Special BOT Meeting 25 March 2009
Budget Discussion
The Village Board of Trustees met on March 25, 2009 for the purpose of discussing the Village of Tuxedo Park 2009–2010 Tentative Budget.
Trustee Worthy was absent.
The meeting started on time at 7:40 PM, and was divided into two separate discussions:
Capital Expenditure Budget Discussion:
Trustees Hanson and Shaw felt that capital expenditures below a threshold of approximately $100,000 annually should simply be expensed, while Mayor Stebbins and Trustee Hayes were asking for bonding authority for up to $1.45 million to cover the Village’s projected ten year capital expenditures. If passed, this authority would then be used to fund long term the capital purchases of the Village as they arose., No progress was made on this topic.
A 1997 DPW dump truck with plow is up for sale and needs to be advertised. Hopefully bids will be attracted at $5,000 or higher.
The Water Plant needs two new double walled fuel tanks with concrete slab foundation as the current tanks need to be replaced. Three bids are in so far.
The DPW’s current capital needs include a sewer jet cleaner [approximate cost $125,000] and a replacement truck with plow [approximate cost $47,000]. These are costs that Trustee’s Hanson and Shaw would expense, While Mayor Stebbins and Trustee Hayes would capitalize.
A list of the proposed capital expenditure items for the 2009 – 2010 budget can be found here and total $765,000 for the general Fund and $105,000 for the Water Fund.
Village Budget Discussion:
A line-by-line review of the proposed FY 2010 budget was conducted by Mayor Stebbins for both the General Fund [projected revenues $3,577,087 to include $152,000 from the existing surplus) and expenditures of an equal amount representing a projected increase in the budget of exactly 1.00%. On the revenue side, rents for Village garage space plus the Village owned home at the Water Plant are scheduled to increase. On the expense side, an additional full time police officer is built into the second half of the fiscal year’s budget. This addition will bring our Police force to four full time officers. A discussion ensued about the pros and cons of retaining an architect advisor for the BAR. The general consensus was that it depends on who is retained for the position and how objective that person is.
Water Fund revenues are projected to be $552,762 or a decrease of 5.37%. Costs are also $552,762 with no appropriation scheduled from the General Fund. This will be a positive step if it happens.