Candidate Petitions: Important information for Tuxedo Park Voters | May 1, 2007

Please be informed of the correct procedures for signing Candidate Petitions. You can only sign for one mayoral candidate and two trustee candidates.

Please pass on this important message to correct misinformation sent from the Mayor.

In a recent blog posting, Mayor McFadden states, “residents are entitled to sign petitions for the same elected office for more than one candidate.” This is blatantly untrue.

The New York State Board of Elections webpage states the following:
“Voters may not sign a petition for more candidates than there are openings for an office. For example, if there is one council seat open, then the voter may only sign one petition for a candidate for that office. If there are 2 seats open, the voter may sign petitions for 2 candidates.”

New York State Election law further clarifies:
“The name of a person signing such a petition for an election for which voters are required to be registered shall not be counted if the name of a person who has signed such a petition appears upon another valid and effective petition designating or nominating the same or a different person for the same office.”

In other words…………you can sign for ONE Mayoral candidate and TWO Trustee candidates.

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