The Town Board met on Monday, July 23, 2008 at 7:30 pm. All members were present.
During his Supervisor/Town Board Update, Peter Dolan announced that he, along with Councilman Darling and Joe Tripoli had met with the DEC at the Powerhouse property last week and he felt the meeting went well. According to the DEC the Town is in compliance with maintaining the spillway and plans are moving ahead to turn this property into a Town Park.
The Town has filed the paperwork to take the bond money from the Sterling Mine Estates development so that the road and landscaping can be finished. Shortly after the paperwork was filed, the developer put trees in and contracted for road paving. The paver has contacted the Town for direction. It was decided that Joe Tripoli should speak to the paving contractor and ascertain whether or not he feels the company will do the job to the Town’s standards.
Supervisor Dolan announced that the Skate Park has opened at the Lucky in the East Village. (see Town opens New Skate Park at The Lucky)
In other business, the Board appointed Darren Maynard of the Woodlands to the Architectural Review Board. His term will expire on September 30, 2011. Also, Town Highway employee Robert A. Marsh was promoted from Highway Laborer to Motor Equipment Operator.
The Town is in the process of updating their Master Plan, which was last addressed in 1972. Councilman Castricone has been involved in drafting the plan, along with Town Planner Bonnie Franson and former Councilman Andy Siegel. A draft version of the plan is now ready and has been circulated to the Town Board. It will be on file with the Town Clerk and also available in the Tuxedo Library within a week. At the request of this reporter, a copy will also be sent to the Tuxedo Park Village Office. A preliminary public hearing on the draft will be held on September 8th.
The following Board meeting dates were set for the summer months:
Either July 8 or July 15 – 9 am, voucher meeting
July 28 – 7:30 pm - regular meeting
August 12 – 9 am - voucher meeting
August 25 – 7:30 pm - regular meeting