The Town Board met on Monday, January 12, 2009 at 7:30 pm. Councilperson Lisa Spivak was absent.
Supervisor Peter Dolan began the meeting by introducing the two men who were to be appointed to the Town Police force. Michael Eichengreen and William Hall, both 25, are recent graduates of the Police Academy. Eichengreen is a lifelong Tuxedo resident, having grown up in Eagle Valley and graduated from George S. Baker High School. Hall is a Cornwall resident. The Board voted unanimously in favor of appointing both officers. Supervisor Dolan commented that with the hiring of these two officers, the Town now has a full force of 8 members for the first time in years. (Officer Tamberello has recently retired following several years of disability leave and Officer Brandon King recently resigned in order to take a position in Spring Valley.)
The next item of business was a continuation of the public hearing for the local law entitled, “Heavy Duty Towing Regulations.” Once again, the only speaker was attorney Richard Sarajian who represents Loyal Tire. He commented that most other towns calculate their fees for heavy towing based upon the weight of the vehicle being towed while Tuxedo is proposing to calculate their fees on the combined weight of the vehicle being towed and the vehicle doing the towing. The Board passed the proposed regulations without changing them. Fee schedules will be addressed at a future meeting.
During his Supervisor’s Update, Peter Dolan announced that a public hearing regarding the proposed rate increase by United Water Sewer will be held at the Sterling Forest Firehouse on February 2 at 7:30 pm. This public hearing will be held jointly by the Towns of Tuxedo and Warwick since the customers of the South County Sewer District (which would be affected by the rate increase) reside in both towns. Warwick has hired town attorneys Jacobowitz and Gubitz to represent them, as well as the town of Tuxedo, in this matter.
The following items were also discussed:
- The Annual Reorganization meeting has been rescheduled for January 26 at 7:30 pm. Immediately following will be the regular bimonthly meeting.
- The Annual Towing Permits will be considered at the next regular meeting.
- The town will accept Orange County Community Planning Grant Funds in the amount of $15,800 jointly with the Village of Tuxedo Park. This money will be used to fund the Lake Management Plan.
- The Public Hearing on the Master Plan will be continued on February 9, 2009 at 7:30 pm.
- The portion of the Town Code referring to a Town Ethics Board will be removed thus making it possible for the Town to appoint the Orange County Ethics Board to fulfill this responsibility.