The Village Planning Board met on July 9 2007 at 7:30pm. The following applications were discussed:
Tuxedo Partners, LLC
Attorney Dennis Lynch confirmed Tuxedo Partners’ intent to “build out their property” of 12 lots located on Pine Hill Rd. He introduced the Tuxedo Partners team: Steve Esposito, Planner and Dave Higgins, Engineer. Concerns regarding traffic, hydrology, drainage, site disturbance, swales, concrete vaults, detention chambers, maintenance costs and blasting were all discussed. The next step will be drainage calculations.
Taxido Park Mountain
Toby Guggenheimer presented a site plan of the Lookout Mountain Road house lot. The potential for storm water runoff from this lot to downhill neighbors has become a concern. In addition, road and drainage improvements may need to be made. Building Inspector John Ledwith, DPW Chief Richie Morrow and Village Engineers Weston and Sampson will inspect.
The applicant is seeking a lot line change, but the Village Attorney feels this matter is a subdivision and not a lot-line change. The applicant claims the parcel of land was bought from the Sonnes with an obligation to sell back one lot. Mr. Vandermeer then decided to switch from s 3-lot to s 2-lot subdivision and "buildable lot" requirements were discussed.