The full Board of Architectural Review met at 7 PM on November 6, 2007.
Applicant Olderog received the relevant BZA variances to enable them to propose turning a garage into a living space and enclosing a porch at the rear of the house. The BAR reviewed and supported the proposed exterior changes. The applicant was asked to submit a material specifications book and a landscaping plan to the BAR and a structural plan to the Building Inspector and Village Engineer in preparation for a vote at the next meeting.
Applicant Schmidtberger presented plans to install four stone pillars [2 each at both entrances to a semi-circular driveway]. The BAR supported the proposed design. The Village Code requires that the pillars be set back 5 feet from the property line. The applicant will check to make sure that the plan meets this requirement, and return to the BAR for a vote at the next meeting.
Applicant Marcus proposed to build an ornamental 2 feet deep pond, a garage extension accessed by a driveway annex and a small kitchen extension. The applicant has obtained the necessary BZA variances. As the next step, the BAR requested staking the driveway and extension, as well as a perspective drawing showing a view of the extension from the driveway. The BAR will visit the site when the stakes are in. The applicant will then return to hear BAR comments. If the BAR approves of the design concept, the applicant will be asked to submit detailed architectural drawings and material specifications for the extensions, structural and design details for the driveway and retaining walls, and plumbing, lining, and overflow plans for the pond.
Applicant Sammann proposed to build an ornamental stone wall on the front portion of the property, install extensive plantings, change the orientation and material of the driveway, construct a blue stone patio, install stone steps in the garden, replace the existing tennis court with a grassed area featuring a bike path, and build a stand-alone garage. The applicant will seek BZA variance for the garage and patio, which the BAR supports. The BAR suggested changes to the design of the wall, landscaping and driveway; the applicant’s architect agreed to consider the suggestions and will return with revised plans.
Applicant McQuilkin and Russell presented the next phase of their ongoing property renovation. The applicants proposed to install fencing and a gate on the side of the property, reshape and extend an existing old brick path, construct stone walls and pillars (two of which will feature antique lights on top) at the parking area, resurface and extend an existing terrace patio with blue stone, build a lower wall in brick with stone coping, and relocate two AC compressors next to the above-ground propane tank and hide this equipment behind lattice. The fences, gate and two parking area pillars with lights will require BZA variance, which the BAR supports. The BAR commented on the proposed design changes; the applicants’ architect and landscape contractor agreed to consider the suggestions and return with revised plans.
Applicant Mengal asked that the four pillars supporting an overhang at the front entry be reduced to two. The BAR voted unanimously to accept this amendment, subject to the condition that the applicant satisfies the Building Inspector in regard to the structural integrity of the overhang after the removal of two non-structural pillars.
The BAR discussed and agreed to inform the Board of Trustees about an existing anomaly in the Village Code in regard to site plan review.