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Farm Fresh Food Delivered to Tuxedo Year Round for a GREAT Price! - December 2012

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Eurasian Water Milfoil - June 2012

The accompanying photo is a sprig of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) taken from Tuxedo Lake last fall. This aquatic plant is a highly invasive species that rapidly spreads by fragmentation of its stems.These fragments float for a time while being carried by wind and waves to a new location where they sink and root producing a new plant.

While boating on the lake you may see floating fragments of this plant. If you do please collect them and put them in the garbage. If all boaters become "Milfoil skimmers" we will impede the spread of this species.

As of last fall the infestation was concentrated between the Tuxedo Club Boathouse and the west end of the dam. This area is now restricted by a line of buoys. There is also a small patch at the south end of the lake in relatively shallow water.

Lakes infested with this species can become so clogged, in waters that are less than about 20 feet deep, that boating and fishing are nearly impossible. This summer the Village has an aggressive plan to pull upmost of the existing EWM plants but it is very difficult to rid a lake of this species so the problem will be with us for some, perhaps many years.

Thanks for your help,


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