The Town Board met on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 7:30 pm. All members were present.
During his Supervisor’s Update, Peter Dolan reported that hehas had some discussions with Michael Pointing of United Water regarding the proposed rate hike for the South County Sewer District customers. Several options, including phasing in the increase in smaller increments over two years, are being considered. Additionally, the Supervisor has been in contact with Warwick Supervisor, Michael Sweeton and the two Towns are in agreement on this subject.
Supervisor Dolan also reported that the Board has received a lot of letters and emails with regard to the portion of the Town’s Draft Comprehensive Plan, which proposes creating an additional access road for the Tuxedo Reserve development on South Gate Road. He commented that the entire Board has reviewed the statements and is taking them very seriously.
The following resolutions were passed:
- Dale Mottola was appointed to the Architectural Review Board with a term ending December 31, 2011.
- The Board reappointed their current Workers’ Compensation Carrier.
- A local law for Towing/Extraordinary Cost Recovery was introduced. There will be a public hearing on this law on March 23.