One of the goals of The Town of Tuxedo's new Master Plan is to "promote linkage" between the different sections of town. To this end, the plan proposes creating a permanent entrance/exit to the Tuxedo Reserve development on South Gate Road, which would allow residents from Maple Brook and Eagle Valley more direct access to Tuxedo's Down Town area. On February 9, during the final Public Hearing for the new plan, residents from both The Town of Tuxedo and The Village of Tuxedo Park spoke out against the proposed road, which they feel will direct unnecessary traffic through residential areas and bring with it a plethora of issues such as pedestrian safety, speeding and wear and tear on the roads. Despite the objections, the Town Board voiced their unanimous support for the proposed road, and the Public Hearing was adjourned. Written comments, however, will be accepted by the Board until February 18.
Chris Heffernan, a resident of Hamilton Estates, has written an urgent letter to community, in which he outlines many of his concerns with the proposed road and strongly urges residents to e-mail Supervisor Dolan in opposition. Below, please find a copy of this letter.
Dear fellow Eagle Valley and Tuxedo residents,
If you are in agreement and are opposed to the proposed amendment of the Master Plan that would approve the creation of a 'full access' road on South Gate Rd from the planned Tuxedo Reserve development please forward this or your own e-mail to Peter Dolan at supervisor@tuxedogov.org listing your concerns.
As a father of two whose family frequently utilizes South Gate Rd for recreational purposes I am concerned with the prospect of adding additional traffic to this 'narrow' road that has dangerous twists and turns. The additional traffic will damage the infrastructure and result in more frequent repairs to both the road and our vehicles. I am also concerned about the safety and congestion issues this road would create by the playground and the intersection of Eagle Valley Rd and Sterling Mine Rd. Lastly, this proposed road would not make it any easier to access the town for the majority of residents of Eagle Valley and the planned development has sufficient access routes without this road.
We moved to Tuxedo to get away from the traffic noise and congestion of other areas. This road would significantly change the landscape of Eagle Valley for the worse. If you believe the town should not open the road up for regular traffic but keep it for emergency access vehicles only please send a note to our Town Supervisor before February 18.
The town needs to hear from residents and people with a vested interest in this area that don’t want this plan to go into affect – it’s a town decision so your opinion counts.
Send a letter or eMail to:
Town of Tuxedo
Attn: Peter Dolan Town Supervisor
One Temple Drive
Tuxedo, New York 10987
email to: supervisor@tuxedogov.org
A copy of the Master Plan can be reviewed on the Town of Tuxedo Website or in the Tuxedo Park Library.
Chris Heffernan
Hamilton Estates
Tuxedo NY