Michaelmas.
May St. Michael, and of the guardian angels, guard, cherish, defend, and protect us.
O everlasting God, who hast ordained and constituted the ministries of angels and men in a wonderful order: Mercifully grant that, as thy holy angels always serve and worship thee in heaven, so by thy appointment they may help and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
One of the distinctive characteristics of the Episcopal (Anglican) Church among other reformed Christian traditions is our retention of the sacred order of Bishops and the historic apostolic succession. Indeed, the very name of our Church comes from the Greek word ?π?σκοπος (episkopos), meaning "overseer." Our bishops have a special and distinct ministry to the people and the broader Church. They are unifying figures who govern, shepherd, and protect and interpret the deposit of faith. They remind us that we are not islands unto ourselves, but an integral part of something much larger.
About every 18 months, one of our bishops pays us an official visit in which he or she meets with the vestry, the rector and his spouse, as well as the congregation as a whole. The Bishop presides at the Sunday service, and performs the special function of officially welcoming people into the faith through confirmation or reception. People may also choose publicly to reaffirm their faith if they feel so called.
On Sunday, October 13, we will once again welcome Bishop Mary Glasspool to St. Mary's. So far, we have two people who wish to be confirmed and received. If you are 13 years or older and wish to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, please contact me.
Father Rick
Music News
It has become an annual tradition at St. Mary's for our beloved soprano, Aileen Sager, to sing Sir Arthur Sullivan's famous "The Lost Chord" on the Sunday before Labor Day (September 1, 2024 at 10am). Don't miss this marvelous vocal solo by the man who wrote the music for all the Gilbert and Sullivan Operettas.
Sheldon Eldridge, Organist and Choirmaster
P.S. Our full Schola Cantorum returns the following week, on Rally Sunday, September 8th, when we also start a new Sunday School year.
Outreach Urgent Need
The Food Pantry is currently not able to meet the needs for some of the basics that families rely on. St. Mary's is continuing to collect rice, pasta and cereals to supplement their stock. Our contributions last week were much appreciated and completely finished. Thank you to Jill and Fred Buell for making our delivery.
We have a basket at the foot of the steps to the church and would appreciate any donations for next week's delivery. The basket will be monitored daily, and items safely stored ready to be transported to the SFP for next week's opening. Fresh items of vegetables and fruit are also needed.
Thank you for your help! Sue Heywood, Outreach Chair
Life is a continuous process of learning. Sometimes, when I learn something or gain a new insight I become frustrated with myself that something that suddenly seems so evident to me took so long to comprehend. At this stage of my life, I find that learning often takes the form of subtle but important nuances.
Pete and I recently returned from a road trip in our new Mini Countryman to my home state of Michigan. We made stops in Pittsburgh, Detroit, Walloon Lake, Mackinac Island, Niagara on the Lake, and Corning. This trip was the first part of sabbatical time that I have garnered over my seven years as rector of St. Mary's. In exploring my options, I landed on the theme of strengthening my connections with God, with other people, and with places known and unknown to me.
As we drove across several states, I marveled at God's majestic creation. I saw vast farmland, forests, hills, rivers, and lakes. When we got to Michigan, I was vividly reminded of the warmth of the people of my birthplace, indeed, of the goodness of all of our fellow Americans. I felt connected to something bigger than just my immediate community, and proud to be an American.
As we head into fall, it is my prayer that we strive to see one another as fellow Americans who all love our country and want what is best for it. I pray that we can make the effort (which always pays off) to get to know our neighbors, even when we disagree. Our country is vast, and so is its heart--let's not lose sight of that.
"Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart and especially the hearts of the people of this land, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." BCP 823
Father Rick
Outreach Need
Our longtime partner, The Food Pantry, is having difficulty getting some items from the food bank, probably on a temporary basis, but it means that staples like rice, cereals, and pasta are in short supply. If you could please bring these types of items to church this Sunday, we will make sure they get delivered to the Food Pantry before their next opening on Tuesday. Fresh items of fruit and vegetables are also needed. Many thanks, Sue Heywood, Outreach Chair
On July 31st the Church honored St. Ignatius of Loyola. He was born to a noble Basque family in 1491 and spent his youth and early adulthood as "a man given over to the vanities of the world [who] took special delight in the exercise of arms with a great and vain desire of winning glory." After sustaining a severe wound at the battle of Pamplona in 1521, Ignatius was carried home on a litter (a distance of 63 miles) to recover. He had access to two books: the Bible and the Lives of the Saints. During this time of convalescence, he experienced a conversion of life, and yearned to devote the remainder of his life to God's service.
His notes from that time eventually became his Spiritual Exercises, a work that continues to inspire the faithful to this day. At age 37 he began his university studies in theology at the University of Paris in preparation for the priesthood. While there, he shared his Exercises with others, and in 1534, he and six others took vows to live lives of poverty and service to the poor. The Society of Jesus (aka the Jesuits) was born.
The Society was officially recognized in 1540 and continues its mission of service and education throughout the world to this day. According to the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, there are 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States and some 189 Jesuit institutions of higher learning throughout the world.
St. Ignatius died on July 31, 1556. May we, inspired by him, seek God in all things.
Father Rick
Outreach Update
Update on Tuxedo Summer Camp Sponsorships
The camp is on full swing [literally] and thanks to St Mary’s donations 21 children are enjoying it who otherwise would not have been able to attend. Thank you. At a time long gone it was free and the cost was paid by the town, but now it is a part of the town budget that must pay for itself! In 2023 we supported 21 children to camp at a cost of $16,000.00. [When we are supporting multiple families at one time, we aim with our budgets to raise specific donations to balance the expenses for that project.] This year we are again sponsoring 21 children from Kindergarten through Grade 9 to attend. Sports, games and crafts are on the program for four mornings, and every afternoon the children are bused to the Wee Wah Beach Club in Tuxedo Park where a beach, playground, water fun and swimming are available and well supervised. Every Friday, buses transport the campers to special places. The first Friday was the White Castle Fun Centre to be followed in the next weeks by Bounce, Splashdown, Bowling, Rock Climbing and Boulders Baseball. We have multiple notes of thanks from parents who would never be able to afford the cost of these visits or the camp. Fees for the camp are $700.00 for the first child in the family and $600.00 for any siblings. To attend all the Friday trips, which are pro-rated and charged separately, comes to a total of $178.00 per child.
This year we have 13 children @ $700.00; 8 @ $600.00; 21 @$ 178.00. Our total bill is$17,638.00. which we pay directly to the Tuxedo Recreation Department. We ask the parents to pay St Mary’s Outreach $200.00 for the first child and $100.00 for each sibling. This has been done; $3,100.00. So, St Mary’s total responsibility for the 21 ‘happy campers’ is $14,538.00 At the time of writing, we have $11,248.00 in donations. Thank you to all who donated. We would still be very grateful for any further donations to help us meet the cost.
On Monday, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Mary Magdalene. Scripture tells us that Jesus cast seven demons from her. Following her healing, she was devoted to Jesus, and even stood by him during his crucifixion when many of his disciples deserted him. Mary Magdalene is the first person to have seen the resurrected Jesus, and she is given the command to "go and tell my brothers." This makes her the apostle to the apostles, and she is especially revered in the Eastern Church.
Mary's name tells us where she was from, Magdala, an ancient Jewish city on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Little was known about her place of origin until just this century. An initial excavation in 2006 revealed a Hellenistic-era settlement, and later excavations from 2009-2013 revealed incredible finds, including the Migdal Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in Galilee and one of the few remaining from that period in the entire country. In 2021, a second, less ornate synagogue was found.
In 2019, Pete and I visited Magdala during our Holy Land pilgrimage. So much of the terrain from the time of Jesus is now many feet below the current street levels. Magdala was forgotten, and little subsequent development took place, therefore it was found very close to the contemporary surface levels. This makes it easy to see the ruins in the context of the surrounding countryside and adds to the powerful feeling of seeing the pavement of the synagogue where, in all likelihood, our Lord once stood and taught.
Father Rick
Outreach Update
Update on Tuxedo Summer Camp Sponsorships
The camp is on full swing [literally] and thanks to St Mary’s donations 21 children are enjoying it who otherwise would not have been able to attend. Thank you. At a time long gone it was free and the cost was paid by the town, but now it is a part of the town budget that must pay for itself! In 2023 we supported 21 children to camp at a cost of $16,000.00. [When we are supporting multiple families at one time, we aim with our budgets to raise specific donations to balance the expenses for that project.] This year we are again sponsoring 21 children from Kindergarten through Grade 9 to attend. Sports, games and crafts are on the program for four mornings, and every afternoon the children are bused to the Wee Wah Beach Club in Tuxedo Park where a beach, playground, water fun and swimming are available and well supervised. Every Friday, buses transport the campers to special places. The first Friday was the White Castle Fun Centre to be followed in the next weeks by Bounce, Splashdown, Bowling, Rock Climbing and Boulders Baseball. We have multiple notes of thanks from parents who would never be able to afford the cost of these visits or the camp. Fees for the camp are $700.00 for the first child in the family and $600.00 for any siblings. To attend all the Friday trips, which are pro-rated and charged separately, comes to a total of $178.00 per child.
This year we have 13 children @ $700.00; 8 @ $600.00; 21 @$ 178.00. Our total bill is$17,638.00. which we pay directly to the Tuxedo Recreation Department. We ask the parents to pay St Mary’s Outreach $200.00 for the first child and $100.00 for each sibling. This has been done; $3,100.00. So, St Mary’s total responsibility for the 21 ‘happy campers’ is $14,538.00 At the time of writing, we have $11,248.00 in donations. Thank you to all who donated. We would still be very grateful for any further donations to help us meet the cost.
Sincerely, Sue Heywood and the Outreach Committee.
All this week, JoAnn Hanson and I have been attending "Year B" of the College for Congregational Development at the Graymoor retreat center in Garrison. It is an intense program which requires a two-year commitment by participants. It has been very warmly received, and one-third of all of the parishes of the diocese have now attended.
The first year focused heavily on identity, both of self and the congregation. We also studied numerous models of change. The second year has more to do with the outside. We were put into small groups, and enjoyed very much getting to know the delegations from Grace, White Plains, and St. John's, Tuckahoe. In one fun and enlightening exercise, JoAnn and I were asked to draw our neighborhood. It was very interesting to look at ours as well as those of our small group. We also learned a great deal about how groups relate, and how to explore the needs of a particular group. By the end of the week, we are tasked with creating an "intervention" (program) for the church. We chose "Episcopal Identity" as our theme--this was one of the areas of study--and you will be hearing more in the months to come.
Next year, the diocese will be revisiting "Year A" in late July, and I encourage you to think about attending, as it is open to everyone and free!
If Memorial Day is the official kickoff to summer in Tuxedo, then the 4th of July certainly represents its apex. The barbecues, music, and fireworks bring a sense of joy and community as we gather together once again before the really hot weather sets in.
Christians are a people of thanksgiving, and that is borne out in our life of prayer. "Lex orandi, lex credendi," or, "what is prayed is what is believed." There are several prayers in the Book of Common Prayer for our nation, those in authority, the armed forces, industry, agriculture, and our common life. In our prayer, we can be reminded to be thankful to God for his providence, as well as to open our hearts and hands in generosity to our brothers and sisters. As we celebrate independence, let us not forget to bear in mind our interconnectedness as well.
Have a safe and fun celebration. Happy Independence Day!
Father Rick
After a really wonderful trip to Scotland (our first), Pete and I are happy to be home in Tuxedo, despite the oppressive heat. Our Scottish friends had been inviting us to come and visit for years, but for some reason, we just never worked it into our plans. What a surprise it was! The scenery, the history, and the food were absolutely incredible, and the people couldn't be nicer. It was also great to have the local perspective on things as well as their knowledge of all the best things to see and do. For instance, one of our hosts took me to a beautiful hidden garden located behind the local castle, as well as onto the grounds of a ruined manor house--all things that I never would have found on my own!
Regardless of the damp and chill, both Pete and I fell in love with Scotland, and hope to return someday soon. We are both very grateful for those who helped to hold down the fort while we were away. As Rick Steves says, "Keep on travelin'!"
Father Rick
Outreach Camp Sponsorships
Dear Friends,
It has become a tradition at St Mary's to provide financial support to local children who otherwise would not be able to have the experience of camp or enjoy so many of the fun Summer activities that most of us take for granted. Last year, through your generosity, we were able to support 21 children in the local camp at a cost to us of $15,350. Each year the cost of living goes up, and for many of these families there's not much left after providing the basics.
This year, we offered a sponsorship for a maximum of 20 children. We have those twenty children already! The cost has gone up by $100 per student, to $700 for the first child and $600 for siblings. The cost of the optional Friday trips amounts to $178 per student: Splashdown, White Castle, High Exposure [rock climbing], Bowling, and Boulders Baseball. The Bounce trip will be free to campers. Not all students will opt for every trip, though they will be in the minority! If they can afford it, we are asking the parents to pay $200 for the first child and $100 for each sibling as their part towards the fees and Friday trips.
St Mary's would be grateful for any donations of whatever size to help us fund this year's campers. Checks should be made out to St Mary's Outreach, with memo ‘Camp’, or you can donate online, with the memo ‘Camp’.
Thank you for your support which will give five weeks of fun to twenty local children!
I'll take the high road, and you take the low road, and I'll get to Scotland before ye!
That's right, Pete and I will be departing for Scotland on a late night flight on Sunday June 2nd. We are really looking forward to the trip, as neither of us has ever been. Pete has composed a characteristically ambitious itinerary which includes a lot of "must-see" places, as well as a visit with friends who have come to see us a number of times here in the states. We don't usually travel in June, but our Scottish friends have advised that this is the best month to visit, as the rain tends to hold off, and the midges have not yet emerged. Fr. Cromey will be taking the Wednesday services and handling any pastoral needs that may arise.
Father Rick
Dear Friends,
It has become a tradition at St Mary's to provide financial support to local children who otherwise would not be able to have the experience of camp or enjoy so many of the fun Summer activities that most of us take for granted. Last year, through your generosity, we were able to support 21 children in the local camp at a cost to us of $15,350. Each year the cost of living goes up, and for many of these families there's not much left after providing the basics.
This year, about a month ago, a letter went out to the parents whose children are registered for free and reduced cost meals due to low and uncertain incomes. We offered a sponsorship for a maximum of 20 children. We have those twenty children already! The cost has gone up by $100 per student, to $700 for the first child and $600 for siblings. The cost of the optional Friday trips amounts to $178 per student: Splashdown, White Castle, High Exposure [rock climbing], Bowling, and Boulders Baseball. The Bounce trip will be free to campers. Not all students will opt for every trip, though they will be in the minority! If they can afford it, we are asking the parents to pay $200 for the first child and $100 for each sibling as their part towards the fees and Friday trips.
St Mary's would be grateful for any donations of whatever size to help us fund this year's campers. Checks should be made out to St Mary's Outreach, with memo ‘Camp’, or you can donate online, with the memo ‘Camp’.
All are welcome to come to our first barbecue and film on the Great Lawn on May 31st, which will mark the start of our appeal.
Thank you for your support which will give five weeks of fun to twenty local children!
I'll take the high road, and you take the low road, and I'll get to Scotland before ye!
That's right, Pete and I will be departing for Scotland on a late night flight on Sunday June 2nd. We are really looking forward to the trip, as neither of us has ever been. Pete has composed a characteristically ambitious itinerary which includes a lot of "must-see" places, as well as a visit with friends who have come to see us a number of times here in the states. We don't usually travel in June, but our Scottish friends have advised that this is the best month to visit, as the rain tends to hold off, and the midges have not yet emerged. Fr. Cromey will be taking the Wednesday services and handling any pastoral needs that may arise. For the Sunday services, I hope that you will welcome back Fr. Nate Lee and Fr. Bruce Woodcock.
Father Rick
Dear Friends,
It has become a tradition at St Mary's to provide financial support to local children who otherwise would not be able to have the experience of camp or enjoy so many of the fun Summer activities that most of us take for granted. Last year, through your generosity, we were able to support 21 children in the local camp at a cost to us of $15,350. Each year the cost of living goes up, and for many of these families there's not much left after providing the basics.
This year, about a month ago, a letter went out to the parents whose children are registered for free and reduced cost meals due to low and uncertain incomes. We offered a sponsorship for a maximum of 20 children. We have those twenty children already! The cost has gone up by $100 per student, to $700 for the first child and $600 for siblings. The cost of the optional Friday trips amounts to $178 per student: Splashdown, White Castle, High Exposure [rock climbing], Bowling, and Boulders Baseball. The Bounce trip will be free to campers. Not all students will opt for every trip, though they will be in the minority! If they can afford it, we are asking the parents to pay $200 for the first child and $100 for each sibling as their part towards the fees and Friday trips.
St Mary's would be grateful for any donations of whatever size to help us fund this year's campers. Checks should be made out to St Mary's Outreach, with memo ‘Camp’, or you can donate online, with the memo ‘Camp’.
All are welcome to come to our first barbecue and film on the Great Lawn on May 31st, which will mark the start of our appeal.
Thank you for your support which will give five weeks of fun to twenty local children!
I'll take the high road, and you take the low road, and I'll get to Scotland before ye!
That's right, Pete and I will be departing for Scotland on a late night flight this Sunday. We are really looking forward to the trip, as neither of us has ever been. Pete has composed a characteristically ambitious itinerary which includes a lot of "must-see" places, as well as a visit with friends who have come to see us a number of times here in the states. We don't usually travel in June, but our Scottish friends have advised that this is the best month to visit, as the rain tends to hold off, and the midges have not yet emerged. Fr. Cromey will be taking the Wednesday services and handling any pastoral needs that may arise. For the Sunday services, I hope that you will welcome back Fr. Nate Lee and Fr. Bruce Woodcock.
This weekend will be full of activities, such as our popular "Camp Cocktails" and movie night. Pete and I also invite you to the rectory gardens (weather permitting) for our annual garden party Sunday after church. We should still have some peonies blooming, as well as poppies, irises, and columbines, to name a few. The meadow is also springing to life and hosting a clutch of eastern bluebird chicks. There is minimal parking at the rectory for those with mobility challenges. All others please come up the path or Fox Hill Road. See you in church!
In January, shortly after returning home to Arizona, my mother was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. Despite many years of walking with others through family crises and illnesses, this came as a huge shock to me and my sisters. After the shock came dread, then a war-room like strategizing as to how best to care for mom, led primarily by the unstoppable Lauren.
We all brought our gifts to the table, and I was so impressed by my sisters' ability to ask critical and insightful questions. Once the schedule of treatments was established, we all volunteered to take a week to be with mom during and after her treatments. It was decided that I should take the one closest to Mother's Day.
In the beginning, we all feared the worst and imagined helping mom with basic daily tasks after her treatments. Happily, she really took to the treatments, and only had mild discomfort afterward. So for me, coming out for the fifth of six treatments, it has been not so much an exercise in physical nursing, but rather a time to reconnect with my mother in a new way. I said to her, "you know, the last time we were in a doctor's office together, you were taking me." It has been a holy time to cherish all that has been, and to see a little of what the future will bring.
It wasn't just us kids, but work colleagues, neighbors, her doctor and nurses, and the prayers of the people of St. Mary's that have sustained her. Mom is beyond grateful for this outpouring, and we are all immensely relieved and just a little dumbfounded that after three and a half months, the unsinkable Linda Robÿn's PET scan revealed that the cancer is gone from her body. I get emotional even thinking about it.
Our lives are defined by many things, including how we meet the challenges that the universe throws our way. I am so grateful that my sisters and I had the ability to press pause on our day to day lives for a week at a time to care for our mother in her time of sickness and uncertainty. Family is one of life's greatest blessings, and though relationships can get strained, it is worth the effort. In the words of our bishop, "the most important thing we do is care for one another." "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35)
This Sunday is the Day of Pentecost, otherwise known as Whitsunday. It is considered to be the birth of the Church, as the disciples and Mary the mother of Jesus were gathered together in one room where they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. A mighty rush was heard, and tongues of fire appeared over their heads. Each began to praise God in different languages, signaling God's desire that all the world should be drawn into his loving embrace. So, beginning at Jerusalem, the word of God and his message of salvation spread around the whole world.
The liturgical color for the day is red, and I encourage you to wear that color. The children of the Sunday school will also be creating Pentecost "flames" to wear on their heads. We will hear scripture and liturgy in Greek, Danish, Swahili, German, Spanish, Latin, and French (with English translations side-by-side).
Jesus has ascended back to the Father, but as he promised, he did not leave us comfortless. He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth and to give us the power to be God's disciples in our day and time. Alleluia!
Father Rick
Outreach Update
Dear Friends,
It has become a tradition at St Mary's to provide financial support to local children who otherwise would not be able to have the experience of camp or enjoy so many of the fun Summer activities that most of us take for granted. Last year, through your generosity, we were able to support 21 children in the local camp at a cost to us of $15,350.00. Each year the cost of living goes up, and for many of these families there's not much left after providing the basics.
This year, about a month ago, a letter went out to the parents whose children are registered for free and reduced cost meals due to low and uncertain incomes. We offered a sponsorship for a maximum of 20 children. We have those twenty children already! The cost has gone up by $100.00 per student, to $700.00 for the first child and $600.00 for siblings. The cost of the optional Friday trips amounts to $178.00 per student: Splashdown, White Castle, High Exposure [ rock climbing], Bowling, and Boulders baseball. The Bounce trip will be free to campers. Not all students will opt for every trip, though they will be in the minority! If they can afford it, we are asking the parents to pay $200.00 for the first child and $100.00 for each sibling as their part towards the fees and Friday trips.
St Mary's would be grateful for any donations of whatever size to help us fund this year's campers. Checks should be made out to St Mary's Outreach, with memo 'Camp Sponsorship', or you can donate online at www.stmtux.com and make the designation in the Outreach dropdown.
You will be welcome to come to our first barbecue and film on the Great Lawn on May 31st, which will mark the start of our appeal.
Thank you for your support which will give five weeks of fun to twenty local children!
This week the Church celebrates the Feast of the Ascension; the day on which our Lord Jesus Christ ascended bodily into heaven in the sight of his disciples. Indeed, on the day of resurrection, Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, "go to my brothers and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (John 20:17) After the day of resurrection, he appeared many times in the intervening weeks to his disciples, showing them his wounds, opening their hearts and minds, even breaking bread with them. It must have come as an astonishing relief to them to see their teacher and friend alive.
I wonder what they felt as they saw him ascending from them? Did they feel overwhelming loss, or wonderment, or both? The book of Acts tells us that as they were standing there, angels appeared and said to them, "men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up towards heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11)
They returned to Jerusalem and, along with some women (including Mary, the mother of Jesus), devoted themselves to prayer until God sent his Holy Spirit on the day of pentecost. In this intervening time, let us also pray that God sends his Holy Spirit upon us for the renewal of the Church and the healing of the world.
As I wander through my garden, which is growing by leaps and bounds right now, I am reminded of the words of a seldom-heard hymn: "The happy birds Te Deum sing, 'tis Mary's month of May." Indeed, this month is traditionally associated with the mother of our Lord, in whose name our church is dedicated.
In some places, a "May crowning" takes place on mother's day in which a young girl places a garland of flowers on a statue of St. Mary. One rector of St. Mary the Virgin in Times Square famously would hire a child model every year since there were no little girls in the congregation!
One of St. Mary's titles is "saint greater than the saints," as she is truly the gate of heaven through which the savior of the world was made flesh and dwelt among us. Her "yes" to the angel Gabriel's message from God would change the very course of history and open to mankind the way of everlasting light. Orthodox Christians call her Theotokos, which means "God-bearer." In the same way that she said yes to God's plan and physically bore his son, may we also have the courage to say yes and bear witness to God's love in our own time.
In the book of Ecclesiastes we find a passage that was made famous by the Byrds' 1965 song, Turn! Turn! Turn! (a favorite of my mom's).: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die... (3:1-2a)
Father Ed pointed out in a recent homily that in death, life is changed, not ended. We believe that though we see our departed loved ones no more, nevertheless they go on in a "life of perfect service" in God's heavenly kingdom. We also say that "we believe in the communion of saints." The saints (whether they be on the Church calendar or not) intercede for us, and we ought to do the same for them. To that end, Jennifer and I have compiled a necrology that goes back as far as 2006. We will use that list throughout the year to remember departed members of St. Mary's in the prayers of the people.
The list is based upon the information that I have at hand in our parish register books and is not complete. For example, some death dates are not recorded, and the names of those not buried from St. Mary's are not listed. So, please email me if there is someone that you would like added to the St. Mary's necrology and I will see that they are added to the list.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
With such an early celebration of Easter this year, mother nature didn't have much time to put on a springtime show. However, with warmer temperatures recently, the church grounds are alive with spring blooms. Our gorgeous magnolias and other flowering trees in the churchyard are in full bloom, and a swath of daffodils and other flowers form a cascade of color coming down from the rectory to the church. It is truly beautiful to behold.
Right after Easter Day, Pete and I were blessed to have a few days of respite in the Florida sunshine, as well as to reconnect with St. Mary's parishioners who now live there either seasonally or year-round. Everyone in the sunshine state sends their love to their friends at St. Mary's.
Before you know it, summer will be upon us, so watch this space for announcements of all of our upcoming events such as the spring cocktail party at the Tuxedo Club (with special acknowledgment of some milestone birthdays), our summer camp fundraiser, and of course the annual Memorial Day exercises, hosted by St. Mary's. Until then, get out there and enjoy the beauty of Spring in Tuxedo.
Father Rick
Sunday School at 9:45am Every Sunday
The formation of children is a critical part of our mission. Service in church helps them learn about responsibility, charity, and self-sacrifice. Children are welcome to participate in our programs and/or attend church services with their parents. Under age 5, there is a a fun childcare program. Children ages 5 to 12 are welcome to attend Sunday School. Those 10 and older are encouraged to participate in the service as acolytes or readers. Please speak with Father Rick or call the church office at 845.351.5122 for more information.
The drama and grandeur of Holy Week commences this Sunday as we remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem with the blessing of palms and singing "All glory, laud, and honor." This year, the children of the Sunday school will be assisting me with the blessing and distribution of the palms. The service quickly takes a darker turn as we then read the story of Christ's Passion and death.
On Tuesday, I will head to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine for the annual renewal of ordination vows. This is a very moving service to which all are welcome, not just the clergy.
Holy Week liturgies, though all unique, form part of a greater whole. I encourage you to take part in as many services as you can. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies contain some of the most powerful imagery and music of the church year, and remind us acutely of our Lord's suffering and sacrifice.
Easter joy will ring out beginning on Saturday evening at St. John's in Arden, and of course on Sunday here at St. Mary's with festive music, flowering of the cross, the lighting of the paschal candle, and an Easter egg hunt!
May your Holy Week be blessed and your Easter joyful.
Father Rick
As a member of the college of deans in the diocese of New York, I am privileged to attend monthly meetings with my fellow deans, as well as our three bishops. Our new bishop diocesan, the Right Reverend Matthew Heyd, has hit the ground running, and is seeking input from everyone in the diocese regarding the direction we will take under his leadership in the area of the mission of the diocese. Earlier this year, the clergy of our deanery met with members of the bishop's staff to share our hopes and concerns. Now it is your turn to weigh in.
I can tell you from my interactions with him that our bishop really is listening and really wants to be the bishop to all of the diocese, regardless of geography or other circumstances. I encourage you to click on the link below to listen to his message and to register for the Lay listening session for our region (Western Orange & Sullivan) this Saturday, March 16 at noon.
Greetings from Texas, where I am attending the annual conference of the Episcopal Parish Network in Houston. I am writing this from the 24th floor of the Westin Galleria overlooking the parking lot of a “small” church with room for about 200 cars. I guess everything is bigger in Texas.
Last night, I had the opportunity to sit at table with our new bishop and share a meal and conversation. It was time very well spent, and I got to meet some folks from Trinity Wall Street as well as catch up with my Philadelphia parish’s next door neighbor, who now ministers in southwest Florida.
Yesterday and this morning were “pre-convention,” with events tailored to specific groups like rectors and deans, stewardship and finance, etc. There are also events for wardens and vestry, administrators, and more. I would recommend it to anyone involved in church leadership. As in past years, I am joined by our treasurer, JoAnn Hanson, who is here with the Church Investment Group.
This conference is also a great place to meet and network. Last night I attended a rectors and deans after dinner reception hosted by the Episcopal Church Office of Development, where I met someone who is eager to continue a conversation that we started about fundraising for St. Mary’s.
The meat of the conference begins after lunch today with our first keynote, featuring our own Bishop Heyd. I am looking forward to bringing some fresh insights and learnings back to St. Mary’s, and to getting home to Pete, the girls, and the garden. See you Sunday!
In our Lenten Learning series on Tuesday, we took a look at the history of the Book of Common Prayer. We talked about the "monastic era" of the church, which came to an abrupt end in England with Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries. This great part of the life of the Church lay dormant for centuries (at least in the Anglican tradition), but saw a great resurgence in the nineteenth century. Religious houses began to spring up in England once again, and naturally extended across the pond to the Episcopal Church, which by that time was well-established.
Religious orders have come and gone, but one that has withstood the test of time is the Community of St. John the Baptist, which came to the US in 1874. Originally located on New York's lower east side, the sisters now operate out of a bucolic site in Mendham, NJ, and are known for providing spiritual direction.
One of the sisters with whom I have spent some time with is Sister Monica Clare, an unassuming figure who has "nuntheless" risen to TikTok celebrity via her presentations on spirituality which have been nicknamed #NunTok. Click on http://impact.tiktok.com/ and go on "Stories" at the top of the page to find Sister Monica Clare and hear a short description of her online ministry. (You don't need the TikTok app). You can also click on the order's own website https://www.csjb.org/ to learn more about religious life in the Episcopal Church.
Father Rick
Sunday School at 9:45am Every Sunday
The formation of children is a critical part of our mission. Service in church helps them learn about responsibility, charity, and self-sacrifice. Children are welcome to participate in our programs and/or attend church services with their parents. Under age 5, there is a a fun childcare program. Children ages 5 to 12 are welcome to attend Sunday School. Those 10 and older are encouraged to participate in the service as acolytes or readers. Please speak with Father Rick or call the church office at 845.351.5122 for more information.
Yesterday we began the season of Lent with the moving liturgy of Ash Wednesday, in which we name and repent of our sins, and acknowledge our mortality and dependence on God's grace alone. In this season, we spiritually and liturgically join our Lord in the desert when he fasted and prayed, overcoming the temptations of the devil.
People often wonder what to give up (or take up) during this season. In the Episcopal Church, there are no set rules around this, but traditionally, the season is marked by fasting, self-denial, and almsgiving. The attached graphic is helpful in visualizing what this can look like. We fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and practice self-denial on Fridays in Lent, perhaps giving up meat, or something else of substance, depending on your circumstances.
Throughout Lent, there will be a wooden mite box at the back of the church. All donations placed in that box will be directed to the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, to help them with their vital work in the region, which is so sorely needed at this time.
There will also be a learning opportunity beginning on Tuesday, February 20 at 6:00 pm, and continuing each Tuesday night in Lent except for March 5, when I will be attending the Episcopal Parish Network annual conference in Houston. Our topic will be learning to pray the daily office as found in the Book of Common Prayer. Please bring a light dish to pass.
As you journey with our Lord, may you find his peace.
With our annual meeting in the rearview mirror, the busiest time of the year at St. Mary's has once again come to a close. I would like to say a sincere "thank you" to everyone who helped out with the event.
With a few weeks of relative peace and quiet ahead, Pete and I are headed out on our winter holiday. This will be our second year in a row, and our third time ever visiting Mexico. We have fallen in love with our neighbor to the south--the history, the climate, the beauty, and of course the food are what draw us back time and again. This year, we will be revisiting Mexico City, which is a jewel, Puerto Vaillarta, and for the first time, San Miguel de Aillende. I am grateful to be able to make this trip with my dear husband, whose new job actually allows for vacation time, though I know he will be on a few calls. Oh, well...I'll just go shopping!
While we are away, Jennifer will be in the office during regular hours if you need anything. Fr Ed will be taking the Wednesday services, and will be available for any pastoral needs. For the two Sundays that I will be gone, please welcome Fr Frank Alanga. I am always pleased to hear from the supply clergy who visit St Mary's how at home you make them feel.
We will be home on Saturday, February 9, just in time to attend the enthronement of Bishop Heyd at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, pick Emmy up from Aunt Lauren's, and head home to Tuxedo, rested and refreshed.
With our annual meeting in the rearview mirror, the busiest time of the year at St. Mary's has once again come to a close. I would like to say a sincere "thank you" to everyone who helped out with the event.
With a few weeks of relative peace and quiet ahead, Pete and I are headed out on our winter holiday. This will be our second year in a row, and our third time ever visiting Mexico. We have fallen in love with our neighbor to the south--the history, the climate, the beauty, and of course the food are what draw us back time and again. This year, we will be revisiting Mexico City, which is a jewel, Puerto Vaillarta, and for the first time, San Miguel de Aillende. I am grateful to be able to make this trip with my dear husband, whose new job actually allows for vacation time, though I know he will be on a few calls. Oh, well...I'll just go shopping!
While we are away, Jennifer will be in the office during regular hours if you need anything. Fr Ed will be taking the Wednesday services, and will be available for any pastoral needs. For the two Sundays that I will be gone, please welcome Fr Frank Alanga. I am always pleased to hear from the supply clergy who visit St Mary's how at home you make them feel.
We will be home on Saturday, February 9, just in time to attend the enthronement of Bishop Heyd at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, pick Emmy up from Aunt Lauren's, and head home to Tuxedo, rested and refreshed.
What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been. From the rectory Christmas open house, to our very well-attended Christmas services, to my epic 50th birthday, I think it is safe to say that the joy of the season was well and truly felt by all.
Things are quiet now, and as we prepare for our annual meeting in a few weeks, it is appropriate to take some time to reflect on and be grateful for all that St. Mary's means to her parishioners and the wider community. I would like to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who works hard throughout the year to advance our ministry: to the wardens, vestry, and staff; to our extremely talented music ministry; to all volunteers; and to all who give so very generously. It is because of you that St. Mary's is a shining beacon of hope and love in this world.
As we begin a new year, let us all pray and work for peace throughout the world, in our cities, and at home. "Love came down at Christmas." May that love surround us all the year through.
Father Rick
Outreach to Faith Build — Habitat for Humanity
During the pandemic, when donations were particularly hard to come by, it was decided to merge the different Christian denominations’ individual efforts to build or refurbish Habitat’s new homes, and work together to achieve the same end. Thus, Episcobuild was replaced by Faith Build. As Episcobuild, we helped build nine new homes! One of the annual fundraisers, started 15 years ago at St. Mary’s, has always been a fun and good fundraising gathering. St. Mary’s Outreach supports Habitat’s work year-round and this year will be making a $1,000 donation at the Twelfth Night concert. We would welcome checks or online donations that will be added to this sum. If you would like to donate, please donate online or make checks payable to St. Mary’s Outreach, memo ‘Habitat Twelfth Night.’ Faith Build has two houses planned for 2024 and a long line of families still waiting to be enrolled in the program that leads to the joy of homes of their own.
Today is the feast day of one of my favorite mystics: St. John of the Cross. He was born in 1542 in Fontiveros, near Avila, in Spain. His father died when he was only three years old. This led to a childhood spent in the grips of poverty. However, he received an elementary education at an orphanage in Medina del Campo, and by age seventeen had learned several trades through apprenticeships to local craftsmen.
After his university studies with the Jesuits, John entered the Carmelite Order and later completed his theological studies at Salamanca. In 1567, he was ordained to the priesthood and recruited by none other than Teresa of Avila for the reformation of the Carmelite Order.
John became disillusioned with what he considered the laxity of the Carmelites and opened his own monastery of "Discalced" (strict observance) Carmelites. He was seized and taken to Toledo, where he was imprisoned in the monastery. During his difficult nine-month imprisonment, he comforted himself by writing poetry. It was while imprisoned that he composed the greater part of his masterpiece, The Spiritual Canticle, as well as a number of shorter poems. His other major works include The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Living Flame of Love, and The Dark Night. It is this latter work, Noche obscura del alma, that gave the English language the phrase "dark night of the soul."
After a severe illness, John died on December 14, 1591.
Father Rick
Angel Tree Gifts
Each Christmas, St. Mary’s provides gift cards to local families that are valued at $50 per family plus $50 for each child. This year, we are committed to helping 32 needy families with 55 children. Please help provide a happy Christmas for these families with your donation and we will recognize each donor with a special ornament on our Angel Tree. You may send your check to St. Mary’s at PO Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY
Christmas Flowers & Music
Once again, St. Mary’s will be transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful space decorated for Christmas beginning with the greenery during Advent. Poinsettias and red bows will be added and then on Christmas Eve, we will enjoy outstanding music offered by our organist, as well as vocal and instrumental soloists.
All are paid for by YOUR donations. The total cost is over $3000, so we do need a number of generous donors to continue this lovely tradition at St. Mary’s. To make this possible, we ask that you give a special donation for the Christmas decorations and music by check or by clicking here.
In the memo line, please be sure to indicate who your gift is given in memory of or thanksgiving for -- you may also email these details to info@stmtux.org. The deadline for inclusion of memorials in our Christmas bulletins is Wednesday, December 20th.
This week (Dec 6) we celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas of Myra--yes, that St. Nicholas! He lived in the fourth century AD, and was probably present at the council of Nicea in 325. Aside from that, few historical facts are known about his life, though the pious legends abound.
Throughout time, he became revered for his love of children, especially the poor and abused, as well as for "those in peril on the sea." One legend involving children is almost too gruesome to re-tell. Suffice to say it involves pickling. Another more seasonally appropriate story tells us that he would toss socks filled with gold coins into the homes of poor children, thus helping them to escape lives of drudgery and exploitation. He is also rumored to have punched an Arian heretic in the face at the council of Nicea, which is almost certainly false.
The Dutch, being great navigators, revered St. Nicholas in his role as a patron for sailors. They brought this with them to New Amsterdam and gave us the idea of "Santa Claus," whose visual image was later cemented in our American imagination by Clement Clarke Moore, a professor at the General Theological Seminary in New York. In his classic, "A Visit From St. Nicholas," more commonly known as "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," we get a vivid image of this "jolly old elf," and one wonders what the real St. Nicholas would think about that.
Perhaps no other Saint has entered so vividly into the popular imagination in a way that so deviates from his historical life. Whatever the facts in the mists of time, the example of St. Nicholas teaches us the basic truths of our faith: love God, and love one another---especially the most vulnerable.
Father Rick
Angel Tree Gifts
Each Christmas, St. Mary’s provides gift cards to local families that are valued at $50 per family plus $50 for each child. This year, we are committed to helping 32 needy families with 55 children. Please help provide a happy Christmas for these families with your donation and we will recognize each donor with a special ornament on our Angel Tree. You may send your check to St. Mary’s at PO Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY (memo Angel Tree) or donate online by clicking here.
Christmas Flowers & Music
Once again, St. Mary’s will be transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful space decorated for Christmas beginning with the greenery during Advent. Poinsettias and red bows will be added and then on Christmas Eve, we will enjoy outstanding music offered by our organist, as well as vocal and instrumental soloists.
All are paid for by YOUR donations. The total cost is over $3000, so we do need a number of generous donors to continue this lovely tradition at St. Mary’s. To make this possible, we ask that you give a special donation for the Christmas decorations and music by check or by clicking here.
In the memo line, please be sure to indicate who your gift is given in memory of or thanksgiving for -- you may also email these details to info@stmtux.org. The deadline for inclusion of memorials in our Christmas bulletins is Wednesday, December 20th.
One of my favorite moments of the day occurs after I have gotten out of bed and the dogs have gone out and finished their breakfast, noisily and hurriedly. Shortly after that, their "food coma" sets in, and we have what I call our "quiet time." They rest at my feet and next to me on the sofa while I have my coffee and do the Wordle. It is a blessed time of tranquility before jumping into the cares of the day.
The season of Advent begins this Sunday, and despite the message of the secular world, it is "quiet time" for us Christians. It is a time of mindfulness, intentionality, and prayer as we take four weeks to prepare our hearts and souls to receive the incarnate Word. I wrote previously about a study that we are undertaking at St. Mary's to better understand where we are being called in terms of our spiritual lives, and what we can do together to foster that. If you haven't already, I invite you to take some time in the weeks of Advent to think and pray about this, and to fill out our brief survey with your thoughts.
I look forward to this season as together we wait for Jesus to be born again in Bethlehem and in our hearts as we await his coming in glory.
Father Rick
Angel Tree Gifts
Each Christmas, St. Mary’s provides gift cards to local families that are valued at $50 per family plus $50 for each child. This year, we are committed to helping 32 needy families with 55 children. Please help provide a happy Christmas for these families with your donation and we will recognize each donor with a special ornament on our Angel Tree. You may send your check to St. Mary’s at PO Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY (memo Angel Tree) or donate online by clicking here.
Christmas Flowers & Music
Once again, St. Mary’s will be transformed into a breathtakingly beautiful space decorated for Christmas beginning with the greenery during Advent. Poinsettias and red bows will be added and then on Christmas Eve, we will enjoy outstanding music offered by our organist, as well as vocal and instrumental soloists.
All are paid for by YOUR donations. The total cost is over $3000, so we do need a number of generous donors to continue this lovely tradition at St. Mary’s. To make this possible, we ask that you give a special donation for the Christmas decorations and music by check or by clicking here.
In the memo line, please be sure to indicate who your gift is given in memory of or thanksgiving for -- you may also email these details to info@stmtux.org. The deadline for inclusion of memorials in our Christmas bulletins is Wednesday, December 20th.
As I drove around today on my quotidian errands, I could not help but notice the great increase in the volume of traffic on the roads. According to one news report I heard, this year will be one of record-breaking travel over the Thanksgiving weekend. I am truly thankful that I will be celebrating the holiday with friends and family right here in Tuxedo.
Thanks to the work of St. Mary's Outreach Committee, 30 families with 50 children will also be celebrating here in our town. I am truly grateful for the work that this committed group does throughout the year which benefits people locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. It is amazing how much good can come from such a small place. Congratulations also goes out to our friends and partners at the Sloatsburg Food Pantry, for whom this is the busiest time of year.
We are truly blessed in this country to enjoy the blessings of peace, abundance, and generosity. While we celebrate, reunited with family and friends, we must never forget to remember those around us and around the world who do not enjoy these liberties: prisoners, captives, the sick, the maimed, and the lost. Let us give thanks, and let us pray and work for peace.
Father Rick
Thanksgiving at St. John’s in Arden
A Thanksgiving service will be celebrated at Saint John’s in Arden at 10am on Thursday, November 23rd. If you have never been, it is a magical little church, tucked into the woods off Arden Road in Harriman. We hope you will join us.
Directions: From the Tuxedo Park gate, turn left on Route 17 and continue north until you see the sign for Arden. Turn right, and stay to the left as you cross over the thruway. Continue up the hill, and stay to the right. Pass through the open gate and continue up the hill to the clearing, where you will find the church.
Outreach Update
Thanks to everyone who made possible Thanksgiving Baskets to be delivered to 30 local low-income families with 50 children. Each bag contained fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, and the ingredients for a traditional Thanksgiving meal and more! The bags were delivered by school bus on Monday 20th November, along with a large frozen turkey. We thank the Sloatsburg Food Pantry for supplying the turkeys and St. Mary's Parishioners for all their contributions and work on the packing. So much can be accomplished when the different organizations come together with a common goal!
Sue Heywood, Outreach Chair
Rooted in Abundance
As you contemplate your 2024 pledge, please consider carefully what St. Mary's means to you; acknowledge our shared responsibility to keep our church vibrant and healthy in every respect. Pledge an amount you are comfortable with and please remember that each and every gift is meaningful and received with gratitude and joy. Abundance is what God has made available. And generosity is what we do with what has been made available. Thank you for sharing your abundance.
In June of last summer, JoAnn Hanson and I attended the College for Congregational Development, a week-long intensive program sponsored by our diocese. The topics were many and included things like facilitation and communication. We were all required to assess our own Meyers-Briggs "type" (I call this the Episcopal horoscope) in order to get a better picture of our own parish's "type." This knowledge helped us to discern our strengths and opportunities for growth.
On the strength side, St. Mary's is friendly, outgoing, caring, and social. You probably already know this. Our small group colleagues were simply amazed by all the things we do. We sensed, however, that the weaker area is our interior self. We are in need of spiritual growth.
To address this, we were given "homework." We are therefore asking you to help guide this process and tell us what you think and what you would like to see in the area of spiritual growth at St. Mary's. Our goal is to collect that information and use it to create an opportunity to enrich our spirituality in Lent.
Please click here to fill out our brief survey. Thank you for participating in this important part of our common life.
Every year at this time, my thoughts turn to memories of my childhood and the anticipation and sheer joy of celebrating Halloween. The chill in the air and smell of burning leaves (yes, I am that old) signaled the coming of that spooky and sugar-soaked night. I can still smell the plastic dime store costumes off-gassing as mom mercifully enlarged the nose-holes in the mask so we could actually breathe. I remember being warned to stay away from the “big kids” who were up to no good—smashing pumpkins, stealing candy from us little kids, and worst of all, toilet-papering the homes of their enemies. Simpler times.
What I did not know is that Halloween is part of a larger celebration deeply rooted in Christian teachings about life, death, and resurrection. All Hallows’, All Saints, and All Souls days teach us to pray for the dead, and remember our own mortality, but also the promise of eternal life.
All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween (Oct 31), has become a family-friendly, non-sectarian night in which children everywhere dress in ghoulish costumes and gorge on candy. To quote a famous Tim Burton movie, "life's no fun without a good scare!" But in the eyes of the Church, this night is spent fasting and praying in preparation for the great feast that is to come. It is said that the veil between life and death is especially thin at this time. In one of our more creative bursts of energy during lockdown, our family pod filmed a Halloween Special in and around the church. My sister steals the show as the witch of Endor. You can watch it here Halloween Special
All Saints Day (Nov. 1) The Church honors the Saints in heaven and acknowledges our destiny and unity within the Body of Christ, which death cannot destroy. On this day, we ask the Saints' intercession as they worship continually before the throne of God. Please join us on Wednesday, November 1 at the 10:00 service as we commemorate this feast.
All Souls Day (Nov 2) We commemorate the faithful departed. Praying for the departed is a practice that has its roots in Judaism, and has been a part of the Christian Church since its beginning. Fun fact: the official colors of Halloween, orange and black, come from the colors of the candles and vestments used at the mass of this day--unbleached, orange-ish candles, and black vestments.
There will be a combined celebration of All Souls and All Saints on Sunday, November 5.
May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Sadly we yet again face uncertain times in the world, however there is a positive message that I can share with you today and that is the message of our annual stewardship campaign, “Rooted in Abundance.” The roots of St. Mary’s tree spreads far and wide, we are a community rooted in faith, abundance, and generosity.
We at St. Mary’s are extremely fortunate that we have a strong tradition of giving, a vast abundance, not just that of monetary giving. In fact, we gain invaluable assistance from those of you in the community with issues such as volunteering your time and talents as well.
We need volunteers to keep our ministries strong, the most important of these is our Outreach, where our focus is on our neighbors in need. I cannot tell you how many of those in our community are assisted by your generosity, whether with food at the pantry or on the holidays, supporting our events, supermarket gift cards, clothing for the homeless and much more. The success stories are heartwarming but in order that we may continue, we need those with wealth, works, and wisdom. We need your talents and welcome new ideas, creative people to lead, problem solvers, the roots that help support St. Mary’s tree.
When needed, we all have a gift that can be shared, whether it be cooking a meal, administrative abilities such as book keeping, those who serve at the altar, those who offer to do coffee hour or chair an event to raise funds. Whatever your talents, they can be put to good use through the church.
Our abundance is strong only if the tree of the church is healthy, with a vital system of roots feeding it, we ask that each of you consider pledging as we strive for 100% participation this year. You are a source of great strength that supplies the St. Mary’s tree in a forest that shelters us all!
With gratitude for all that you do!
Lili Neuhauser
Senior Warden
The most important words to say in Church are “thank you.” Say it often, and mean it, and today I say it to you. Thank you for the many gifts that you share with our community.
You have heard the familiar expression “can’t see the forest for the trees” before. We most often use it to describe that occasion in which we lose sight of the big picture while focusing on the details. From my position, I often experience the blessing of being able to see the big picture of our congregation – the ministry we bring to our neighbors, the impact we have on our community, the ways that week after week we come together to celebrate our faith and praise God. This is the forest.
I also get to wander amongst the trees–from the small shoot reaching out from its seed and finding the sunlight, to the mightiest tree, standing tall, offering sheltering love to those who need it. You are those trees, each drawing strength from the Word and Sacraments, and showering the world with the love and grace you have come to know here. I am blessed that here in our congregation, I can see both the forest and the trees.
When I walk through the gift of nature that is Tuxedo, I am aware of the tangle of roots, how one tree is connected to another. Trees use these networks, silently talking to each other through their roots, passing information along. Adult trees share their sugars with young saplings, and a dying tree can send its remaining resources back out to help the community. These networks, these roots of abundance, keep trees in place just as much as they free them to grow and share.
The theme of our annual pledge campaign this year is Rooted in Abundance, and we are reminded that we are a mighty forest composed of ancient trunks and sprightly saplings, each of us contributing our gifts to a world that needs us. As you hear the forthcoming messages from the Senior Warden and chairwoman of the Stewardship committee and stories of abundance this year, take note of how generosity spreads and widens our root structures of faith and action. Just as the trees of the forest all do their part, we are looking for 100% participation this year.
In gratitude,
The Very Rev. Richard J. Robÿn, Rector
I write to you today with a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving for all that St. Mary’s is to our community and beyond. 2023 has been a very full year of worship and service. We come together faithfully throughout the year for the breaking of bread and the prayers. It is through this Eucharistic lens that we share our stories and experience all of life’s moments, from the joy of baptism to the hope of resurrection to eternal life. Strengthened by God’s word and sacraments, we go out in joyful obedience to Jesus’ great commission to make new disciples and to love one another as he loves us.
It is with this same spirit that we approach our annual stewardship appeal, knowing that the worship and holy work of St. Mary’s is possible only because of your generosity. The finance committee and Vestry work hard to do as much as possible with what we have, and to spend our financial resources wisely. In addition to our normal operating expenses, we are currently undertaking a costly but much-needed restoration of the church façade, with more capital improvements on the horizon.
With this information in mind, I ask you seriously and prayerfully to consider your financial gift for 2024 to St. Mary’s. If you have never pledged before, please do so at any level you can afford. Our goal this year is 100% participation – all gifts are a show of faith in our mission, no matter the amount. If you already are a pledger, thank you for your past generosity, and please consider increasing your pledge in 2024. In gratitude for your commitment to St. Mary’s, I am,
Faithfully Yours,
The Very Rev. Richard J. Robÿn, Rector
Today the Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our patron. Her mother, St. Anne couldn't have imagined the things that God had in store for her tiny baby girl. Pious legend has it that she brought Mary up in faithfulness and taught her to love God with all her heart. This influence can be clearly seen when, without hesitation, Mary says "yes" to God's plan for her, and when she proclaims in her song, the Magnificat, a perfect understanding of God's will for mankind and the vision of his kingdom of true justice, love, and reconciliation.
As Christians, our vocation is--like Mary--to be Godbearers to the world in our time. In our baptisms and confirmations, we too say "yes" to God's call to us. May Mary's example, and her intercessions encourage and inspire us to go forth into the world in the power of the Spirit.
It has been an interesting month, weather-wise, but the earth is yielding its increase, and at least in my kitchen, the canning of all that bounty is in full swing. The children are all set to return to school, to the relief of moms and dads everywhere. This means that we are also all set to start another busy program year at St. Mary's.
Tomorrow night we conclude our summer movies on the great lawn series with the Disney classic, "Sleeping Beauty." Sunday School resumes on September 10, and the event of the season, our benefit dinner at the Tuxedo Club, will take place on September 23. Get your tickets now, as this will sell out! This month will include several baptisms, all of which adds up to a lively start to the autumn season. Workmen are also continuing to repair and replace mortar joints on two sides of the church, which is a very fulfilling sight for all of us who have worked hard (despite some setbacks) to get this project off the ground.
Indeed, there are many ways to get involved in the life of our church outside of regular Sunday attendance--which is also greatly appreciated. Ministries ranging from outreach to altar guild and everything in between need you! I am very grateful to all of the dedicated lay leaders who help to make our life and ministry possible, and encourage you to join in the fun.
St. Mary's Seeks Administrative Assistant (Posted 8/28/23)
St. Mary’s is seeking an Administrative Assistant to be a welcoming and responsive presence in the church office on a regular basis (Mondays-Thursdays, 9am to 1pm). This is a part-time role that provides general office support to the staff, committees, and congregation, in order to support the ministries and mission of St. Mary’s.
Another summer is at an end, with many wonderful memories in its wake. I am sure that many of you have fond childhood memories of your summer breaks, including various types of camps. As you know, it is a tradition at St. Mary's to raise funds for "camperships" so that all of the children in our community of Tuxedo and Sloatsburg can attend the town-run camp. This year, thanks to your generosity, we sent 21 children from local, low-income families to summer camp! This includes field trips as well as the normal activities. The cost for all this was just over $15,000, so you can see how important your gifts were to the children. And remember, it is never too late (or too early) to donate, as the need is ever-present.
This ministry to our community is one of my personal favorites, simply because of the smiles that it puts on the faces of so many children who would otherwise be left on their own during the summer months. Just think of the wonderful lifelong memories that you have made possible. Thank you!
Every parish church has some sort of dedication and corresponding feast day. For churches like us, which are dedicated to particular Saints, the day is obvious. For others, which are dedicated to moments in the life of Christ, (Nativity, Epiphany, Transfiguration, Resurrection, Ascension), we can also easily identify the holy day. Then there are the many churches dedicated to the doctrine of the Trinity, also easy. When it comes to places with names like Grace, it becomes a little more difficult. I've often said that I can accurately date the founding of any given Episcopal church by its name. For example, Christ is usually the oldest church in town, followed by Trinity, then the "safely Anglican" Saints like Andrew, George, Peter, and Paul. Mary is generally associated with parishes founded in the 19th century at the time of the Oxford Movement. It was decided at a meeting of the Vestry on September 22, 1888, that "the Tuxedo Church," (as it had been called) would bear the name "St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo."
Our feast of title occurred yesterday, August 15. Pete and I were in the city at the shrine church of St. Mary the Virgin in Times Square for the annual observance. We were treated to magnificent music by Palestrina, copious incense, and an amazing organ improvisation by Dr. David Hurd, my seminary music professor.
Here at home, we will be observing our feast day by welcoming members of the Society of Mary (an Episcopal devotional society) and, I hope, many of you to a special service in honor of the day. There will be special music by composers such as Vaughn Williams and Charpentier, and the singing of the classic hymn, "Hail, Holy Queen!" (Aileen promises to hit the high C at the end!) A festive reception will follow in Bentley Hall. I hope to see you there!
What: Feast of St. Mary the Virgin
When: Saturday, August 19 @ 12:30pm
Where: St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
Last week I announced the resignation of our office administrator, Aoife Geoghegan. Her last full week has come and gone, and Lili and I were able to take her out to lunch last week as a very small way of saying thank you for her fantastic work over the last two years.
Aoife came to us at the beginning of a new chapter in our history, as we emerged from the pandemic. She quickly learned the ropes and had our office humming. I will personally miss her daily friendliness, her can-do attitude, and her Irish wit. The dogs will certainly wonder where she went. Even shy Emmy got to where she loved coming to the office and would run straight down each morning. But more than all that, her welcoming spirit was an important part of our ministry to the community and beyond. The good news is that she and her wonderful family will remain a part of our parish family.
I am grateful to a number of volunteers who will be helping to fill in the gaps while we look for a new administrator. The position description is on our website, and you can see it here. Please share it with anyone who you think may be interested.
I was at the gym on Monday when I learned from my trainer that Paul Reubens (better known to my generation as Pee-wee Herman) had died of cancer at age 70. It took a while for the news to sink in, but I began to notice that a number of my friends and I were experiencing a deep sense of loss. I met Mr. Reubens once at a DVD signing event in New York while in seminary, but I never had any kind of personal relationship with him. Nevertheless, his death seemed like that of a childhood companion, and it created a great sadness in me and my friends.
I should note that these friends were kids like me--a little odd, other, outsiders. What we saw in Pee-wee in all his garish glory was our weird little selves. He was wacky, eccentric, and whimsical, but also kind and self-aware with a great sense of curiosity and wonder about things. On Saturday mornings, I relished being whisked to the magical playhouse, where I felt right at home with Pee-wee and his fascinating and diverse group of friends such as the Cowntess (a talking cow in a tiara), Cowboy Curtis, and the groovy Mrs. Renee to name a few.
He showed us that being ourselves is way cooler than pretending to be something else in order to fit in. There is a gospel message in that: We are wonderfully made in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colors. We all have unique gifts and talents, and none of us should hide our light under a bushel basket. God wants us to shine! So, for helping me (and many others) to learn that lesson in the most fun and fabulous way, thank you, Pee-wee. You are sorely missed, but your over the top example of living life with eccentric joie-de-vivre is something that I will carry with me always..
After a wonderful vacation in Italy, it is great to be back home. It is amazing to see the effect of all the rain on the vegetable garden--it has become quite the jungle!
I am very grateful to Bishop Cate Waynick, Fr. Nate Lee, and of course Fr. Ed for taking the services while I was away. Thanks also to Lili for managing the whirlwind of activity and to the Clarkes for looking after our girls.
Speaking of activity, you may have noticed the scaffolding along the southern facade of the church. Good things are happening! After a long and rocky road, work has begun on repointing and repairing the stonework, which has suffered from the ravages of time. Workers are skillfully cheselling away loose joints and artfully filling in the cracks with new mortar which matches the original in color and composition. We are very pleased with our new contractor, and look forward to a continuing relationship with them, because, as we know, with historic buildings the work never ends.
I am also personally very happy with the work of local Tuxedo craftsman Chris Potouridis, who restored seven windows and frames both beautifully and functionally on the eastern facade of the rectory, thanks to a generous gift from Jane Garofano.
We talk a lot about stewardship in light of annual fundraising (which is vitally important!) but it also extends to care of our built environment (the church and rectory). We received these gifts from previous generations, who gave generously by bringing on architects and artists such as Richard Howland Hunt, Louis Comfort Tiffany, and John LaFarge to name a few. Now it is our turn to see that we hand them on to succeeding generations, I hope in even better condition than we found them. Thank you to all of you who, in our time, help to build God's Temple in this place.
Greetings from lovely Garrison, New York, just across the Bear Mountain Bridge. JoAnn Hanson and I are at the Greymore Spirituality Center for our first of two years of week-long study in the College for Congregational Development. So far, it has been an intense week of study. We begin our work at 9:00 and end with evening prayer at 7:00 with only an hour break for lunch. However, we are learning SO MUCH about models, systems, change, conflict & trust, facilitation, transition, life cycle, and much more. We alternate between being in the large group for plenary sessions and small group work. It's pretty intense, but we will bring a lot of very useful tools back with us to St. Mary's.
On the first day, our small group leader tested positive for covid and was put in quarantine. Because of that, we had the honor of Bishop Melissa Skelton (founder of the College) as our facilitator. It has been a real treat to spend the week with her and benefit from her gracefulness and wisdom. Since then, two more of our number have tested positive, so it's back to masks, unfortunately.
I will be home tomorrow afternoon, and look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
As we approach our newest federal holiday, Juneteenth National Independence Day, some historical context may be helpful for those who aren't familiar with the celebration. Growing up, I was taught that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation--well, sort of. The real story is, as usual, much more complex. Lincoln's "Proclamation 95" was an executive order issued on January 1, 1863 in the midst of the American Civil War. It decreed that all people being held in slavery in states that were in rebellion to the US government were henceforth free. As you can imagine, enforcement was spotty at best.
It wasn't until two and a half years later (June 19, 1865) that Major General Gordon Granger issued an order freeing the slaves in Texas--two months after the end of the war! Commemorative celebrations began the following year, and have continued ever since. Texas recognized the holiday in 1938, and it was not until 2021 that President Joe Biden signed the federal holiday into law. Juneteenth is even celebrated in parts of Mexico where escaped slaves settled in the 1850s, making it an international observance.
Local celebrations vary widely, and include everything from poetry readings to beauty pageants. Here at St. Mary's, we will pray a special collect this Sunday that I have written at the conclusion of the prayers of the people, and on Monday, special music will be set to ring out on our carillon, including the hymn, "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing!"
Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart and especially the hearts of the people of this land, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP 823
The term "biblical" has been used a lot in the last few days. Eerie images of an orange New York City conjure up memories of the days before air quality regulations gave us the bright blue Manhattan skies that we have come to love. Indeed, yesterday New York's air quality was ranked the worst in the world.
One of the things I enjoy about living in Tuxedo is the pristine nature which surrounds us. When I check my weather app each morning, I always look at the air quality index, which is usually in the deep green range, around 12. The forecast is almost always "Good, which is similar to yesterday at this time." What a shock it was to see our air quality yesterday evening in the deep maroon range at 333, according to airnow.gov, which is considered "Hazardous."
Today at least we can see the sun, but the air still smells of smoke. Many outdoor activities are cancelled, and we urge everyone to stay indoors if possible. The smoke will clear, eventually, but I hope that we remember this for a long time and bear the lesson in mind that environmental catastrophes in one remote area can have damaging effects on millions of people hundreds of miles away. It is incumbent upon all of us to be good stewards of this planet, which seems to be more and more fragile. The earth and the life it sustains are gifts from God which must not be squandered.
O God our heavenly Father, you have blessed us and given us dominion over all the earth: Increase our reverence before the mystery of life; and give us new insight into your purposes for the human race, and new wisdom and determination in making provision for its future in accordance with your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP 828
In our Baptismal Covenant, we are asked this question: "Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?" How can we do this individually, and as a Church? One thing is for sure, we have failed on both counts. However, with God's help, we strive to live into this challenging promise. Sometimes we do so with great fanfare, and sometimes quietly and personally with one baby step. The important thing is to keep trying.
June is, of course, LGBTQ Pride month, and one way to respect human dignity is to show that we believe everyone to be created in God's loving image. I have been involved with the Pride planning committee at our cathedral, and was there volunteering for "Pride Eve," May 31, for a festive opening reception and the turning on of the "Pride lights."
Many of the people in attendance had never set foot in our magnificent cathedral. As I was scanning tickets at the door, I got to see what is called the "Oh, my God!" moment when first-timers enter the sacred space. (There is even a t-shirt in the giftshop with those words on it.) Before the lights were turned on, the Dean said a few words. To paraphrase, he said that he first looked at the lights as pretty, but something of a gimmick. Then he noticed that people were coming from all over New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere to see them. They were making a pilgrimage to this great and holy place because it sent the message that God sees you and loves you--we see you and love you, too. Indeed, when I posted pictures of the illuminated cathedral, people asked if they could share it and said how proud they are to be--Episcopalian!
I will be back at the cathedral next Monday, June 5 for the Faith Perspectives Panel, which will feature some brilliant panelists. I hope that you can join me. You can learn more and register for the free event here. Happy Pride!
What an exciting week for the Episcopal Church and especially for the Diocese of New York! Back in December, St. Mary's delegates and I travelled to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine for our bishop electing convention. It was an exciting day at which we as a diocese chose the Rev'd Matthew Heyd as our Bishop-elect. After much planning and preparation (hats off to the transition committee!), we are once again returning to the cathedral this Saturday to witness Matt's ordination to the Sacred Order of Bishops. There is already much excitement in the air as preliminary consecration events have already begun.
Just yesterday, Fr. Ed and I met Bishop George and Fr. John of the Church of South India (which is one of our communion partners.) I gave them a tour of our church, and Fr Ed hosted us for lunch. It was great to get to know these two faithful men, who will be attending the consecration ceremony as well.
Tomorrow, Fr Ed and I will be travelling to St. Thomas' Church in Mamaroneck for pre-consecration clergy time with the Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev'd Michael Curry. This will be followed by a festive lunch.
All are welcome to attend the ceremony on Saturday in-person. It will, of course, also be live streamed from the cathedral. All the pertinent information can be found at this link: https://dioceseny.org/
May God bless our new Bishop, and all the clergy and people of this great diocese.
Fr. Rick
I hope that you will join us in church this Sunday as we celebrate the good works of St. Mary's with our "Outreach Sunday." You will find below a flyer showing just some of the wonderful ways in which we as a church have a positive impact on the lives of so many people right here in our community and beyond.
I am very pleased that we will be joined by a very special guest, Mr. Robert Radtke, the President of Episcopal Relief and Development, who will deliver the address. ERD is the crisis response arm of the Episcopal Church, and serves globally in times of natural disasters, such as the earthquakes in Turkey and Sudan, hurricanes and tornadoes in the US, and in conflict zones like Ukraine. Special offering envelopes will be in the bulletins. Please make checks out to St. Mary's with "Outreach" in the memo line. If you can't make it to church, you can always contribute online at stmtux.org/giving. Thank you for your continued generosity which directly improves the lives of our brothers and sisters in Tuxedo, Sloatsburg, and beyond.
Through Christ let us continually offer to God the sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his Name. But to do good and to distribute, forget not; for with such
sacrifices God is well pleased. Hebrews 13:15,16
The Lord is risen, indeed, and the Spring season has begun! After a really wonderful Easter Sunday with great attendance, music, and liturgy, we move into the month of May, which is traditionally chock-a-block as Tuxedoites are anxious to get back out into the beauty of creation.
We begin with Outreach Sunday, May 7. This year, we are fortunate to welcome Mr. Rob Radtke, the head of Episcopal Relief and Development, as our guest. Mr. Radtke will deliver the address and remind us of the vital work that we all do as Episcopalians to alleviate suffering wherever it exists in this world. You are, no doubt, familiar with the robust outreach that St. Mary's undertakes in our local community, regionally, and globally. This will be a great opportunity to meet and hear a fellow worker in the vineyard about how your generosity touches the lives of so many.
The following Sunday is Mother's Day and Rogation Sunday. Weather permitting, we will bless the gardens surrounding the church after the service.
On Saturday, May 20, we will participate in the ordination and consecration of our Bishop-elect, the Rev. Matthew Heyd at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. All are welcome to attend in-person, as we are truly blessed to have a cathedral building that can hold us all. I will walk in procession with my brother and sister clergy, and we also seek a banner bearer for St. Mary's, as well as singers for the diocesan choir. Please do let me know if you are interested. All pertinent information about the day can be found online here.
Finally, the last Sunday of May is the Day of Pentecost. Come, Holy Ghost!
It is hard to believe that the five weeks of Lent have come and (almost) gone already. Of course this brings us to the most sacred time in the Church's year, Holy Week. We begin with Palm Sunday, which has two distinct facets. One is the joyous and triumphal entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. Palms are blessed in a manner that closely resembles that of the consecration of the Holy Eucharist. They are then distributed to the people and the joyous hymn, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor" is sung. The other facet is much darker, as the passion according to St. Matthew is read, with the entire congregation participating. We hear the story of Jesus' betrayal, trial, and execution, concluding with time for personal meditation and prayer. At the end of the service, we will depart from the church in somber silence.
Palm Sunday is just the beginning of a week-long journey of participation in Christ's death, but also in his joyful resurrection. I hope that you will join us on Sunday and throughout Holy Week for these moving and spiritually edifying services. The full schedule is published elsewhere in this newsletter.
I would like to remind you that a very important feast day is coming up: the Feast of the Annunciation. It falls on March 25 (nine months to Christmas), but is transferred to the nearest available date after Easter if that date falls within Holy Week. This year it does not, so we will celebrate it at our normally scheduled Saturday evening service this week at 5:00 p.m.
Unlike the usual service, we will celebrate the Annunciation from the high altar, and will have some really delightful French music by composer Léon Boëllmann (1862-1897), as well as hymns, including the famous Basque carol: "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came.
I hope that many of you will be able to attend, and for those who cannot, the service will be live streamed via the usual channels. Remember, it was through Mary's "yes" to God that his plan for the salvation of mankind was literally conceived and born and freely given to all. O come, let us worship!
Mid-March can really be a mixed bag. Looking back at photos from recent years, I noticed that we had a very early spring in 2020, though I will happily take a later start this year over what we were going through then. Something that doesn't change are the fixed dates of two popular holy days: the feast of St. Patrick, and the feast of St. Joseph.
Patrick was born into a Christian family about 390. His grandfather was a priest, and his father was a deacon, so you could say that he followed in the family business. He was kidnapped at age 16 and taken to Ireland, where he was forced to work as a shepherd. He escaped and returned to Britain, where he was educated and ordained a priest and later a bishop. A vision called him to return to Ireland, where he performed the remarkable missionary work of Christianizing and church building until his death in 461.
Despite distressing circumstances, Joseph obediently accepted the vocation of protecting Mary and being an earthly father to Jesus. He led them into exile in Egypt to escape the plot of King Herod to kill the child Jesus, and later raised him as a devout Jew at Nazareth. Like Mary, Joseph accepted his God-given responsibility with gentleness and humility.
In this country, both of these popular saints are celebrated widely, but especially by particular immigrant groups. Naturally, the Irish venerate St. Patrick, and the Italians venerate St. Joseph. In New Orleans, where they love all the Saints, both get rolled into one big celebration, and dispensation is granted from Lenten discipline. Elaborate altars made of baked goods are constructed to honor St. Joseph, and at the St. Patrick's parade (for some reason completely unrelated to the life of the saint), one can catch enough cabbage and potatoes tossed from floats to feed a small army.
May their examples of openness to God's will and faithfulness in doing it be guideposts for all of us ants. See you Sunday!
Greetings from Jacksonville, Florida, where Pete and I (along with JoAnn and Allen) are attending the annual conference of the Episcopal Parish Network. We started out with a brief personal getaway at beautiful Jekyll Island, Georgia. It’s history is fascinating and has many parallels with Tuxedo Park.
Here at the conference, I am registered in the “Rectors and Deans” category, and have already participated in some very thoughtful panel discussions. One of our speakers is the Rev. Samuel Wells, who is the Vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London. He spoke on church renewal, in the face of our many shared challenges, in a way that was quite inspiring. I purchased one of his books, and I’m looking forward to reading it and sharing it with you.
Later today, we will be treated to a keynote by historian John Meacham which should be quite good. It is also great to reconnect with friends from around the church, but we are both anxious to get back to our pups. Please pray for safe travels for all of the conference participants. See you Sunday!
After church this coming Sunday, Pete and I will be whisked to the airport to catch our flight to Jacksonville, Florida, which is the host city for this year's Episcopal Parish Network conference. We are arriving a few days ahead of the conference to take our belated "post-Christmas" break at the Jekyll Island Club, which is about an hour north of Jacksonville. In the early 20th century, north Florida and the South Georgia Islands were the gold coast for many gilded age heliotropes. When reading about the early days of Jekyll Island, we were amused, but not surprised, to note that many of the 100 founding members were also residents of Tuxedo Park and parishioners of St. Mary's--we simply had to check it out!
I am also very much looking forward to attending the conference, which I thoroughly enjoyed last year in Atlanta. There are always compelling keynotes, as well as representatives from many different church-related organizations. Our own JoAnn Hanson will be presenting on behalf of Church Investment Group. Of course we exist as a Church in community, both locally and on a broader level, and it is always a joy to reconnect with colleagues from around the country. To put it into the words of the Wizard of Oz, " I go to confer, converse, and otherwise hob-nob with the other wizards." Please pray for travelling mercies for all who will attend, and for the Holy Spirit to be at work among us.
Remember that thou art dust, and unto dust shalt thou return.
With these familiar words, we begin our Lenten journey of faith. In this season of preparation, we contemplate our mortality, our sinfulness, and our need for the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus fasted and was tempted by Satan for forty days and forty nights in the desert. Moses spent forty days and nights atop the mountain with God. We will spend the forty days of Lent in repentance and self-denial, peeling away the comforts and balms of this earthly life in order to more fully expose our hearts and souls to God. We will pray and work to bring our lives more and more into harmony with God's will for us, thereby enabling us to experience the true joy of the Resurrection.
We will begin our observance of Lent on Ash Wednesday with two services, 10:00 a.m. (spoken), and 7:00 p.m. (with music).
I invite you to take advantage of all that this season has to offer you. Put away the old man, and open your heart to experiencing God in powerful ways. He is calling you, his children into his loving arms.
It is said that the only constant is change. Sometimes it comes at a glacial pace, sometimes we must fight for it, and sometimes it just happens to us in an instant. However it comes, it is an immutable part of life.
There is a difference, though, between changing and adapting. There is an anecdote in which a palace spokesman is asked how the late Queen had changed over the years. His response was quick: Her Majesty doesn't change; she adapts. I think that the same is true of the Church. What we are all about and whom we serve never change. However, we do adapt to circumstances, cultures, times. Sometimes it is difficult to accept a new reality, but we must bloom where we are planted.
At St. Mary's, we've done a fantastic job of weathering the storm of pandemic, and it feels as though we are now enjoying fairer winds and calmer seas. But, we were not just floating all that time, we were moving to a new place--indeed, we are always moving. Where we are today is not where we were three years ago at this time. Things have changed, people have changed, and we adapt to that as best we can.
Last spring, anxieties were higher than they are now, and a powerful desire to be "normal" again was at the forefront of our collectively exhausted minds. We decided then to bring back the 8am Sunday service which, before the pandemic consisted of a solid and faithful community of members. It has become clear that in the intervening three years, that community has ceased to exist and that the 8am service, with consistently low to no turnout just doesn't make sense any longer. Therefore, beginning this coming Sunday, February 5 and going forward, there will be one Sunday service at 10am.
However, as of this Saturday, February 4, we will reinstate our winter evening service at 5pm. We will meet at St. Mark's Altar from then through the end of March. Also on Tuesdays in March we will inaugurate a Bible study, which I am personally excited about. It will be interesting to see what comes of that, and where this kind of study outside of worship can lead us. More details on that to come.
The term "discernment" is used most often in the Church to refer to the calling of a new rector, but it is much more than that. For Christian disciples, it is a way of life. It is my privilege to serve with you on our pilgrimage of discernment and discovery. May God continue to bless us as we seek and serve him.
8am - Holy Eucharist (spoken, at the St. Mark's altar)
10am - Holy Eucharist (with music and hymns)
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
11:30am - Stewardship Meeting in French House
Wednesday, January 25
10am - Holy Eucharist
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
With the Christmas decorations put away and the annual meeting behind us, it feels like a new year has truly begun. At the rectory, everything has been cleaned and stored away, the dog has had a bath, and all that remains is a fresh haircut for me and a vehicle inspection. Who am I kidding? It never ends!
It was good to come together at the annual meeting -- everyone from our youngest to our eldest -- to celebrate all that we have accomplished for God's glory in 2022, and to look forward to a spirit-filled 2023. We are doing God's work! Just this morning, a friend from Philadelphia who is on her Lutheran church's council (their equivalent of our vestry), rang to talk about outreach and evangelism and how we do such a good job of it at St. Mary's. She is hoping to do some of the same things, along with her new pastor.
I am very proud to be the rector of St. Mary's and look forward to many more years of ministry together with you. If you missed the annual meeting and would like to see more, please click here.
8am - Holy Eucharist (spoken, at the St. Mark's altar)
10am - Holy Eucharist (with music and hymns)
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
11:30am - Annual Meeting in Bentley Hall
Wednesday, January 18
10am - Holy Eucharist
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
The life of a parish is so complex and multi-layered. A great deal happens in a year, from worship, to outreach, to the day to day running of things. Many things are afoot as we enter 2023, and I cordially invite you to attend our 135th annual meeting this Sunday after the 10am service. You will hear from me and our committee chairs about the progress we’ve made over the last year and our plans for the coming year. And we will together elect a warden and vestry members to help lead out parish into the future. Along with a sumptuous brunchy spread, it should be a joyous occasion!
8am - Holy Eucharist (spoken, at the St. Mark's altar)
10am - Holy Eucharist (with music and hymns)
11am to 1pm - The Emporium is open
Wednesday, January 11
10am - Holy Eucharist
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
As we approach the feast of the Epiphany and the close of the Christmas season, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped to make our celebration of the season so beautiful and memorable. As always, the church looked glorious—this year with the addition of lights and a beautiful handmade green velvet bow in the hanging greens over the chancel. Our music ministry once again gave a superlative offering at the late service with the addition of the Northwoods String Quartet and Mr. John Burkhalter on recorder. The Oldroyd communion setting was particularly moving. Hospitality was ample, and everyone who served at the altar and greeting the Christmas faithful contributed to the feeling of “welcome home” that we love at this time of year. And lest I forget, the “angel wranglers” at the 4:00 service did exceptional work. Those who contributed toward the memorial flowers and music also have my sincere gratitude.
With the decorations soon to be boxed up until next year, the next big moment in our common life is the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 15. We will once again be meeting in-person in Bentley Hall after the 10:00 service with the vestry providing some hearty and delicious fare. Please plan to be present to take your part in the governance of our parish, as well as to look back at where we’ve been in the last year, and ahead to our next year in ministry.
Fr. Rick
Thank you to everyone who donated to provide this year’s beautiful
Christmas Flowers & Music
Stephen Heater in memory of Marilyn and Joseph Heater
Elizabeth Ochieng in memory of Anthony & Lizz Ochieng
Inger Grüterich in memory of John Rein MD and Rolf Grüterich
JoAnn Hanson & Allen Barnett in memory of Ann & Joseph Hanson and William & Gladys Barnett
Robert (Ribby) Goodfellow in memory of Marie McGregor McCarroll
John Bowman & Cesar Venegas in memory of his Mother and Grandparents
Fr. Edwin Cromey in memory of Pamela Bock Cromey, Edward Warren Cromey,
Helen Louise Cromey, Howard Bock, and Marguerite Bock
Dr. Jane & Neil Garafano in thanksgiving for family and friends
Roy & Barbara McKechnie in gratitude for St. Mary’s
Dennis Trotter & Peter Bush in memory of Hedy Albert
Peter Bush in memory of Elizabeth Bush
Frank & Wendy Favia in memory of Janet Churchill & Anthony Favia
Lois Annand in memory of John Annand
Kimberly Breiland in memory of Odd Breiland
Adam Charles Patrick in memory of Andrew Robjohn Patrick
Judith K. Novacek in memory of Mitzi and Lawrence Kane
Bert Schweigaard-Olsen in memory of Bertrand Schweigaard-Olsen, Sr.
Nancy E. Hays in memory Richard and Rebecca Evans
Jim Hays in memory of Helen Douglas and Alexander Hays
Marie-Paule Mahoney in memory of James and Christopher Mahoney
The Bush Family in memory of Gretel, Elizabeth, William, Gertrude & Mary
The Clarke family in memory of Charles and Anne Clarke,
Aunt Nook (Dorothy) and George Menkins
The Love Family in memory of Talbot Love, Cornelius Love and
Berenice Uehlinger
Pete Datos in memory of Steven and Mary Datos, and Paul Sullivan
Fr. Richard J. Robÿn & Amy Robÿn in memory of Richard J. Rice, Sr.
Linda Robÿn in memory of Francis and Beatrice Bicking
St. Mary's is Looking for a Part Time Assistant (posted 11/18/21)
St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo Part-Time Administrative Assistant Position Description
St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo is a historic Episcopal church located within the gates of the charming village of Tuxedo Park, New York. The church is the spiritual heart of the community, primarily serving Tuxedo and Sloatsburg, though drawing members from the greater area.
Under the supervision of the Rector, the Administrative Assistant is a part-time role that provides general office support to the staff, committees, and congregation, in order to support the ministries and mission of St. Mary’s. This work includes, but is not limited to: data and records management, phone and email support, supplies and vendor management, communications work, managing use of church space by parish and outside groups, supporting church ministries and committees, and collaborating with volunteers. The Administrative Assistant will be a resource person for both members and non-members, and a welcoming and responsive presence in our church’s office.
Specific responsibilities include:
Provide a welcoming and helpful presence in the parish office; organize and keep a tidy office.
Respond to requests for information and resources via email, telephone, and in-person visits.
Provide administrative support to the Rector, Vestry or other committees, which includes scheduling meetings, preparing documents, making copies, etc.
Produce and distribute the weekly newsletter by email, which includes soliciting stories/photos/flyers about parish and community news/events, as well as proofreading and editing the content.
Prepare, proof, and print bulletins and materials for Sunday and other services.
Produce volunteer rosters; assist in recruiting, coordinating and scheduling volunteers as needed, under direction of the Rector or committee leadership.
Place orders for supplies and equipment as authorized; ensure computers, telephones, and copier are always in good working order.
Pick up and sort incoming mail; send parish mailings and other outgoing mail.
Maintain parish records (in electronic and paper formats), including financial, membership, attendance, diocesan, and other data, keeping them up-to-date, accurate, and secure.
Produce reports, directories, and other documents from parish records under the direction of the Rector, vestry, and committee leadership, on a timely basis.
Coordinate with the bookkeeper and signers to record donations and pay invoices.
Maintain the parish calendar to facilitate building use by internal and authorized external groups; includes the coordination of baptisms, weddings, funerals, and other special events.
Assist with preparing and distributing marketing materials, as directed.
Maintain the church’s online presence (basic updates to the website and Facebook page, online advertising, etc.).
Coordinate with vendors as delegated by Rector, Wardens, and Building & Grounds Cmte.
Coordinate the work of custodians and handyman to address facilities-related needs as identified, including set-up and clean-up for special events.
Specific requirements include:
Effective communication skills, both verbal and written.
Proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications; must be willing to learn and use our productivity and collaboration tools, which include Realm Church Management System, Google Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, etc.), Constant Contact, and Squarespace; working knowledge of any is a plus
Demonstrated organizational skills, including calendaring, project coordination, and prioritization of work with multiple competing deadlines.
Strong writing and grammar skills, including proofreading.
Ability to maintain confidentiality, sensitivity, compassion, and discretion.
Basic knowledge of invoice and purchase order transactions, as well as procurement, researching vendor prices, and negotiating costs.
Compliance with diocesan safe church requirements
Must be willing to learn the basics of Episcopal liturgy (Book of Common Prayer, lectionary, hymnals) in order to produce worship materials.
Compensation and Benefits
Salary: $22 to $27 per hour, commensurate with experience
16 hours per week, 9am to 1pm, Monday through Thursday
Paid Holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Presidents Day, Easter Monday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
Paid Vacation: 2 weeks
To learn more about St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo, please visit www.stmtux.org. The position will remain open until a candidate has been retained for this important post. We pray this exciting position interests you, or someone you know, and that you’ll be in touch.
Donations Needed for St. Mary's Thanksgiving Baskets (Posted 11/16/21)
Traditionally St Mary’s puts together Thanksgiving Baskets to give to families on a low income in our community and families who, because of sickness or any other adversity, would benefit and enjoy some extra help in creating their Thanksgiving meal.
The Sloatsburg Food Pantry, at its new location in All Souls Community Church in Suffern [ corner of Oliver Street and Washington avenue] will be giving out around 400 special boxes of non-perishables and fresh vegetables and fruit on Wednesday November 17th. As the new refrigeration/ freezers will not be in place until the second week of December the turkey/ meat section of this will be replaced by ShopRite Gift Cards. St Mary’s is contributing 125 SR gift cards each valued at $25.
In Tuxedo we have been asked to provide 36 baskets which will be distributed on the morning of Tuesday 23rd November using a school bus and driver. This year, because of the refrigeration problem, a SR gift card will replace the meat, and according to the size of the family the value of the gift card will be $25 or $50.
We will be accepting donations of non-perishables at any time and fresh vegetables and fruit the weekend of 20th and 21st November. These should be dropped off in the Chapel (up the steps to the right of the church building). We will pack the baskets on Monday 22nd.Cash donations by check [made out to St Mary’s, with memo Thanksgiving Baskets] or online at www.stmtux.org will also be very gratefully accepted.
Items for Hispanic basket Long grain rice, Cans of red, black and pink beans, Corn tortillas, Garlic, green, sweet and red peppers, green olives, Yucca, potatoes, sweet potatoes Canned pumpkins and yams Apples, bananas, pineapples, oranges Items for American basket Potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, carrots Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Cans or jars of green beans, yams, gravy Packets of stuffing Apples, bananas, oranges Cookies and sweet treats Pumpkin pies
St. Mary's Emporium - GRAND OPENING July 24, 2021 10am-2pm
The Emporium at St. Mary’s
A whole new way to shop sustainably while supporting a worthy cause. It’s much more than a thrift shop. The Emporium is a carefully curated selection of beautiful items, donated by local residents. It is run entirely by volunteers, with all proceeds benefitting the good works of St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo. Questions? Give us a call at (845) 351-2389 or email us at emporium@stmtux.org.
Shopping Information
The Emporium is located in the undercroft of St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo (formerly the office) and is already fully stocked with lovely items ranging from art and small furnishings, to designer clothing and kitchen gadgets. We also have glasses for any cocktail you can think of!
We will be open Saturdays from 10am to 2pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm
We accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards.
Masks are optional if you are fully vaccinated.
The church is located at 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987.
We are within the historic gates of Tuxedo Park, but serve the entire community and all are welcome! Please don't be intimidated by the gates -- just tell the gatehouse you're going to St. Mary's, proceed thru the gates and we're immediately on the right. Plenty of free parking is available.
Donation Rules
Our mascot, Woodrow the Woodchuck, has a very keen eye and would like to remind you of his rules for donating items to The Emporium:
We accept donations only during opening hours and must be selective given our limited space. Please do not leave any donated items anywhere on church property, as they will be discarded. Please contact us at emporium@stmtux.org or (845) 351-2389 with any questions.
We gladly accept…
donations of clothing, jewelry, kitchenware, linens, lamps/shades, vases, shoes, and bric-a-brac. Objects d’art, wall décor, figurines and collectibles are big sellers. We will consider larger items with photos.
Before donating, ask yourself the following:
Would I give this to a friend or relative?
Would I buy this in a thrift store if I needed it?
Is it sparkling clean?
If not, we most likely will not be able to sell it. Stained and dirty items will be discarded.
We do not accept…
books, CD’s/DVD’s, sporting equipment, electronics, toys, or any kind of baby item (strollers, carriages, playpens).
Summer Camp in Tuxedo....Sponsors Needed (Posted 6/30/2021)
St Mary’s has a long history of assisting families to pay for Summer camp experience for their children. This year some of the camps are free, but the families we are helping are either not eligible for the free camps due to where they live, or the hours and dates being offered are such that the parent would not be able to continue working and earning a living. All these families are known by us and have been adversely affected by the effects of Covid and recommended for financial assistance by guidance counsellors and teachers.
Fourteen children from ten families will attend the five week Town of Tuxedo Recreation Department Day Camp based on Murphy field and the Ringwood swimming pool. The cost to St Mary’s is $9,540.
The children are all very excited and parents relieved that they can continue to work while their children can enjoy the fun of Summer activities.
We would be grateful for sponsorship donations of any amount. The cost for the first child in a family is $660 and siblings $560.
Donations can be received online at https://onrealm.org/stmtux/give/outreach or checks made out to St Mary’s Outreach, memo Summer camp sponsorship and mailed to St Mary’s at POB 637, Tuxedo NY 10987.
Thank you for your support in any amount. It will all make a difference to children who need a happy time this Summer, especially.
Sue Heywood
St Mary’s Outreach Chair
Annual EpiscoBuild Twelfth Night Concert to Be Held Virtually on January 10
In spite of the pandemic, snow, and cold, EpiscoBuild will host, via the magic of the internet, the 14th Annual Twelfth Night Celebration for a Habitat Newburgh Home at 3 PM on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at the web link: https://bit.ly/Episcobuild12thNight
Twelfth Night is a festive revelry marking the end of the holiday season. For 13 years, EpiscoBuild has celebrated Twelfth Night with a gala concert by local area Episcopal choirs and soloists of their best seasonal music, presented online for the first time this year for your viewing and listening pleasure!
As part of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh, EpiscoBuild has helped to build homes for seven deserving Newburgh families. Your free-will donations to this Twelfth Night Celebration will help raise funds to sponsor our 8th house.
Please donate online during the concert, or mail a check made out to "Habitat for Humanity" (noting “EpiscoBuild” in the memo) to: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh, 125 Washington Street, Newburgh NY 12550.
Christmas Eve:
4PM – Family Service (online only)
6pm – Evening Service at St. John’s in Arden (online only)
9pm – Concert and Eucharist in the Church (online & in-person)
Christmas Day:
10am – Eucharist in the Church (online & in-person)
*All services are online on Facebook. You do not need a Facebook account.
Does anyone have a car [preferably an SUV] that they no longer use or need? If your answer is 'yes' then would you be prepared to donate it to St Mary's- in -Tuxedo? You will qualify for a tax deduction while supporting a great cause!
Billy Saul, long time garbage collector for Tuxedo Park working for Sterling Carting, was severely injured in September 2019. He has been unable to work since. He and the family, Teresa, his wife, and four children, are having some financial hardship. Currently, he has no transport as his Ford Explorer , 2002 vintage with 215,000 miles on the clock, is no longer working and he couldn't afford to get it repaired. St Mary's and friends offered to pay for the repair if a garage would pick it up, assess the problems and send an estimate. However, the garage has stated categorically that the frame has safety issues and it is beyond repair!
The Saul family live in a relatively rural area of NY State where public transport is sparse. Please can someone help? Contact me, Sue Heywood 201 248 0742 or the Rector, Father Rick 917 658 6314 if you have questions or can offer a vehicle. If the donated car needs some work on it, St Mary's Outreach would seek donations from friends and organize its repair.
Thank you! Sue Heywood St Mary's Outreach Chair
St. Mary's & Tuxedo Park Garden Club to Dedicate Pam Cromey Memorial Rose Garden on November 7
Please join us in-person or online at 1pm on Saturday, November 7th, as the Tuxedo Park Garden Club and St. Mary's dedicate the Pam Cromey Memorial Rose Garden. The garden is given in loving memory of Pam and all those in our community who lost their lives to Covid.
The garden surrounds the church sign and dogwood tree which were previously given in memory of Phil Swirbul. A memorial allée of dogwood trees is being established along the approach to St. Mary's, and a second tree has been planted in Pam's memory.
Many thanks to Charlotte Worthy and warden Billy Mincey for sourcing and planting the roses, and to the Tuxedo Park Garden Club for preparing the bed for planting.
Join us for a run (or walk) around the beautiful lakes of Tuxedo Park to support the ministries of St. Mary’s.
Saturday, July 11th
Check in anytime between 9:30am and 11am; rain date is Saturday, July 18th.
Runners can choose how far they want to run/jog/walk (2.5 miles around the small lakes, 4.2 miles around Tuxedo Lake, 7 miles around all the lakes)
Runners will check-in at the starting point (communicated on sign up) and can begin running anytime from 9:30am to 11am.
For safety reasons, everyone will wear a mask at the starting point; starting times will be staggered so runners can remove their masks when they're running alone or with just their immediate family; 12 feet social distance rules apply; runners agree to have masks handy in case they come close to others.
Spectators or non-runners are not encouraged anywhere near the event.
Runners will report their results (honor code) via email / text (there is no “runners stand”) and will receive virtual recognition via St. Mary’s Facebook page.
St. Mary's and Tuxedo Outreach Family Clothing Store - Posted 6/4/2020
Just as in families when outgrown clothing and shoes get handed down to younger and smaller siblings, so we have created a Tuxedo- wide family and made the hand downs available to everyone who lives in Tuxedo or Sloatsburg. Our shop is in Tuxedo Train Station. There is no charge for any items. Everything is free. We will be open next on Friday, June 12 from 10am until 4pm.The video shows what we have and how it is arranged.
At this difficult time, when shopping, and having the money to shop with, are both a real challenge, St Mary's, in conjunction with TUFSD and the Sloatsburg Community Food Pantry,is looking to assist families in clothing their children and teens for Summer and Fall.
We are collecting clothing and shoes for boys and girls from babies to high school grads. These will eventually be donated to those who need them when state regulations allow.
Donations can only be received on Friday May 22nd from 1 pm to 4 pm and Saturday May 23rd from 10 am to 1 pm. All items must be clean and in good condition and packed, preferably into boxes,but acceptable in large plastic bags. Do not leave them at St Mary's or at the Train Station at any other times than these scheduled.
For the safety of everyone concerned please drive into the north entrance of the Train Station Parking Lot and move slowly in single file to the front porch of the Train Station Building. Stop in the marked space, place your donations in the space indicated and then drive on. Someone will pick up your donation and take it inside. This will avoid any direct social contact.
The donations will be stored in the Train Station for several days before being sorted by volunteers.
The coronavirus outbreak is evolving on a daily basis, and we at St Mary’s are staying abreast of the latest information in order to respond in Christian love and reason.
All Orange County schools have closed for two weeks. This includes St Mary’s Community Preschool and Sunday School.
The Bishop of New York has been in communication with his clergy, and he will not impose a blanket suspension of church services due to the vast differences in ministry contexts across our large diocese.
What does this mean for St Mary’s? For now, we will continue with services (Saturday Evensong at 5pm, Sunday Eucharist at 8am and 10am). However, I want to stress that we must observe the following precautions:
If you feel ill, or even ill-at-ease over coming to church, don’t. Stay home. It’s ok. We will be streaming the 10:00 Sunday service live via our Facebook page. Here is the bulletin so you can follow along. When it comes time for communion, there's a beautiful act of spiritual communion you may pray:
?"My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen."
If you do come to church, greet one another with a smile or nod. Please DO NOT shake hands or hug.
Please leave your offering in the alms basin before you sit down. The plate will not be passed. If you stay home, please make your offering via our website or by mailing it in.
Spread out. Allow three feet on either side of you. Now is the time to try that side aisle seat you’ve always had your eye on.
The peace will move to its ancient place immediately after the agnus dei. There will be no opportunity for physical contact.
Communion will be offered in one kind (bread) only. Receive the host in your hand from the priest and consume it immediately. The priest will sanitize his hands before distribution. To avoid crowding, communion will be distributed at a station in the nave, not at the rail.
Coffee hour has been suspended indefinitely. Starting with our vestry meeting tomorrow, all church committee meetings with be held virtually via Google Hangouts.
The Pastoral Care and Outreach Committees are aware of many needs and challenges across our community and are working in concert with local groups such as the school and food pantry to address the situation. If you know of anyone in need of food, help, or even just a phone call, please let me know.
As we navigate these uncharted waters together, let us hold one another in prayer and take these words to heart: The Almighty Lord, who is a strong tower to all who put their trust in him, to whom all things in heaven, on earth, and under the earth bow and obey: Be now and evermore your defense, and make you know and feel that the only Name under heaven given for health and salvation is the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Saturday June 1 – Musicale a Chastellux by Julliard Musicians to Benefit St. Mary’s Outreach Programs
This delightful concert, followed by a wine and hors d'oevres reception will benefit St Mary's Outreach programs.
Kevin Zhu: Violin. 18 years old. Recently won the 2018 Paganini International Violin 1st Prize, in Italy. The most prestigious violin competition in the world. He studies at Juilliard and with Itzhak Perlman. He also won the 2012 Menuhin Junior competition as the youngest violinist ever. Kevin is already touring the world performing. You can watch him on YouTube to get a preview of what you will enjoy live.
Qiang Tu: Cello. New York Philharmonic . Qiang was the first Chinese musician to join the Philharmonic. He has been followed by many others. He has numerous recordings and a long list of professional accomplishments. Both musicians play exceptional instruments from the early 1700s that they will tell you about.
St. Mary's Youth Group Prom Pop-Up Shop - April 26 - Donations Needed
It is prom season and there are students in the area who can’t afford formal wear -both dresses and suits/shirts and dress shoes (men ‘s and women’s) and dress socks (for men).
Would you consider going through your closets to see if there are gently worn dresses, suits and shoes (men ‘s and women’s) and men’s dress socks that you might donate?
Donations can be brought to the office at St. Mary’s until 4/25.
The event will take place on Friday, April 26 from 5-8 pm at the TUXEDO TRAIN STATION. A $10 donation will be collected for each complete outfit.
Proceeds will go to the Saint Mary’s Youth Group (EYF)
It has been our tradition for many years now to reach out to the families in our neighborhood whose incomes make it difficult for them to provide the Christmas extras that brighten this season of love and giving. Our recipient families are those in the Tuxedo Schools whose children are in the free lunch program plus our neighbors down the road who attend the twice weekly English as a Second Language classes that were started several years ago by the Sloatsburg Food Pantry.
This year we are partnering with TPS. St Mary’s will provide a $50 Shoprite gift card for each family and a $50 Kohl’s gift card for each child. The TPS students are making a collection of Winter hats, scarves and gloves before coming to St Mary’s to assemble the decorated gift bags ready for distribution on December 19th.
Our list has 34 families with 80 children! St Mary’s needs your help! Please give generously! Every donation of any amount will add an angel to the St Mary’s Giving Tree with the name of the donor attached. Donations so far total $1,400. We hope to raise $5,000!
Donations can be made online on St Mary’s website www.stmtux.org/giving. Select ‘ Angel Tree’ in the fund designation of the dropdown menu in the middle of the page. Checks can also be sent to St Mary’s, with Angel Tree in the memo.
On behalf of St Mary’s and our local families, thank you for ensuring that everyone indeed has a Very Merry Christmas!
Jake's Rockin Country Band, the tri-state area's award winning five member country band will be playing on the Great Lawn at St. Mary's on Saturday July 7 from 3-6pm! There will be line dancing, activities for the kids and drinks and snacks available (or you can bring your own) Tickets are $10 per person and will be available at the door! Bring a lawn chair and/or a blanket and CHECK IT OUT!!
Rector’s Annual Report to the Parish - St. Mary’s-in-Tuxedo - January 28, 2018
A New Beginning
On June 10 of last year, at 1:04 pm, I missed a call. I shortly noticed that I had a message, and when I saw who it was from, my stomach sank and my heart began to race. It was from the Senior Warden of St. Mary’s. I gathered my strength and composure and returned the call. He picked up, and after a courteous greeting, he informed me that the vestry had unanimously elected me as 12th rector of St. Mary’s. He then asked if I would accept. Yes! Thus began a transition process that was bittersweet and beautiful. I said goodbye to people whose priest I had been, and hello to those whose priest I would soon become. On our first night in the rectory, we arrived frazzled and stressed after the long drive, only to find a poster welcoming our cats (and us) to St. Mary’s. We were also grateful to one parish family who had the rectory floors refinished. These were just two of the many touching acts of kindness and hospitality that have defined this transition. The first weeks and months were spent mostly in just figuring out mundane things such as where the light switches are located, and where to get groceries. We met new friends, and were welcomed with grace and open hearts. Soon the time came for my official institution as rector, and with two bishops, a canon, numerous priests, deacons, friends, family, and community members present, we did it with sincerity and style. I will never forget kneeling before the altar and saying the rector’s prayer, and seeing the smiles on people’s faces as we processed out singing “Hail, Holy Queen.” The luncheon afterward at the Tuxedo Club is something I will never forget, and something for which I will always be grateful.
Last March, Pete and I planned to come up here together, ostensibly to see where he was working in Sloatsburg, but really to snoop around Tuxedo. We drove up and down Route 17, and daringly drove up to the gates, which were open, so we figured it was ok to drive through. As we pulled ahead, a stern voice on the speaker barked, “Where are you going?” “To the church???” we replied. “Ok. Go ahead.” Whew! We felt like we had just gotten away with something. We drove into the church parking lot, then up Fox Hill Road trying to get a look at the rectory, and really only made the loop to Tuxedo Road and back out. What a surprise when we returned a few months later! On my first tour of the Park, I was stunned by the beauty of the lakes and historic architecture. It was all rather Brigadoon-ish, and I was not sure what to make of the place. Since moving here however, I have had the opportunity to get to know the town, as well as the surrounding areas, such as Harriman State Park and the idyllic St. John’s in Arden. Even though remote, the area is much bigger and more diverse than I had imagined. Overall, I think the transition has been as smooth for everyone as it could be. We are enjoying settling into the rectory with all its quirks, and have even welcomed a new little puppy into our lives, whom we named in honor of Emily Post. The biggest challenge remains the sale of our house in Pennsylvania, and we ask for your continued prayers for that.
This transition is a new beginning for all of us and a chance to reimagine what it means to be Church in this place. Before making any major changes, however, I want to spend the first year getting to know everyone, deliberately listening and learning the rhythms of this place. While this process will continue until the summer and I am eager to hear everyone’s perspective, I am starting to form a vision of what we could accomplish together and it roughly falls into three priority areas for the future.
Rediscover our Faith and Traditions
People come to church to celebrate the most profound moments of their lives. Even on a regular Sunday, we believe that Christ is truly, sacramentally present with us in the bread and the wine of the Holy Eucharist, and in his holy word. Therefore, it should be a sacred experience. It’s not a performance, it’s not a show -- and it’s not about adopting the latest fad -- you will not find gimmicks here. Worship is about giving back to God that which he has so freely and perfectly given us, in a way that is of the most excellent quality, and authentic to our particular faith tradition. Anglicanism is abundantly blessed with a strong tradition of beautiful liturgy and music, handed down over many centuries.
An article I recently read entitled, “Why Millenials Long for Liturgy,” by Gracy Olmstead, touches on the rediscovery of the great deposit of faith by younger people--people on whom many had given up as being merely “spiritual, but not religious.” In it one of the interviewees suggests, “If you ask me why kids are going high church [by which he means liturgical church], I’d say it’s because the single greatest threat to our generation and to young people nowadays is the deprivation of meaning in our lives,” he says. “In the liturgical space, everything becomes meaningful. In the offering up of the bread and wine, we see the offering up of the wheat and grain and fruits of the earth, and God gives them back in a sanctified form. …We’re so thirsty for meaning that goes deeper, that can speak to our entire lives, hearts, and wallets, that we’re really thirsty to be attached to the earth and to each other and to God. The liturgy is a historical way in which that happens.”
We are sitting upon a gold mine here. We have a magnificent historic space, and are heirs of a liturgical and musical tradition that is truly transcendent and transformative, if only we are brave enough to explore it together. I have no illusion of becoming a “mega-church,” and I do not think that is something any of us is interested in. However I do believe that with steadfast faith and fidelity to our tradition, we can and will become a beacon to those who seek a place that offers something more than “Precious Moments” theology, pallid liturgy, and unsatisfactory music that is all too common these days. We can be one of those churches that comes to people’s minds when they think of sound preaching, robust liturgy, inspiring music, and an authentic living out of Christ’s great commission.
It is important that we start with the youngest among us -- our preschool, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Episcopal Youth Fellowship are critical to formation.In this time of transition, we are also at a crossroads in our Sunday school program. We are very much in need of new leadership for this vital ministry, and I ask you to consider whether God is calling you in this way. Formation of children and youth is key, but it doesn’t end there. During Advent, we had a brief series on the scriptures and Handel’s “Messiah,” and I have started educating the congregation at the Saturday evening service about the history and theology of the prayer book in place of a traditional sermon. I would like to expand that effort to include the whole parish by offering learning opportunities during Lent, followed perhaps in May by a trip to the Metropolitan Museum to see their upcoming exhibits on how vestments and liturgy influence art and fashion to this day. Musically, I would like to see us delve deeper into the traditions of our church by exploring things like Anglican chant, sung propers, and perhaps even a choral mass setting or two for special occasions. I also believe that it is imperative that we foster and develop a children’s choir, not only to attract families, but also as a component in forming young disciples.
2. Restore our Historic Buildings and Grounds
Churches, like people, are often better at taking care of others than they are at caring for themselves. We engage in a highly impactful program of outreach to the Tuxedo community, our country, and the world. While I feel passionately that our outreach efforts should be continued, I have nonetheless observed a degree of self-neglect here at St. Mary’s. We occupy an unusual and magnificent church which seems to have grown right out of the living rock upon which it stands. It is filled with treasures from across the centuries and around the world. It is a gift given to God by past generations, and it is our job not only to maintain it, but to make it shine by highlighting the best elements of the past, and making it accessible to present needs. We have done a great job in caring for our outstanding collection of American art glass, but we can’t stop there. For example, the lighting and sound systems in the church are in dire need of attention.
God created the universe in order and beauty; his house on earth should reflect that. In order to have a clear picture and guide in this endeavor, I propose that we have a thorough conditions report compiled by an engineering firm for all of the church buildings, including the rectory, which is sorely in need of repair and updating. Naturally all of these things will take money. We are blessed to have been given financial gifts by previous generations which, in conjunction with regular offerings, help us carry out our day-to-day operations. However, refreshing our buildings and grounds for God’s glory as well as modern comfort and functionality will require additional funds. Therefore I propose embarking on a capital campaign after we assess and prioritize our needs, in order to address them in the best and most fiscally responsible way. I also intend to invite a representative from the Episcopal Church Foundation to come and speak with us regarding planned giving for the future.
3. Re-engage our Community
One concern I have heard is that “under this rector we had we had more park people, but under that rector we had more town people.” While certain personalities and charisms may be more attractive to one group than another, I am reminded of the words of St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians (3:28) “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” We must focus on attracting our entire community to God’s altar in this place. Indeed, it was placed on this spot for that very reason. I look forward to meeting more people who may have once attended and now do not, as well as those who may never have given us a try.
While we must do everything we can to encourage church attendance, we also must be realistic about the fact that Tuxedo is its own special animal. In addition to year-round residents who come to church regularly, we have people who spend much of the year in other locations at different times of year (NYC, Florida, Arizona, Vermont, Colorado, Europe, etc.) but still consider St. Mary’s their home parish. During our recent visit to Palm Beach, we ran into a parishioner at Bethesda-by-the-Sea. She very proudly introduced me to everyone as her rector from Tuxedo Park. There is something about this place that gets under the skin and remains, even if we travel often to other locales.
Because of the “Tuxedo diaspora,” our communications are of vital importance. We are in need of a refreshed web presence, as well as more engagement on social media. In two weeks, the communications committee will meet to discuss this in depth. In the short run, we have made the weekly newsletter more mobile friendly, and update our Facebook page regularly with photos, videos, and notices. We are in the process of migrating our office over to Google for Nonprofits, which has numerous benefits, including the fact that it is completely free and will save us hundreds of dollars monthly over our current web hosting provider.
Unlike in urban settings, where there is a church on practically every corner, we are one of only a few houses of worship in our town. Because of our history, physical location, and engagement of our members, we are by far the most engaged in the community, which is something to celebrate. St. Mary’s is truly the beating heart of Tuxedo. I am proud that many people who are not themselves Christians consider St. Mary’s to be home, even if they do not worship here. They see the value we bring, they see the welcome, they see the good, which transcends all human barriers. Let us work together to open our hearts and doors ever wider.
Moving Forward Together
Thank you to everyone who has faithfully served in the transition process, my dedicated staff, and for those who continue to take volunteer leadership roles in this church in many different ways.
As brothers and sisters in Christ, let us be kind and care for each other, let us also be honest and forthright. In this report, I have shared with you my first impressions and vision for this church. However, I want you to know that while I take my role as a leader seriously, I also welcome your input. I invite you to share your hopes and dreams for St. Mary’s with me. I am available for you. Please feel free to call or text me at (917) 658-6314, or email me at rjrobyn@gmail.com.
Finally, be joyful. It is good news after all that we have to share. Let us work together to rediscover our faith and traditions, restore our historic buildings and grounds, and re-engage our community. In his sermon at my service of institution, Bishop Clifton Daniel likened the church to a lifeboat. As we navigate this lifeboat of faith in the troubled waters of our world, may our patron, St. Mary, star of the sea, be our guiding light to our ultimate destination, her son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Rev. Dr. Edwin H. Cromey Induceted as Rector Emeritus at St. Mary's in Tuxedo
On Sunday, January 7th, St Mary’s held a special service which combined the regular Eucharist with a formal induction of The Rev. Dr. Edwin H. Cromey as Rector Emeritus of St Mary’s-in-Tuxedo. This wonderful celebratory service was an opportunity for the Parish and many friends to welcome and congratulate Ed and Pam on this auspicious occasion.
The Rector Emeritus position acknowledges his years of service to St Mary’s, to the Episcopal Church and to the community.
In conferring the honor of Rector Emeritus on Father Cromey, our current Rector, Father Rick Robyn gave a short bio of him:
“Father Edwin Cromey was born in Brooklyn, NY, and received his seminary training at the General Theological Seminary, graduating in 1962. That same year, he was ordained deacon, and then priest by Bishop James Pernette de Wolfe. In 1972, he and Pam were married, and in 1981 they answered the call to come to St. Mary’s. For more than 25 years, Fr. Ed served this community as rector of this church until his retirement in 2006. Since then, he has continued his service to the Church, and he and Pam have remained beloved members of our community. And now, in honor of his years of service, and in celebration of his 55th anniversary of ordination, it is my privilege to confer upon my friend and fellow presbyter the title of Rector Emeritus.
As Father Cromey becomes Rector Emeritus, we acknowledge an ongoing relationship of affection as we pledge to hold him in prayer for his health and happiness. Moreover, we dedicate ourselves as a parish to faithfulness to his legacy in the characteristics of his ministry, joy and zest in following Jesus, faithful preaching of the Gospel, delight in solid liturgy, and a heart for all God’s children.”
Pictured above are Father Cromey with Father Rick both during and after the service as well as Father cromey with his wife, Pam and their family.