The Village Board of Trustees held a public meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2008.
The purpose of this meeting was for the public, the Environmental Committee, and the Board of Trustees to hear presentations from two lake management consulting firms which had submitted proposals to the Village.
In December 2007, after months of research and meetings with environmental groups, county and state agencies and with permission from the Board of Trustees, the Environmental Advisory Committee constructed an RFP for the purpose of engaging a Lakes Management firm to aid the Village in creating a Lakes Management Plan. The objective of this plan, as defined by the Environmental Advisory Committee, is to determine the optimal way to preserve the beauty and health of all three Tuxedo Park lakes. In addition, the plan would be designed to remedy existing problems with the lakes, improve or restore aspects of the lakes that may require attention, aid in anticipating problematic future issues likely to require attention and provide the Board of Trustees with recommended procedural or legislative updates to ensure management best practices for stormwater, watershed and lake management.
Two bids were received from Princeton Hydro and FX Browne respectively.
On April 10, both firms made detailed presentations before the members of the Board as well as the Environmental Advisory Committee.