Town Planning Board Special Workshop on Tuxedo Reserve,
November 20, 2007

The Town of Tuxedo Planning Board met on November 20, 2007 at 7:00pm

The purpose of the meeting was a special workshop for the Planning Board to hear from their Consultants regarding the waiver requests from Tuxedo Reserve. Although this was scheduled as a workshop, representatives of Tuxedo Reserve were present and contributed to the discussions. 

Town consultant Stan Puszcz circulated a revised list of the original 102 waivers, with a status report on each one. At present there are 33 waivers required.

Although many of the items are administrative, there appears to be disagreement between the engineers for Tuxedo Reverse and the consultants for the Town on the vertical and horizontal alignment of the roads. Basically the roads are too steep through some of the intersections and exceed street grade limitations and sight distances. The roads do not meet the Town of Tuxedo Standards as previously approved. The causes are the topography and the relationship of the roads and the protected wetlands. Another area of concern is the blasting design standards and procedures. The applicant is pushing the Planning Board to approve these safety related items in conjunction with the final plans and final approvals. If the Town’s consultants and traffic engineers have safety concerns, those issues should be addressed now and not later.

The circulated list also contained reference numbers corresponding to relevant sections of “Conditions for Final Subdivision Plat and Site Plan Approval” which were included as part of the Special Permit for the North Ridge Subdivision and to a modified Special Permit with the proposed corresponding changes.

Several Board members expressed their views on the difficult nature of this process and the volume of information to be evaluated before they can vote on preliminary approval.


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