The Viillage of Tuxedo Park Planning Board met at 7:30pm on Monday January 7, 2008 to informally discuss Mr. Heibel's application for a new home on Camp Comfort Rd adjacent to the Cassis' parcel. Chairwoman Hanson explained that the Planning Board was reviewing the Building Inspector's assessment that the proposed new home location was both on a ridge line and a precipice in contradiction to the Village Zoning Code. She and the 3 other Board Members present inquired as to alternative house locations that might not require a variance or, at least, less of a variance. The Board's objective is to be prepared for rendering an opinion to the Board of Zoning Appeals as the applicant must seek a zoning waiver from that Board. Mr. Heibel Jr. was present together with his attorney and his architect Mr. Guggenheimer. Several neighbors were also in attendance, and they expressed a few concerns about the applicant's proposal. Legal questions were addressed by Mr. Golden and Engineering matters were mostly deferred. Board member McQuillkan was absent due to his roll of monitoring Town Planning Board meetings during deliberations concerning Tuxedo Reserve's 1200 unit development abutting Tuxedo Park. The session was adjourned at about 9:30 PM.