Village Board of Architectural Review Meeting March 18, 2008

The Village Board of Architectural Review met on March 18, 2008 at 7 PM.
Board members Paula Tocci and Celeste Gebhardt were absent.

Goldman – Garage conversion and windows
The Applicant presented final plans for the conversion of an existing attached garage into a playroom. The plans addressed conformity of proposed windows and trims to the rest of house as well as related brickwork. The Applicant initially appeared on March 4, 2008. Since then, the Board had conducted a site visit and neighbors had been notified – no comments. The application was unanimously approved.

Cavada – Kitchen extension, porch renovation, new windows, new AC units plus fencing, resurfacing of ramp with grass
The Applicant last appeared on March 6, 2007. The Board asked for a summary of proposed renovation, which was given. Revised plan addressed all of the Board’s prior concerns. Neighbors were notified on two separate occasions – no comments. A BZA variance was granted on July 27, 2007 relating to set backs. The application was unanimously approved.

McFadden – Window changes plus addition of exterior French doors
Applicant initially appeared on March 4 2008. Since then, the Board had conducted a site visit and neighbors had been notified – no comments. Applicant re-submitted a new set of French doors (wood with true divided light) and presented a photo of the exterior light fixture. The application was unanimously approved subject to the condition that the Building Inspector is satisfied with the structural aspects of installing the French doors.

[Editors Note: All three of these applications were approved in just under a total of 40 minutes, demonstrating the BAR process at its best.]

Witte – New home construction on Tower Hill Loop
This was the Applicant’s initial meeting before the BAR, and was made as a courtesy because the Applicant is still waiting for the Planning Board to determine the building envelop and infrastructure hook up and the BZA to rule on the proposed construction on ridgeline. The BZA meeting is scheduled for the end of March, while the first meeting with the Planning Board took place last week. The Board encouraged Applicant to carefully read Section 100-54 of the Village Code which gives details on BAR process and review criteria.

Mincey– exterior repainting
Applicant presented new paint colors and the Board voted in favor of the proposed changes. Unfortunately, after the meeting adjourned, the Board discovered that the neighbors had not been notified as required by Village Code, rendering their vote null and void. Thus, the applicant will need to attend the next available BAR meeting to obtain a legal and binding vote on its application.

The meeting was adjourned at 8.15 PM.



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