The Town Board met on Tuesday, November 14th at 7:30 pm. Councilperson Spivak was not present.
The meeting opened with two public hearings. The first was on the Town’s 2008 Preliminary Budget, which shows increases of 3.99% for the Town and 1.46% for the Village. Supervisor Dolan together with Town Budget Officer Pat Sullivan, explained that the Town had substantial increases in Workmen’s Comp expenses (which went up 70%) as these charges are based on claims over the past 5 years and there have been two rather substantial claims. There was also an increase in personnel services, which reflects the fact that the payroll at Town Hall has been adjusted to “give back” the pay cut which was put into place by a prior administration.
The second public hearing was for the Hamlet Sewer Charges. These will be increased due to the fact that the Town experienced a large water main break on Route 17 (just opposite the entrance to the Park) and needed all the money to pay for the repair. Rates are being raised to finish repairs and to build up the reserve again.
During his Supervisor’s Update, Peter Dolan announced that work was proceeding on the Police Contract negotiations and he hopes to have a contract to present by next week. He also gave a report on the recent elections. Jean Ruffino has conceded. The County has received 28 absentee ballots and 8 “emergency” paper ballots, (cast when the machine malfunctioned) which will be counted at 1 pm on November 14th. At this time, there will be a clear winner in the Councilman’s race.
When the official meeting was opened, the Board adopted the 2008 Final Budget.
In other business, Supervisor Dolan announced he is negotiating with Marangi, the Town’s present garbage contractor, for an extension of the present contract in an effort to bring the price down.
Ed Brennan was reappointed Fire Commissioner and a new part time Police Dispatcher was appointed.
James Latini, who has been given approval for his project on the old Duck Cedar Inn property, appeared to ask permission to erect a sign on the side of the building advertising a Liquidation Sale for items left in the building. The sign will be displayed until January 1st. Permission was granted.
Michele Lindsay of Tuxedo Park expressed her dismay that the public hearing on Northridge (Phase One, Section One of Tuxedo Reserve) has been closed. She also expressed her hope that the Town will have some bonding or oversight to make sure that the project is actually finished and that a situation similar to that with Sterling Mine Estates does not occur.