The Town Board met on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 7:30 pm. All members were present.
The meeting began with a moment of silence for Town resident Nancy Vega who died on March 17.
Next were two public hearings. The first hearing was for an increase in Senior Citizens Tax Exemptions. The State of New York revises the level of incomes for senior tax exemption eligibility every few years and this raise will bring the Town’s exemption into sync with the State. The sole speaker was Andy Berish, president of the Silver Dollars who thanked the Town for their efforts.
The second public hearing was for an amendment to the Town’s Towing Regulations. It covers those “heavy duty” tows, which take two hours or longer and allows for the Town to collect a fee. The only speaker was attorney Richard Sarajian, appearing for his client, Loyal Tire. He had some suggested changes to the amendment, but the Town voted to leave it as written.
During his Supervisor’s Update, Peter Dolan reported that work is being done to add dugouts to the Tichy Field ball field. The cost of the dugouts has been covered by a grant and they should be in place before the Little League season. The new ball field at the old Powerhouse is in the process of being built and a pavilion will also be poured at this location. Work is progressing on the Train Station Renovation. The Town expects to receive the final check from the MTA within a couple of weeks. Plans are being made for a Grand Opening of the newly renovated station on Memorial Day. This will be combined with the Library’s annual celebration and picnic and will take place in the train station parking lot.
Supervisor Dolan then commented that he had been reflecting on his remarks at the previous Town Board meeting regarding the Tuxedo Club and it’s agreement with Tuxedo Reserve. He expressed regret for having lost his temper on this subject. He said he still “finds the deal offensive,” but realizes that he has to accept it. Accordingly, he apologized to The Tuxedo Club, its members and Jake Lindsay in particular.
The Board acknowledged the retirement of Joseph Tripoli as Superintendent of Highways as of March 30, 2009 and appointed Edward Pfisenmaier to take over as of March 31st. Ed will have to run in November’s election in order to complete Joe’s term which runs until December 31, 2011.
Due to some confusion over the term-length for some members onthe Board of Architectural Review, the Board appointed Sharon Radulov to the Board until such time as the Town Board can interview interested candidates and make a permanent appointment.
A sign permit was granted to the Chamber of Commerce so they can place signs around Town advertising their upcoming Clean Sweep on April 25, 2009.
During the public comment period, Betty Ann Eberling commended the Police Departement and in particular Sergeants Pat Welsh and John Norton for capturing and arresting two suspicious men on Stevens Lane. The men were found to be under the influence of several drugs.
The meeting then adjourned into an executive session with the Town Attorney.