Town of Tuxedo Planning Board Meeting Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Town of Tuxedo Planning Board met on December 11, 2007 at 7pm.

The first item on the agenda was the Latini project at the former Duck Cedar Inn.  The original site plans for the project included a pre-school day care center.   Since the Applicant has been unable to find a daycare franchise to take over the space, he has made slight alterations to his original site plan.  He now proposes moving the sheet metal factory, located in the back of the plaza, from the north side of the building to the south.  This will allow him to incorporate more retail space on the north side of the plaza.  The Applicant was seeking a referral from the Planning Board to the Zoning Board of Appeals so that he can request necessary variances.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of the referral.

The second item on the agenda was the preliminary site plan approval for Northridge, Phase One of the Tuxedo Reserve project. Town consultants presented Board members with packets, which contained a Preliminary Site Plan Approval Resolution as well as an extensive outline of the remaining waivers. While this was the second draft of the resolution, it was the first opportunity for board members to review and discuss it with their consultants.  As previously reported, the town consultants had some specific concerns about the road grades and sight distances at intersections within the development.  Due to the topography of the land and the relationship of the roads and the near-by protected wetlands, what the applicant was proposing did not meet the pre-approved Town of Tuxedo Standards for road grades. Following the December 6 special Planning Board workshop, the consultants were able to reach a compromise solution with the applicant on this issue. In addition there were several issues raised by the board, most importantly that of project over-site, and these were discussed at length.  After a lengthy review of the resolution and much discussion, the Board granted the applicant conditional preliminary approval subject to the changes outlined during the discussion portion of the meeting.  This approval will be good for six months, although extensions are expected. 


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