The Village Board of Trustees held a special meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 7:30pm.
The primary purpose of the meeting was to discuss three competing Liability Insurance Policies and select one going forward. The current Village carrier, Selective Insurance, works with a number of small municipalities and has experienced unexpected losses relating to police departments and umbrella policies. Selective submitted a bid along with Argonaut Group’s Trident Insurance, while a third bid was sufficiently incomplete in the coverage’s it offered as to not be comparable to the first two bids. An issue for all bidders that is very difficult to completely assess relates to the Village dams. The Trident Policy annual premium was approximately $67,900 while Selective’s came in at $75,000. Following a detailed discussion, The Board voted unanimously in favor of accepting Trident’s bid.
A discussion then commenced about compensating Debbie Matthews and John Ledwith for all of the evening meetings of the various Village Boards meetings that one or both is required to cover. At a previous BOT meeting, a motion was made to compensate each going forward, but Mayor Stebbins said in making such a motion at the last BOT meeting, he failed to ask for the compensation to be applied retroactively to January 1, 2009. After discussion, the Board unanimously approved to make such payments retroactive to January of this year. The additional cost of the revised motion amounts to approximately $3,000.
The Trustees discussed the desirability of replacing the Main Gate’s “Tuxedo Park” sign [currently removed due to the fact it was about to fall apart] with either a new mahogany sign [about $800] or a new polyurethane sign [$900]. It was unanimously determined that in order to keep Village expenditures down, the sign should not be replaced at this time.
Mayor Stebbins brought up the issue of Village street lighting and Trustee Hayes indicated that a V.I.A.C. (Village Improvement Advisory Committee) report on this very issue would be completed within a week, so all discussion on this matter was postponed awaiting said report.
The meeting then adjourned to Executive session.