Village of Tuxedo Park
Board of Trustees Meeting, March 18, 2009.
The Board met at 7.30pm. Trustees Hansen and Shaw were absent.
Mayor’s Report.
In his general remarks, Mayor Stebbins reminded residents of the need to remove bird feeders by April 1st as the bear population is likely to be coming out of hibernation. With regard to his report at the February meeting, the Mayor wished to make a minor correction to his comments on the Village’s financial position relating to a reimbursable expenditure of $108,000. In order for this to occur, the Village will first have to ‘borrow’ the funds through a public bond issue in order for reimbursement to be made.
The Mayor also advised that a Special Board Meeting will be convened on March 25th to consider the Village 2009/10 Budget, followed by a Public Hearing on April 8th, for the purposes of formally considering and adopting the budget.
Deputy Mayor’s Report:
Trustee Hays reported that Tuxedo Reserve filed a revised plan to the Town Board concerning the delineation of Area 3 of the proposed development, which may hold the potential of adverse consequences, affecting both Tuxedo Lake and its watershed. As usual, the matter is receiving the close attention of the Town Planning Board, and Trustee Hays encouraged Park residents to take a serious interest in the surrounding issues. On another matter, the Deputy Mayor advised that Weston and Sampson had recently visited the Park DPW site and were not impressed with what they saw.
Trustee Worthy reminded Park residents that the ‘Clean Sweep’ (general clean-up of the community) is scheduled for April 25th and said that it is a cause that Village residents should actively support and participate in.
Police Report
During the month of February, the Police Dept received:
43 reports of a non-criminal nature,
3 reports of a possible criminal nature,
2 reports of property damage.
5 speeding tickets were issued and on 6 occasions assisted the Town Police and received assistance from the Town on 1 occasion.
During the month, 8124 untagged vehicles entered the Park.
DPW Report.
The Board agreed to extend its lease agreement on the Benjamin Meadow Rd equipment storage shed for a further 2 months to expire 5.31.09. It also agreed that the boat steam-cleaning facility at the Park’s Sewage Plant would be open from April 1st, between the hours of 1pm to 3pm on weekdays only. Chief Voss sought Board guidance on what chemicals are to be used to control algae in Tuxedo Lake.
Building Permits:
The Board approved a permit for a solar heating system to be installed at the Tuxedo Park School.
Advisory Committee Reports & Public Comments:
There were no reports or comments made.
Old Business:
It is expected that the Planning Board, which has already started to review the Fence Law, will be in a position to submit its recommendations after the Public Hearing on April 22nd.
New Business:
The 2009 elections for the Village Board will be held on June 16th, from 12pm to 9pm at the Village Office.
Public Hearings were opened, closed and subsequently approved by the Board as follows:
Local Law #1 of 2009 Regarding Cold War Veterans Exemption from Real Property Taxation. Mr. Ledwith calculated a maximum $60.00/year saving.
Local Law #2 of 2009 regarding Peace and Good Order (this relates to the non-use of leaf blowers to clear snow on Saturdays and Sundays only!)
Local Law #3 of 2009 regarding SEQRA changes to the Village Code (relating to the obligation of the Village to comply with State regulations relating to SEQRA. Approved with minor changes to the definitional language)
The Board agreed to hold a Public Hearing on Local Law #4 regarding the “Clean Hands” provisions of the Village Code, on April 22nd, 2009.
The Board deferred a Performance Based Incentive Payment Plan for Village Employees.
The Board considered a proposal to join the National Flood Insurance Program. This apparently only affects 5 properties at the south end of the Village, plus any new properties that may subsequently be built. The DEC must review and approve any proposed Local Law. After some discussion, it was felt that more information was needed and further discussion was postponed to April 8th.
With regard to the Precipice & Ridgeline recommendations that have been under consideration in recent months, it was agreed that the Village attorney, plus Trustees Hays & Worthy, should review the intended recommendations with a view to formulating a new Local Law, with the intention of presentation at a Public Hearing on April 22nd.
Finally it was agreed to consider proposed changes to the Zoning Code relating to Non-Conforming Uses of real property, primarily relating to cleaning-up and making the present Code more workable. Again a Public Hearing will be scheduled for April 22nd.
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at approx 10.15pm.