The Town Board met on Monday, May 12, 2008 at 7:30 pm.
All members were present.
Supervisor Peter Dolan opened the meeting by thanking everyone who came to Tichy Field last weekend to support the Opening Day of Little League.
He then went on the make several announcements:
Since the next regularly scheduled meeting is on Memorial Day, that meeting will not be held. Instead the Board will hold a brief “voucher meeting” on the morning of Tuesday, May 27.
The Town has received $450,000 from Amtrak for the
renovation of the Train Station.
Tom Darling is negotiating with Verizon for the installation of a celltower in Town. After scouting several locations, it has been decided that the sewer treatment plant on Contractor’s Row is the best spot to locate the tower. The terms of the license are still being negotiated.
Taverna Tuxedo has received it’s temporary liquor license!
The next items of business were several resolutions, namely:
The Town will sign a new contract with Always Clean, their present Cleaning company.
The Town Police will provide protection during the annual Renasissance Festival this August and September.
The Town will accept a $25,000 Bond from Milennium Pipeline, which will be used for landscaping around the metering station that was replaced on Long Meadow Road.
Town Towing licenses have been granted to C.A.R.S, Harriman Auto, Loyal Tire, NJV Auto, Tuxedo Auto Body and Tuxedo Gulf.
In other business, Gary Phelps and Joe Tripoli proposed issuing photo IDs for Town Highway employees. The Ambulance Corps has a machine, which can make cards with digital pictures printed on them. After some discussion, it was decided to pursue photo IDs for all Town Employees.