The Town Board met on Monday, March 9, 2009 at 7:30 pm. Councilman Darling was absent.
In his Supervisor’s Update, Peter Dolan reported on the following items:
- Representatives from the MTA will be coming to inspect the newly renovated train station on Thursday, Marth 12. After this inspection, the Town should receive their final payment.
- Supervisor Dolan has been in discussions with United Water regarding the South County Sewer District rate hike. He has negotiated an extension until March 31 and is planning to meet with Warwick Supervisor Sweeton prior to the final negotiations of the rate.
- The Town received a $275,000 grant for upgrading its Communication System. The upgrade will include the installation of two microwave dishes and new radios for the Ambulance Corps. The grant was arranged by Congressman John Hall.
During the meeting, the following resolutions were passed:
- Towing licenses were approved for Tuxedo Gulf, NJV Auto, Loyal Tire & Auto, Tuxedo Auto, Harriman Auto and C.A.R.S.
- A metal desk which is no longer needed in the Town Hall will be declared surplus.
- A special Sign Permit was issued for the Farmers Market and Chamber of Commerce banners. Representatives from both organizations will meet and agree on the layout/placement of the banners.
- The Supervisor reminded everyone of the upcoming PTO Dinner Dance, which will be held at The Lodge at Tuxedo Ridge on Saturday, March 28, 2009. Tickets are available at $30 each.
Andy Rogers of Maplebrook presented the Board with a petition signed by residents who oppose a permanent access road to the Tuxedo Reserve development on South Gate Road. There were approximately 150 signatures on the petition and Mr. Rogers announced there are more to come. He went on to say that many of the people who live in that area of Town are against the road because they don’t want to see the resulting traffic on South Gate Road. Many of them moved to the area because they appreciate its isolation and they would like to see it remain that way.
Supervisor Dolan responded that he had received approximately 50 emails regarding the South Gate Road issue. He commented that some of the emails could not be taken seriously because their authors had the facts wrong. He expressed anger that “one business in Town, The Tuxedo Park Country Club,” should be allowed to “decide what will happen in our Town.” He further commented that he resented the “secret agreement,” that was negotiated between The Club and the developer.
Several residents responded to Supervisor Dolan’s remarks and stated that they were against the road for reasons having nothing to do with The Tuxedo Club or its golf course. Residents of that area are primarily concerned with the resulting traffic and the real possibility that this will change the character of South Gate Road from a narrow, winding country road to a thoroughfare.
Both Jake Lindsay and Mike Reardon commented that they were offended by the Supervisor’s reference to The Tuxedo Club. Mr. Lindsay pointed out that the agreement between The Club and The Related Companies was negotiated openly and is mentioned in the Special Permit on page 11.
The members of the Town Board stated that they are still in favor of the Comprehensive Plan’s underlying goal which is “connectivity” for the various neighborhoods of the Town. Several possible compromises for the road were mentioned (making the access road one-way into the development or not allowing left hand turns out of the development during certain hours of the day). The Board thanked Mr. Rogers for his work on the petition and stated that they would take it into consideration. They are planning to hold a future Town Board meeting at the Eagle Valley Firehouse and will take that opportunity to have a discussion on the subject. Whatever the outcome of this might be, nothing will be decide for certain for many years. The Comprehensive Plan only suggests that the Town consider the possibility of making the emergency access road permanent and the Board will rework the language of the Plan to make sure this is clear.
In other business, Dale Mottola, President of the Chamber of Commerce announced that this year’s Clean Sweep will be on Saturday, April 25th. Details will be forthcoming soon.
Councilman Castricone suggested that the Town and Chamber look into doing ribbon cuttings for the new businesses in Town: specifically Tuxedo Sushi, the new drycleaner, Take a Break (which is under new ownership ) and the stores of Duck Cedar Plaza.