The second revised budget, on which the tax payers are asked to vote on June 19th, will result in an approximate tax levy increase of 10.73% (down from 12.6%) The final figure will depend on state aid and other revenue developments still unclear.
What became clear however was an increasing worry by some speakers at the meeting about the Greenwood Lake situation. The Board was essentially asked to get more active and to develop plans for a future without the GL students. The Board president professed that he was also concerned and promised to establish a course of action involving and informing the tax payers. There were also complaints that the Board negotiated the one year contract extension with GL at terms not advantageous to the Tuxedo tax payers.
It is suggested that the next village administration become seriously involved in the situation in order to represent village interests in this important development.
It may be noted that again neither the village mayor, nor the deputy mayor nor the appointed "Board of Ed liaison" person were present at the meeting.